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Captain Mason
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Name: Frank N. Mason
Age: 45
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Race: Human
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 211 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red, cut short
Frank Mason was born on Starbase 142 on May 8, 2330. Both of his parents were Starfleet Officers. His father was a science officer, working in computer system design at the time. His mother was the head of security on the starbase. Mason grew up on the starbase, and was therefore exposed to Starfleet for most of his life. He was even exposed to some battle during a Tholian attack on the starbase when he was 16. Luckily, he and his parents survived the attack. In the aftermath of the attack, Mason was sent live on Earth for a year. There he met a young Vulcan woman named T'Mil. After his year on Earth, he went back to the Starbase and lived there for almost another year before entering Starfleet Academy at age 18. He graduated from the academy in 2352. He served on various ships, first as an operations officer, then a tactical officer. While serving as a tactical officer on the U.S.S. Gemini he once again met up with T'Mil, and the two were eventually married. Soon after, Mason was promoted from tactical and served in various command positions before being promoted to Captain in 2363. His first command was the U.S.S. Tolstoy, which he commanded for 4 years until it was destroyed in the battle of Wolf 359. Mason was offered another command, but after going through the battle with the Borg, and wanting a job that would let him be closer to his wife, he instead took a position as a Federation trade coordinator on Vulcan. He did that for 6 years. Finally, Mason returned to the Captain's seat, deciding that he'd missed being in command of a starship. He commanded the U.S.S. Webb for 2 years, during which time he found himself once again having to fight the Borg, and later having to fight the Dominion. After being on the front line of the Dominion war for several months, Mason requested a transfer to an exploration ship that wouldn't be as close to the war. Since the Captain of the U.S.S. Equinox had just been promoted to Admiral, Frank Mason was granted the request and given command of the ship. Mason has three children: Toral, Chaz, and Anye. Chaz was killed by a Changeling on Stardate 52037.9.

Personality Profile:
Mason has a somewhat direct command style, especially during critical situations. Because the amount of time he's spent among Vulcans, he's picked up a bit of the Vulcan style of thinking, and therefore tends to be more logical in his decision making than many other Starfleet Captains. It also causes him to come off as somewhat unfeeling in some situations, but not all the time. Mason has seen a good deal of combat, and is very capable in battle, but after fighting the Borg, Jem'Hadar, and a few other adversaries, he's grown tired of battle and tends to avoid any type of armed conflict. Captain Mason hates the water due to a swimming accident that happened while his family was vacationing on Vulcan when he was a child.

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