Stardate 52031.2 Cynthia Calea headed towards the docking ring, she'd been sent to Starbase 263 four days ago and was eager to get back to work. She entered the ship and reported to deck 11 for her duty and quarters assignments. She entered the Security head office and was greeted by the acting chief of security. "Lt. Calea reporting for duty Sir." "At ease Lt. I'm Ensign Lopez and I'll be head of Security until we get a replacement. Welcome to the Equinox." "Thank you sir. When will I be assigned a regular duty schedule?" "We're busy with repairs right now but it shouldn't be too long before things get back on track. Here is your current duty roster and your quarters are on deck 14, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding them." She smiled and took the info from him. She left the deck nodding at the few security officers she saw and proceeded to the turbolift. "Deck 14." She exited the lift and moved to her quarters pleased that they weren't too far from the turbolift. She entered the quarters noting their size and comparing them to the galaxy class ship she had just left. They were smaller but in a way more cozy. She saw her trunks had been left in the middle of the room and she quickly stowed her things away. The pictures placed on the tables and shelves were of her home on Earth and her friends from the Academy. She looked at her duty roster, groaning. She wasn't even going to begin regular duty for another 26 hours. Changing into her workout outfit she signaled the security office. "Ensign Lopez" "Lt. Calea requesting permission to go back to the Starbase and use the holodeck facilities." "Granted but be back before 1600." "Aye sir." She moved back to the air lock and made her way to the holodeck. "Computer load program Calea 14." She smiled as the grids inside the room shifted to a lush jungle clearing. The temperature was not too hot but would keep her sweating. A figure appeared, it was a holo-image of Lt. Worf. She had met him once briefly at the competition on the Klingon Homeworld at the bat’telh championships. She had received permission to compete from the Academy, and had placed 18th. "Computer Bat’telh, begin program." She began to move and weave with her opponent. She remembered the words of her best friend in the Academy; he had been Klingon and had introduced her to the bat’telh. "Make it a part of your arm, an extension." The movements were hard and fluid at the same time, a dance within the fight. Then she slipped up, it had been the same move that had got her in the competition. She left her side exposed and the simulation of Worf knocked her flying with a shot to the ribs. She fell, and had forgotten that Calea 14 was always run without safeties. As he began the downward finishing move she threw her bat’telh up and stopped it, sweat pouring down her back. And a voice shouted "Computer end program." Everything disappeared and she was left looking at a very angry Captain Mason. "What do you think you are doing Lieutenant. Do you have a death wish? You know that running a combat sequence without safeties is against Starfleet regulations." "Permission to speak freely Sir?" She asked, getting to her feet. She was angry, no one told her how to fight. "Granted." "Who do you think you are? I had absolutely everything under perfect control. I know how to fight." "I think, Lt., that you are one of my officers and that you are risking your personal health because you are trying to prove something." "And what am I supposed to be trying to prove." "That you aren't your father. Report back to the ship ASAP and don't let me find you running this program again. Are we clear Lt.?" "Yes sir." She exited the holodeck and returned to the ship, she had a new respect for Capt. Mason. Just maybe he was more than people had told her he was, more than her old Captain thought he was. She took a long shower and thought more about the strange Captain that commanded this ship and wondering if she had just earned herself a one way ticket off it. She was upset that she'd let her temper get the better of her, she normally never let her anger out in front of fellow officers. She had blown for reasons beyond her, had it been the adrenaline in her system and the sudden interruption of the fight. She pulled her curly black hair into a ponytail and got into her uniform, she needed to formally apologize to the Captain. After making her way onto the bridge and catching a few glances from various male members of the bridge crew she waited at the door as it signaled her presence. "Enter. I trust you are in a better mood." "Capt. I came to apologize for my conduct earlier, it was uncalled for and disrespectful." "Apology accepted, now please sit down." "I received a glowing letter of commendation from your last Captain. But I'm curious as to why you requested a transfer off of one of the best ships in the fleet. One heading for the front lines when you are most obviously a fighter." "I was asked to request a transfer Captain. Ordered to is closer to the truth, Captain Calloway, while an excellent officer and great Captain, has personal differences with my family. He didn't want me on his ship and he certainly did not want me as his acting head of security during the war. So I was transferred here, and I promise you sir that I'll give you 110% effort here." "Well welcome aboard Lt., dismissed." "Thank you sir."