Stardate: 52009.4 Reman stepped out of the Turbolift door onto Deck 5 and walked to the barber shop. Once there, he looked around inside his new business. "This room is all mine," he thought, "The profit to be made here is truly great. Without any other barber shops on this ship I will clean up so to speak..." Just as Reman was about to return to Cargo Bay 2 to get the rest of his things a man walked in and stopped him. "Where do you think you are going Reman?" Reman just looked up and smiled, "Why Mr. Clemons director of the Arboritum, to what do I owe this pleasure?" "Dispense with your pleasantries. I want my five bars of latinum back. You sold me this case of Grade A Earth caviar but when I tested the case it wasn't Grade A! Care to explain?" Reman just looked puzzled and then said, "Why sir I did not mean to deceive you by saying it was Grade A earth caviar. I just said that to make other people think that is what you were getting. It really is Simina caviar. I wanted to give you a good deal without other people knowing." Mr. Clemons looked surprised for a moment and then said, "Simina caviar!!!?? Really? That caviar goes for three times as much as you charged me for just a small can! How did you manage that?" "Well to tell you the truth I won't make any profit on this deal. But that is ok. I just wanted to let you know that if you needed something you can count on me. I prefer to give my customers the better part of the deal," Reman said. Mr. Clemons was just about to believe Reman but then, "Wait a minute. I want to be sure. I need this stuff tested first." "Very well then." Reman reached into his pocket quickly and pulled out a small can of Simina caviar without Mr. Clemons seeing him. Reman then reached into the case he sold to Mr. Clemons and acted like he had just pulled the can in his hand out of the case. Mr. Clemons scanned the can with his tricorder, which identified it as Simina caviar. Mr. Clemons was stunned. "I don't believe it. You are quite a fellow Reman." Reman just smiled and shrugged. Mr. Clemons continued, "Sorry about the trouble and don't worry. I won't tell anybody about our little deal. I am so glad to get this kind of caviar. It will go over great at the dinner the Captain is holding to welcome all new members of the ship. I am glad to say happy doing business with you Reman. I will be sure to tell others about you." "No problem. I am just glad you are happy," Reman said. Mr. Clemons picked up the case of caviar and then walked out of Reman's barber shop after saying good-bye. Reman just smiled and thought, "Hmmmm.. I paid two bars for that case of low grade Bajoran caviar and I need to pay my 'business partner', Lopez, one. So I made two bars of latinum all together. I could have gotten more but with that fool shooting his mouth off about how honest I am it will get me a lot more business. Just the way I planned." When Reman turned around, a short man with a Starfleet uniform was standing in the doorway. He was even shorter than Reman and had dark brown hair, dark features, and green eyes. Even though he was short, he was very muscular. "Lopez. Glad to see you," Reman said. Lopez, a young security ensign, nodded and then said, "So....where's my cut of the deal?" Reman held out a bar of Latinum and Lopez took it. "Wow! A whole bar? I thought I was just going to get a half of a bar. How did you get it?" "Well I just persuaded Mr. Clemons to pay a little more. He was happy to. See Lopez. I take care of my friends." "Yeah! Thanks a lot Reman! And to think, you only paid one bar of Latinum for that case of Simina caviar. You aren't making much of a profit huh?" Reman just said, "Well profit isn't everything you know. Just don't tell anybody about how much I paid for that case of caviar and you can expect to keep getting a good return on future ventures." "Hey no problem. Just make sure that it stays legal. Wouldn't want any trouble?" "Wouldn't have it any other way," Reman said. With that Lopez left. Reman just laughed at how stupid Lopez was. "He has no lobes at all. No mind for business. All the better for me to use him." Reman then walked out of his shop and headed for Deck 12 toward Cargo Bay 2, plotting all the way there.