Stardate 52016.9 Elea continued to lay on the table, her motivation systems not yet functional. But she could turn her head and look around. And speak! Oh, the joy, speaking and moving! Just when that ceiling panel was becoming almost unbearable to stare at. She sighed deeply, her own internal systems keeping her alive now, no more external life support. She hadn't been able to complain much when Syxx had hooked her into the main computer and downloaded most of her virus program. While she knew it was for the good of the ship and everyone on it, it still constituted mental rape in her mind. She shivered slightly, it wasn't a pleasant feeling to have ones mind picked apart forcefully. She had tried relenting to the computer, but it still simply took what it wanted. The experience had left her with a large headache. "I'll...have to him...about..that", she stammered out loud. Now that she COULD speak, she did. No matter if it was to herself or anyone else, it just felt good to speak. An ensign, Elea thought and placed a name to the face, ensign McOwen turned from what he was doing, "Excuse me ma'am?" Elea smiled slightly, "Nothing...just myself" She hated how hard it was to talk, but it was becoming easier as the virus was driven from her voice modulation systems. She still didn't know who had planted the virus and killed the Doctor, but she knew it wasn't Carter. He had been on duty at the time, their were witnesses to that. But where WAS Carter? This didn't make any sense, maybe he had discovered who the killer was... Elea frowned. She turned her head slightly to look out the door into main engineering and blinked. Computer panels still flickered ominously, but more and more were stabilizing. It looked like they would have the ship repaired soon. Elea's good feelings were shattered when the ship suddenly seemed to drop out beneath her. Her eyes widened as a person fell screaming from the upper level of Engineering. At first only the collision alarm sounded. "What the HELL was THAT?", Syxx roared. No one answered. Suddenly new alarms chimed in. Smoke begun to shoot out around the plasma manifolds on the warp core. The pulsing of the core became unstable, and the entire ship started to vibrate like a giant hammer had struck it. "WARP CORE BREACH! Everyone out!", Syxx physically shoved people from around the warp core as the containment doors slid shut. He jumped through at the last minute, his feet almost not making it. Through the clear doors Elea watched the hatch beneath the core blow open by explosive bolts, and in a blink the core shot straight down out of the ship. Syxx didn't hesitate long. "Get Aux power on-line! Reroute emergency power to whatever shields you can raise!", he bellowed as he started punching commands into a console. "Shields are still off-line!", someone called Elea felt helpless, a moment later the ship was knocked upwards from the shockwave of the exploding core. "Hull damage! Emergency forcefields in place!" Things began to stabilize slowly, but not for long. The nose of the ship suddenly pitched down, the inertial dampers howled loudly. Hull breach alarms wailed, followed closely by radiation alarms. "Bridge! Respond! Bridge!", Syxx was screaming into the Comm. A wall of white light shot from the forward hall, engulfing everything. People caught in its path were backlit before they simply disintegrated. Syxx turned in time to let out a long expletive before he simply disappeared. Elea watched, her eyes reflecting the light as it screamed towards her. "", the light flowed over her. It was warm...