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Non-Player Characters

These are the non-player characters. These are all the characters that have appeared in Equinox stories, but aren't one of the main player characters. They're sort of the characters that belong to everyone. Characters whose names are highlighted in yellow are alive and on the Equinox. The listing for each character includes the character's name, character's rank, and a description of the character.


Matthias Anaita, Lieutenant JG
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  A member of the Goulavar Republic. Helped the Equinox repel a Wiansani attack, but then led the Equinox into a trap.
Barclay, Lieutenant
  A simulation of Enterprise Lt. Barclay created on the holodeck by Kalamarina.
Lilly Becker, Lieutenant Commander
  The chief engineer on the U.S.S. Webb one year ago.
Elani Borgatella, Lieutenant
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Etely Bruder, Ensign
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Tony Cahmnen, Ensign
  A bridge officer on the Equinox. Had a hallucination involving the Borg attacking the Equilibrium.
Cynthia Calea, Lieutenant
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Al Capone
  A recreation of this 1920's gangster somehow gained control of a holodeck program that Beeg and Mason were running.
James Carter, Lieutenant
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Chandler, Ensign
  A conn officer on night shift bridge duty.
Mr. Clemons
  Director of the Arboretum.
  A Cardassian renegade who was involved in shady business deals with Reman, as well as the Son'a. He was killed on Stardate 52020.9 when Kalamarina destroyed his ship.
Davis, Ensign
  A security officer.
Kyra Draven, Lieutenant JG
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Dyae, Counselor
  Formerly the ship's counselor. Recently transferred to the U.S.S. Sutherland.
Ejja, Ensign
  The operations officer on the U.S.S. Webb one year ago. A Ferakin.
Philip Emerson, Lieutenant
  A childhood friend of Etely Bruder. Bruder had a hallucination about him while recovering in sickbay.
  The Emergency Medical Holographic doctor installed on most Federation starships. Holo-emitters are installed throughout the ship primarily so that the EMH program may be used anywhere in the ship.
Garrovik Changeling
  A Changeling who took the Equinox into Breen space 4 years ago by impersonating Starfleet Admiral Garrovik.
Paral Gaush, Commander
  The first officer on the U.S.S. Webb one year ago. A Trill.
Groder, Lieutenant
  An officer on DS9, an acquaintance of Elani Borgatella.
Haiden, Lieutenant
  A friend of Matthias Anaita.
Heaton, Lieutenant
  A security officer on board the ship. His usual post is guarding the brig.
Jack Hindman
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  The chief of the Oblok tribe on Talic 2.
Hunter, Chief
  Was the Conn Officer on the Equinox 4 years ago.
Alex Jarrod, Lieutenant
  A medical officer who was captured and modified by the Mason Changeling. The Changeling called him Ja'ka. Lieutenant Jarrod died on Stardate 52039.5 as a result of the Changeling's manipulations.
Kalamarina, Lieutenant JG
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Lopez, Ensign
  A security officer who was also Reman's part-time business partner. Was made temporary Security Chief when Carter was found to be MIA. Served in that position until he died on Stardate 52037.5
L'vant, Doctor
  A Betazoid. Formerly the Equinox's Chief Medical Officer. She was killed by Dand on Stardate 52011.0
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Malar, Counselor
  The ship's counselor.
  A security officer on the ship.
Chaz Mason
  Captain Mason's son, a half Vulcan. He was captured and impersonated by a Changeling. He found the Changeling impersonating him, but was killed by the Changeling on Stardate 52037.9.
Mason Changeling
  A Changeling who first impersonated Chaz Mason, then Captain Frank Mason. He has great technical skill, and used it to capture and manipulate Etely Bruder and Alex Jarrod as part of a plan to create an army of super soldiers. Was killed by Alex Jarrod on Stardate 52039.5
McEwan, Chief
  A transporter operator on the Equinox 4 years ago.
McOwen, Ensign
  An engineer as well as a friend of Jack Hindman.
Metcalf, Commander
  An officer from the Rutledge who was James Carter's mentor. He was at some point assimilated by the Borg. He was killed by Carter on Stardate 52013.7
Rebecca Ming, Commander
  First Officer of the U.S.S. Equinox. Served previously as first officer under Captain Winston, and continued to serve in that position when command of the ship was passed to Captain Mason. When she was an Ensign, she served on the U.S.S. Valiant under Captain Bruder.
Mohav, Doctor
  The head of the cybernetics lab on Starbase 263.
Mull Valen, Lieutenant Commander
  The Operations Officer on the Equinox. A Bajoran. Has some interest in Lieutenant Elea. He transferred to the Equinox recently, at about the same time Captain Mason took command.
Etalom'Ori Taj
  A P.O.W. rescued from the Dominion. An Etalom. He unsuccessfully tried to steal Enoz's unborn baby before being killed on Stardate 52063.9
Tina Reiser, Lieutenant JG
  The tactical officer on the U.S.S. Webb one year ago.
  A security officer on the ship.
Oblokoni'Slytixe Lenoz, Chief
  An Oblokoni who is an engineering officer assigned to night shift saucer warp core maintainence. Enoz's mate.
Oblokoni'Slyttelweh Zenoz, Ensign
  An Oblokoni who is the head of Interstellar Sciences. Enoz's husband. He recently became pregnant.
Syxx, Lieutenant Commander
  The Chief Engineer of the ship. A Bolian. Served previously under Captain Winston. On Stardate 52037.6 he had a sexual encounter with Lieutenant Commander Enoz.
  An engineering officer.
  A female officer who worked in exobiology before she was killed at Reman's barber shop on Stardate 52042.9
Gene Thomas, Acting Ensign
  A second year biochemistry student who has been sent to work as a nurse on the Equinox.
  Captain Mason's wife. A Vulcan.
  Dand's first officer.
Wallin, Doctor
  A Goulavar doctor sent over to the Equinox to help treat Jack Hindman.
Kasper Weis
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White, Ensign
  A security officer who's been secretly involved with Captain Mason.
Robert Winston, Admiral
  The previous Captain of the Equinox.
Winston Changeling
  A changeling who came to Talic 2 impersonating Admiral Winston. Was killed by Lenoz and Zenoz on Stardate 52039.5
Wood, Ensign
  A tactical officer who was killed by the Wiansani.
Worf, Lieutenant Commander
  DS9's Strategic Operations Officer. He was recreated in one of Cynthia Calea's holodeck programs.
Gary Yost, Lieutenant
  The conn officer on the U.S.S. Webb one year ago.
Zeek, Lieutenant
  An engineering officer. A Vulcan.

Player Characters