Stardate 52039.5 Jarrod watched Etely move to the workshop door, open it, and then slowly move outside. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and a phaser shot could be heard coming from outside. Jarrod jumped at the sound and the changeling saw his chance. The changeling quickly shot an arm out, knocking Jarrod into the wall. Jarrod yelled and fired his weapon from the impact, hitting the changeling and vaporizing him into nothing. Outside Etely was staring at where her arm once was and crying. Everybody stood silent for a minute and then Reman said, "Hey Etely, need a hand?" Syxx turned toward Reman, "That isn't funny Reman. This is serious. And shouldn't you be at the runabout?" "I know but I felt like something needed to be said to break the silence and I'm going to the runabout, OK!" Syxx shook his head as Reman left then looked over at Lenoz, "Lenoz what the hell were you thinking?" Lenoz walked up, stunned at what he had done, "Hey it was an honest mistake. It's not like I'm Carter or anything." Syxx turned his attention back to the sobbing Etely and tapped his communicator badge, "Captain this is Syxx. Ensign Bruder has been badly injured we need to transport her directly to sickbay." The Captain came back, "OK sickbay is standing by. Prepare for transport." As the Captain's message ended, Etely was transported to sickbay. Syxx turned to Lenoz, "We had better check inside this building for that changeling. Just be sure to be more careful with that phaser." Lenoz frowned at Syxx, "I know what I'm doing Syxx. Just keep your 'advice' to yourself." They both walked into the workshop and immediately saw Alex Jarrod unconscious on the ground. Lenoz ran over to Jarrod and scanned him with his tricorder, "He's alive but out cold. We'd better get him to sickbay as well." Syxx nodded and tapped his badge once again, "Captain we have another crewman injured down here. We need him transported to sickbay as well." "Affirmative." The transporter responded and beamed the crewman to sickbay. After Jarrod was transported away, Syxx and Lenoz began to look around the workshop. "It doesn't look like the changeling is here anymore but he could be hiding," said Syxx. "Looks that way. Let's see what the tricorder says," Lenoz put his phaser rifle down and began scanning, "According to my readings there was some weapon fire and right here appears to be some changeling residue. I don't think we are going to find that changeling anymore. We should probably check back at the runabout." Lenoz and Syxx both exited the workshop and headed back toward the runabout. Meanwhile on the ship, Etely was being operated on. The doctor and a nurse were taking a look at Etely's arm and concentrating on stopping the bleeding and closing the wound before they even considered replacing her arm. Another nurse was looking at Jarrod, making sure no permanent or serious damage was done to him. After a hypospray Jarrod came around and woke up. "What...where am I?" Jarrod looked around and realized he was in sickbay. "You were unconscious due to a serious concussion. I believe you will be OK with rest," said the nurse. "Sure. I could sure use more sleep," said Jarrod as he laid back down. The nurse left and went back to help with Etely's operation. While he was gone Jarrod started feeling strange. He was wide awake yet felt incredibly tired. His body felt like it suddenly sped up. His heart was racing, his blood being pushed through their veins extremely fast, and his other functions seemed to be going toward overload. He sat bolt up at the pain he was beginning to feel and yelled out. The nurse ran over to Jarrod and saw him shaking violently on the table. He tried to hold him down but to no avail. "Computer restraining shield." The shield went up and held Jarrod in place but the nurse could still see him shaking and noticed his veins were puffed out. He told the computer to do some scans while he gave Jarrod a hypospray. The computer registered that Jarrod was on the verge of having a full body collapse due to every single one of his functions being strained too much. The nurse called to the doctor but before the doctor could get over away from Etely to the other table, Jarrod died. The computer registered the familiar flat line beep indicating a dead patient and the nurse stood silent. "It isn't your fault he died. You did the best you could. I am sure whatever it was you couldn't have fixed," said the doctor. The nurse nodded and scanned Jarrod's body to determine the cause of death, "Doctor. This is strange. It appears as though he has some alien technology in him and had some manipulation done to his structure. That is what killed him." "Yes, I see what you mean. Without proper control and maintenance he died immediately. The scan on Ensign Bruder revealed the same thing. And if the same thing was done to her then we need to do some major operating on Bruder before she ends up like Lieutenant Jarrod here," the doctor said. The doctor quickly paced over to Etely who was waking up since her wound had been closed. "Sorry Ensign. You need to undergo another operation. You should be OK the next time you wake up." Etely looked up sleepily at the doctor, "What?" Etely was about to speak again but the nurse administered a hypospray that knocked her back out. "Nurses. I will need you both working your hardest if we are to beat this thing in time. Now, I need my instruments, STAT!" Back at the runabout Reman was pacing back and forth, thinking about his lost latinum and how to get it back. "I suppose I could beam it up to my barber shop using the runabout's transporters... but that might not work since Zenoz is in there. He would want to know what I am doing. Maybe I could use the deflector dish to... no that is a dumb idea. The deflector dish can't do that. Well the only thing I could do is to get to a transporter in a cargo bay, use it to transport the latinum, and somehow mask the signal with some background radiation. I would also need to get out of the cargo bay before security gets there to see who activated the transporter. That would also mean I could only take a little bit of latinum. But I should remember rule of acquisition number 13: 'Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.' Then I could hide the latinum in a shielded cargo crate I just happen to have so that scans couldn't pick up the latinum. That means I would need to transport the latinum, put it into the crate, nestle the crate among the other crates, and then get out of the room within a few minutes before I could be found out. Well cargo bay 5 is close to a holodeck so I could just get out and go there for a quick alibi. A simple yet effective plan. I just hope we get off this rock soon enough so that I can get my latinum and get back to making profit," he thought. Reman's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Syxx's voice, "Hey Reman. We are pretty much finished up here. Let's report back to the ship. There are things that need to be sorted out." "I'm sure there are," Reman said relieved to be going back to his shop. "Yes. There are some things to be sorted out..." said Lenoz with an edge in his voice. Then they all got in the runabout and headed back to the Equinox to report their findings.