Stardate 52031.2 Elea walked as quickly as possible from the cybernetics lab on Starbase 263, almost colliding with a crewman in her haste. At her side walked the lab's head, Dr. Mohav, yammering on and on about how great it was to have a chance to study her. She sighed slightly and rolled her eyes. The Doctor, completely euphoric over having a chance to peek at her insides, continued to gesture and ramble. "I really think its an honor that Starfleet sent you here for me to look at!" She frowned slightly, trying to hide her growing distaste for the man, "Starfleet didn't, Doctor" He hesitated and looked down at her, "Eh? Oh, well, you know..." With a wave of his hand he dismissed her objection and started waving his tricorder over her body again. He simply ignored the look of discomfort on her face, and the fact that they were in public, and all the weird looks he was getting as he mumbled to himself. Elea stopped in the hall, since he had decided to step in front of her. "Do you MIND, Doctor?", she kicked herself mentally, a little rancor had leaked into her voice. He didn't seem to notice, engrossed in the readings as he was, "I agree, they should let you stay here longer. I would really like to find out how your power supply works, not to mention your neural interface and sensors..." She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling again, the man was simply ignoring her... again. "Lieutenant Elea, good to see you up and about", a deep baritone voice spoke behind her. She turned her head slightly and snapped to quick attention, "Yes Captain, I'm feeling much better." The Captain looked down at the Doctor, who was crouched at Elea’s side completely engrossed in her right hip. She coloured slightly, this was getting WAY out of hand. The Captain frowned as the Doctor continued to ignore him, after a moment he cleared his throat and Mohav looked up, startled. "Oh, Captain!", he stood grinning, "Remarkable piece of equipment you have here." Mason frowned slightly, "Lieutenant Elea is a member of my crew, Doctor, not a piece of equipment for you to play with." Mohav coloured rapidly, his mouth opening and closing as he sputtered for a reply. Elea tried very hard to suppress a smirk, almost succeeded too, he looked a lot like a goldfish. The Captain, though his eyes twinkled with amusement, kept a very straight face. "Are you done with her Doctor?", he rumbled flatly. "Uh, yes, that is... I suppose, all systems check out." Elea smiled as sweetly as possible at Mohav, "Then it’s been a real pleasure Doctor, but I have duties to attend too." Mohav looked at her, then at Mason, who had crossed his arms and was staring down his nose at the doctor. The doctor nodded quickly and stood, snapping his tricorder shut. He opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and took off at a fast walk down the hall. As soon as he was out of earshot, Elea looked up at Mason. "Thank you Captain, I've been trying to lose him for the last three hours." Mason waved a hand dismissively, "No problem Lieutenant, care for an escort in case he decides to try something again?" Elea smiled slightly, "Yes, sir."