Stardate 52020.9 Ensign Bruder was flying her shuttle, the Enigma, to her assignment. She would be an engineering officer on board the U.S.S. Equinox. Bruder was very excited, this was her first assignment. She stopped at the coordinates of the rendezvous spot a little early, so she started for the back to replicate a cup of hot chocolate. It was the best hot chocolate recipe ever, it had been her grandmother's. But before she could get to the replicator, the console beeped. She grinned, thinking the Equinox must also be early, and sat back down at the console. The Equinox was there all right, but something was not right. It had been there ever since she got there, and her sensors just now picked it up. She'd have to check those sensors once she docked. The ensign hailed the Equinox. No reply. She tried again. Still no reply. She didn't like this predicament one bit. She scanned the ship, and preliminary scans showed a whole load of problems with the ship. Deck 23 was severely damaged and 24 was completely gone, the primary warp core had been ejected, there was a hole in the top of the bridge, the computer was heavily damaged by some kind of virus, and, worst of all, there were no life signs on board. The ensign sat there shocked. She scanned for the main cause of death, but she needed more information to narrow things down a bit. There were just too many possibilities. Then the computer beeped again. Another craft was on the other side of her shuttle. It had also been there the whole time. It was a Cardassian ship and had sustained minor damages, but was still in good working order, and it's predicament was the same as the Equinox's. No life signs. She decided to explore the Cardassian ship first since it was smaller and would not take as much time. She scanned the ship for factors that might injure her health once she came aboard, and there were outrageously high levels of radiation. That must have been the reason for no life signs. She scanned the Equinox for the same thing, and it was there too. So now she knew the cause of death, but she needed to find out more if she was going to report this to Starfleet. The ship looked fine all around, and Ensign Bruder carefully made her way to the console, trying not to damage her radiation suit. In the console chair was quite a bit of dust. She cringed as she thought about it. She scanned it, and, true enough, it was the remains of a Cardassian. She took deep breaths, calming herself, telling herself to just download the ship logs so she wouldn't have to return. When she did return to the Enigma, she just sat for about 45 minutes trying not to think about it. Then she opened up and looked at the logs. Stardate 52017.0 Dand, the Cardassian, was piloting his ship. A few days ago he had made the transaction with that annoying Ferengi. He hated any of them and all of them. He had disabled that Borg ship which was also annoying. His sensors beeped, the Equinox was following him! That stupid Ferengi probably gave him away. He would have to hurry up now, he didn't want to get in a fight with a ship that much stronger than him, with stronger shields and stronger weapons. But wait--they were both off-line! This was Dand's lucky day. Target practice. He could try out some of those other new toys he stole from that one ship the other day. He loaded one of the weapons into the weapon hold, and set a course for the Equinox. "Captain Mason" "What is it, Lt. Mull?" "Sensors just went back off-line, sir! We just got them fixed!" Mason pounded his fist on the armrest. "Well don't just sit there staring at me, Lieutenant! Fix it!" "Yes, sir!" Mull turned around and frantically tried to fix the problem. Mason thought to himself about how good it was that that Cardassian ship hadn’t returned. In the state they were in, the smallest shuttle with the worst weapons could destroy them. No weapons, no shields, no sensors, and practically no computer. Just then the ship jolted. "Report, Mull!" "Sir, there was some kind of chemical hit that destabilized the warp core--it's breaching!" "Eject it, Lieutenant!" "That's already been done from Engineering, sir." "Ha ha ha!" Dand watched as the warp core flew out of the ship and then exploded. "Now they're totally defenseless! They can't fight, defend, or even escape! Ha ha ha ha ha! Now, to try out my next little gadget." "Sir, that shot came from the Cardassian ship! Based on the speed and impact the ship should be about 8,000 kilometers off the port bow. And we're totally defenseless as to whatever he wants to do next!" "I know, Mull, I know." Stardate 52020.9 "'And his next surprise was a radiation bomb," Said Ensign Bruder to herself, practicing the speech she'd have to make to Starfleet. "It hit directly over the bridge, putting a hole there. Then it spread through the whole ship killing off every biological thing. Apparently, it leaked a little when he shot it off and gave him a taste of his own weapon.' Hmm. Well, I guess let's take a look at the Equinox." This ship was creepy. Too creepy, she decided. She wanted to do what she had to do and get back out of there as fast as she could. Since the computer was heavily damaged, the lights were very dim. The only sound she could hear was the soft tap of her boots as she walked. She'd have to report this all to Starfleet, so she noted all officers that she found remains of. Darn. She had really been looking forward to serving on this ship. If only she could have prevented this from happening. If only she could have come a little earlier. But there was no use in if-onlys, so she tried to keep her mind off it. She got to Main Engineering and looked about. The floor was filthy. She cringed, and fondly patted her radiation suit. Then, she thought she heard a noise behind her and swiveled around quickly. Too quickly, in fact. She lost her balance and came down with a large THUD. All the dust lifted into the air and came back down happily mixed together. She got up, angry with herself. "Darn!" she said as she kicked at the dust. It moved again. She sighed and got to work figuring out who was in this mess with her tricorder. Ensign Bruder finished her work and was about to leave Engineering when she noticed something on a table over in a corner. She walked over and looked at it. A cyberdroid with only it's mechanical parts left. Something must have been wrong with her before the hit. Bruder wondered if the droid was infected with the virus too. She’d read a lot about Starfleet’s experimental cyberdroid project. If only she had been there, she might have been able to help fix it. NO! No if-onlys, she reminded herself. She was running out of oxygen, so she went back to the Enigma. Then she remembered that the Cardassian had had three tricks up his sleeve, not just the two he used. She looked at the third one, and her eyes grew wide. A smile crept onto her face. "I'll save the Equinox or die trying!" she declared as she loaded it into the weapon hold. She sat down at the console and shakily loaded it. She closed her eyes and hit the panel. Darn, wrong button. She put her finger over the fire button, again closed her eyes, and hit it.