Captain Mason sat in his ready room, looking over a display of the ship's schematics. He looked up from the display, realizing he had forgotten to make his log entry. He tapped his communicator pin, "Captain's Log, Stardate 52008.4. Captain Frank Mason commanding. I have been briefed on my mission aboard the Equinox. The ship is still docked at Deep Space 3 pending completion of an upgrade to the deflector and the arrival of a few more crew members, but we should be underway shortly." He stopped there, hearing the indicating beep of an incoming transmission from his computer display. He touched the panel, and the ship schematic was replaced by the image of Rear Admiral Robert Winston. Mason smiled, "Robert. I was wondering when you were going to call. Congratulations on the promotion." Winston looked at his uniform, "The uniform feels a little big on me right now, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I just thought I'd say hi to you before you took my ship out into deep space." Mason laughed, "She's my ship now, Robert. They don't give you that Admiral's uniform for free." Winston grinned, "I suppose not. Just bring her back in one piece. Have you been briefed on your mission?" Mason nodded, "Admiral Vonitoff already briefed me, and I was just reviewing the mission directives. It seems like a fairly routine mission, explore the region of space beyond the Milari system. As I understand, it's been charted to an extent, but so far unexplored." "There's one other thing," Winston picked up a PADD, looked at it for a moment,then looked back into his viewscreen at Mason, When you reach the Galana system, Starfleet wants you to be sure to take some samples of a specific ore on Galana 3. Your Chief Science Officer has already been given the details. By the way, have you had a chance to meet thecrew yet?" Mason said, "Yes. There was a reception earlier this morning. Most of the crew was there. They made a good impression." Winston smiled, "Well, I can't speak for the transfers or the new recruits, but the ones I left you are good officers. They should serve you well." Mason paused, "I hope so." Winston nodded, "Well, I've taken up enough of your time. Good luck on your journeys Captain." Mason replied, "Thank you, Admiral." "Winston out." The screen went blank. Mason touched the panel and the ship schematic came back up. He stared at the screen, thinking hard about something he saw there. Then, he highlighted a couple of areas and appended some notes to the file. He once again touched the panel, then spoke to the computer, "Computer. Encrypt file. Encryption code 9, 9, Bravo, 1, 3. Authorization Mason, Alpha, 8, 3, 7, Alpha." The Computer responded, "File encrypted." Mason sat for a few minutes, thinking, then got up from his chair and walked out onto the bridge.