Stardate: 52009.4 Story: James Carter was in his office looking over some security protocols that Captain Winston gave Carter before he left. He was interrupted by a incoming call from the bridge. "Bridge to Lt. Carter." Carter touched his badge. "Carter here." "Lt., this is Captain Mason. Please report to my ready room." Carter replied, "On my way Captain." Carter closed his files and walked out of his office and into the turbolift. When he stepped onto the turbolift, he saw an ensign already on the lift. He walked onto the turbolift. "Bridge." The ensign turned to Carter and spoke. "Going to see the new Captain?" "Yes. Have you heard anything about him?" "Not really other then he's spent a lot of time on Vulcan. Even his wife's a Vulcan," said the ensign, "Don't get offended if the Captain shows no emotion when you meet him." "Thank you for the warning.", said Carter, "By the way I am Lt. James Carter, Chief of security. Who might you be?" Ensign Lopez said, "I am Ensign Lopez. I am one of your security personnel." At that time the turbolift stopped on Deck 5 and Ensign Lopez walked off the turbolift. The doors closed back and resumed to the bridge. Moments later the turbolift stopped and the doors opened. Carter walked out and went straight for the ready room. Carter stopped at the entrance of the ready room and pressed the button. All of a sudden he heard the captain's voice. "Enter." Doors opened and Carter walked in. "Lt. James Carter reporting as ordered sir." The captain replied, "At ease Lt. Here is the new personnel list for you." The captain handed him a PADD. Carter glanced at it then put it down by his side. "I hear you served this ship under Admiral Winston's command." Carter said, "Yes sir." "The rules that Captain Winston had in way of security are the same for me as well." "Admiral Winston spoke very highly in his written report he gave me." "I hope that you will serve me as well as you served Winston.", said the Captain. "I will sir.", said Carter. The captain said, "Have you meet the new crew?" "I have meet one so far.", said Carter, "Ensign Lopez, one of my security personnel." "Good, good. If you have any questions don't be afraid to come and ask me," said the Captain. "Yes sir," replied Carter. "Dismissed" said the captain. Carter turned around and walked out of the office headed for the turbolift back to his office.