Stardate 52013.6 Kalamarina marched to a turbolift. Entering it she ordered it to Deck 23, the location of the Interstellar Science Department containing Astrometrics, Stellar Cartography and Deflector Control. The turbolift complied and began it's descent. A rumble from inside the tube shook the turbolift and it stopped. "Computer! Report!" she howled. "Turbolift inertial dampeners off line. Emergency braking systems engaged." was the computer's reply. "What deck am I on?" "Turbolift is currently placed between decks 21 and 22." It occured to Kalamarina that it was less than a half dozen meters to the bottom of the lift tube. She pulled a small phaser out of her boot and blew a hole in the bottom of the lift. Trusting her combination of strong genetics to protect her, she dropped down and sprained an ankle upon landing. She merely grunted and entered her office and accessed her files when the intercom sounded, "Syxx to Kalamarina. We have a power drain and too much of the available power left is being routed to your deck. We're trying a reroute but it's not responding. Report!" Barely thinking before she said it, she lied: "The warp core's about to breach. I'm trying to compensate with the deflector dish!" "A breach?" "You don't know? The core's right behind you isn't it?" Before Engineering could reply, she cut the com off. If anyone found out about all her adjustments, she'd be finished in Starfleet. She wasn't overly threatened by the uncanny ability of the Security Chief, but Engineering worried her. 'Well, I'll just give them something to worry about.' Typing quickly on her console, she accessed her personal database, activating the file named "Goodies". When she had come aboard, she had stashed around the ship various pieces of technology that might come in handy. Her site to site transporter was in her office replicator. Since Reman might want some of her stuff, she'd hidden some of it right under his lobes. She'd smuggled aboard a transwarp power conduit and placed inside the base of one his barber chairs. She beamed the conduit directly into the main dish couplings. She then modulated the dish to invert the ship's warp field back into the core and laughed as the ship shook violently with a core breach in progress. She then activated a second beam from the auxiliary dish generator to control the breach, doing exactly what she had said. The bulkheads around her began vibrated with overloading systems. Grabbing a tricorder to remote control the dish, she beamed herself off the soon to be demolished Deck 23. 'Soon, I'll get to rebuild this deck my way from scratch. Ah, Kahless! Might may you be, but even you must bow down before the superiority of the deflector dish! My department, my dish!' As she dematerialized, she couldn't help but wonder why people thought captains had all the power.