Stardate 52011.2 Captain Mason sat at the senior officers' table. Almost everyone had arrived for the dinner he had decided to hold for the crew. Holodeck 8 was used since it was the only Holodeck large enough for everyone. Tonight it had taken on the form of an elaborate dining room, the kind you'd expect to see in a 19th century mansion. Holographic waiters had almost finished serving everyone. The crew was seated mainly by department. All Starfleet personnel were in their dress uniforms, civilians in their best evening wear. Mason looked around the table. Lieutenant Carter was sitting to his left. He'd spoken with Carter a couple of times, and he seemed very laid back for a security chief. Unusual, but Winston relied on him and Mason decided to withhold any judgments until he saw his work performance. Carter was talking to the chief engineer, Lieutenant Commander Syxx. Both Carter and Syxx had served together on the Equinox for several years. Mr. Syxx is one of the few Bolians on the ship. He had blue skin and the characteristic Bolian ridge down the center of his face, and like all males of his race, no hair. His race known for being perceptive and dependable, and Syxx had a good deal of engineering experience. He made sure the upgrades to the deflector were completed quickly and the ship left spacedock on schedule, putting him in good favor with the new Captain already. Next to Syxx was the Conn officer, Lieutenant Elea. Mason was fascinated to have Elea on board. He knew why she was here, Starfleet didn't want it's newest achievement anywhere near the warzone, and the Equinox's mission would be taking it safely away from the Dominion war. He had read about the Elea project and was most interested by the fact that studies of Borg technology had proven extremely useful in her design. "About time we assimilated a little of their technology," he thought to himself. She wasn't talking as much as the rest of the officers were. He noted that she seemed nervous about being at a dinner with the senior officers, a big contrast to Lt. Carter's overly relaxed attitude. Also at the table was the Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Mull. Mull Valen was his full name, a Bajoran who had just transferred to the ship. Mason didn't know much about Mull, but he'd heard that he was a little resentful about being on a ship so far away from the war. That wasn't surprising since the Cardassians were such a big part of the conflict. Most Bajorans were worried about the possibility of Bajor falling to the Cardassians again. However, if he was resentful he didn't show it, and Mason hadn't seen any transfer requests from him. Mull was talking to Carter and Syxx, but kept an eye on Elea the whole time. Mason had no idea why, maybe he was fascinated by the technology behind her, too, or maybe it was just her appearance. Starfleet had made her very attractive. The Captain looked up as the doors to the Holodeck opened, and the first officer walked in. She and Doctor L'vant were the only officers who hadn't arrived yet. Commander Rebecca Ming strolled over to the senior officers' table, smiling and waving to a few of the crew members as she walked by. Mason had talked with her more than any of the rest of the crew since he came on board, and found her somewhat flamboyant. She had a certain integrity to her, though, and kept a professional attitude toward work, and like the rest of the crew that served under him, Winston seemed to rely on her. Tonight her hair was curled and more elaborately styled than usual. As she walked up Syxx said, "Fashionably late, Commander?" Ming smiled, "Would you expect any less from me, Mr. Syxx? Oh, and I'm off duty so it's Becky, not Commander. I guess I missed the appetizers, how were they?" Mull answered first, "All very good." Carter then said, "The caviar wasn't very good." Mull looked at him, "It wasn't that bad." Ming looked over at Elea, "How about you, Elea? Enjoying everything?" Elea answered quickly, "Yes sir, I am." Ming smiled, "Becky, remember? I'm off duty." Elea apologized, trying not to look as nervous as she was, "Sorry sir," she grinned, "I mean Becky." Ming nodded, "Don't worry about it, sweetie. You'll get the hang of things in no time." Mason interrupted, "Has anyone seen Doctor L'vant?" Syxx looked at the empty chair then back to Mason, "I talked to her just before I came here. She may have just gotten held up." Mason said, "Go see what's keeping her if you would, Mr. Syxx," he laughed to himself, "Tell her her food's getting cold." Syxx smiled and left the Holodeck. Ming took the initiative in the conversation as usual, "So, James. How are all those new recruits they assigned you shaping up?" Carter took a drink of his wine and replied, "They still need to work on their target practice, but fine so far." Mull said, "I never saw the need for all that target practice when the weapons fire energy streams instead of projectiles. If you miss, just move the phaser stream over to where it needs to be." Carter said, "True, but there's still no replacement for . . " he was interrupted by the beep of the Captain's communicator. Syxx was on the other end. "Syxx to Mason." "Mason here." "Captain, I found Doctor L'vant. She's dead."