Stardate: 52037.9 Reman had been on the planet for a few days. Reman remembered back to the reason why he had crashed. Those stupid Starfleet shuttle pods, Reman thought. Sure the ship may have been infected with my computer virus but if Starfleet had made better shuttles then I wouldn't have any reason to complain about them. Well it didn't really matter because luck for latinum was in my favor once again and my family motto had shown me the way. After healing my wounds and walking from the crash site I had found a village of people that I could communicate with. And after speaking with them for awhile I found out another interesting secret about this planet. It was loaded WITH LATINUM! After some time of talking and negotiating I had traded away my shuttle craft, most of the equipment on board, and a teeth sharpener I had with me to the people for a few items. Reman thought to himself how crafty he was. After all, the stuff he gave to them if all added up didn't get close to the value of the items he got. Reman looked up at the sun as he walked away from the village and thought how much more beautiful the sun looked through his new latinum glasses. The first item Reman had obtained were a pair of latinum made glasses. The people of the village aparently found latinum everywhere and used it to make just about anything. Reman's second item he got was one of the latinum mines where the people found most of their latinum at. With all the latinum Reman would find at the mine he could more than triple his current fortune. So Reman was on his way to dig up the mine with a latinum shovel, the last item he had recieved. Hopefully after getting his profit together he could catch a ship back to his home. The villagers had said a ship stopped by their village from time to time so he could easily buy a ride on the ship back to Ferenginar. Reman didn't need Starfleet anymore since he would soon be rich beyond his dreams. But first things first, he needed to dig up the mine......Meanwhile....... **************************************************************** The alien stared at the familiar weapon for a minute and then figured out a plan quickly. "Hey don't shoot!" "Why should I listen to you?" Chaz asked. "Because we are twins," the alien replied. "What are you talking about?" Chaz yelled. "Well awhile ago, your dad never told you, you were in a transporter accident that created an exact duplicate of you and I am that duplicate. I have been looking for you everywhere and now I have found you!" Chaz looked at the floor, his brain straining to think if what the alien said was true. Upon seeing Chaz lower the gun a little bit, the alien saw his chance to attack. The alien grabbed Etely and ran at Chaz, using her as a human shield. Chaz was startled and fired the gun, hitting Etely several times. The alien threw Etely to the ground when he reached Chaz and then knocked him down with one punch. With just a thought, the alien transported himself and Chaz to the alien ship. Chaz hit the ground and then looked up to see ropes coming out of the ship and surrounding him. "Ha, you fool. Your mind isn't as quick or as strong as mine. You can no longer control this ship because I changed the type of brain waves it reponds to and you can't just change those now can you?" Chaz suddenly felt really bad because he had shot that nice looking girl. Chaz wondered how she was, "Is that girl I shot ok?" "Well not that it matters to you but she is alive. But even with her enhanced healing it is going to take weeks maybe even months for her to even move or speak again. I mean you hit her at close range with my most powerful gun several times. Any normal person would have died but she is alive, barely. I should kill you for wrecking my soldier but I still might have use for you.....No wait I don't!!! Ha ha ha!" Having said that a door opened behind Chaz that threw him outside the ship and into the cold void of space. Chaz immediately died in the vacuum and sub-zero temperatures. After watching Chaz die the alien looked back to a view screen and saw the Equinox. He hailed them and saw Captain Mason. "Hey pops. Time to die!" Was all the alien said and then cut the transmission. After that short message he began firing several shots at the Equinox, intending to destroy that ship once and for all.