Stardate 52013.5 Elea lay on a diagnostics table in a room just off of Main engineering. She knew nothing, just laying there perfectly still. Her eyes staring at the ceiling, and a look of semi-surprise frozen on her face. Various pieces of equipment sat around, and over, her still form. Some beeping slowly, others beeping urgently. Two tubes ran from her open abdominal cavity to a small box near her side, a dark reddish fluid moved slowly through it. Lieutenant Commander Syxx withdrew his hands from her innards, and wiped them off on a cloth one of his assistants offered. He looked tired, and worn. "Syxx to Captain Mason", he said after leaning against the wall to push the intercom button. "Mason here, report Lieutenant", curt and blunt, the Captain was unhappy. Syxx glanced over at Elea's form, "We've managed to stabilize her. Its a good thing too, whatever happened stopped her nutrient fluid pump. We've managed to rig up an external one to keep her brain alive...but...", he sighed. "Lieutenant, but what?", the frown was almost audible. "Well sir, I can't find anything mechanically wrong. Besides the fact her systems are locked, I'd say she should be doing cartwheels down the halls right now. It seems the neural interface isn't working, and her body's automatic systems are off-line also. Its like the software just crashed, and I have no idea how to reinitialize it." There was a pause on the intercom, "Very well Mr. Syxx, do what....", the signal faded to static. Syxx arched an eyebrow, "Sir?", he hit the intercom button again, "Bridge?" Static. "What in the bloody hell’s is going on?" In response, the lights in engineering began to flicker ominously. Alarms sounded from the other rooms. Syxx cursed and grabbed his assistants. They rushed from the room into chaos. The Warp core was still active, but consoles were flashing on and off intermittently, the lighting flickered and alarms howled. Syxx stepped into the center of the room. "Report!", he bellowed, his voice echoing over the noise. An ensign rushed up, "Weapons and Shields just went off-line sir! All decks below 10 are reporting power brownouts!" Syxx punched up a display, and frowned as he watched the schematics start turning red. "Damnation, its in the device drivers! Disconnect all essential systems from the computer, engage auxiliary power! If it doesn't have a backup control system, do it manually! I want to know the extent of what we are dealing with, give priority to engines and life support. Someone get me a working line to the bridge!", the ensign saluted and scurried off. All over engineering, people began ripping access covers off. Isolinear chips were yanked and rearranged, disconnecting all unaffected systems from the ships computer, and each other. The weapons and shield systems were mostly ignored, since the engineers were more concerned with stabilizing than repairing at the current time. ================================== (/\) ===================================== She knew they had left. As soon as the lights started to flicker she had excepted them too. It was maddening, for the last few hours she had been staring at the exact same ceiling panel, and was totally unable to do anything about it. She could hear and see still, and feel the engineering team's hands on her skin. But she couldn't do anything about it, couldn't let them know she was still conscious. She hadn't been when they first got her there, she had been technically dead, her brain starved for oxygen. It had been horrible, she knew what was happening, but couldn't make her nutrient pump work, the world had slowly faded to black. She shuddered mentally, and started crying mentally too. Yet her body remained frozen and unmoving, except for a single tear that tracked down her cheek. At first, she had excepted them to know how to fix her. But now, after overhearing Lieutenant Commander Syxx talking to the Captain, she wasn't so sure. They had no idea how to repair her, and she couldn't tell them. All she could do was lay there and stare at the ceiling, hoping against all odds that someone could help her, and that they wouldn't just pull the plug...