Stardate: 52039.5 Ensign Hindman's eyes slowly opened. His vision was very blurred, he could barely make out the shapes of people. He heard faint voices and his head throbbed with pain. Hindman's vision cleared and he saw the EMH or the Doctor as he was so frequently referred to. Jack slowly sat up and rubbed his temples. The Doctor turned away from a patient and stared at the ensign. "Oh, ensign," the hologram said. "I almost forgot you were there." Hindman yawned, making his head hurt worse. The Doctor turned on some sort of instrument (Hindman never knew what kind of medical instruments were used. Otherwise he would have gone to medical school) and ran it down the length of the ensign's body. "Well, you seem to be fine," the Doctor said. "How do you feel?" Hindman rubbed his head again. "I feel like I have a hangover," he said with a smile. "How long was I out?" "Around two hours," the Doctor replied. The ensign climbed down from the table. The hologram put his hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you shouldn't go," the Doctor said. Hindman turned to look at him. "I'll be fine. I've missed some work so I'd better make it up," the ensign said. He turned to leave. That was when he noticed Lieutenant Jarrod. Two nurses were draping a sheet over him. The Doctor shook his head as Hindman left the Sickbay. Jack Hindman walked into the turbo-lift, his head still throbbing. "Deck 17," he said and the lift started up. It stopped shortly and the ensign walked out. Hindman looked up at the warp core, it seemed fine. Jack spotted Ensign McOwen at a console. Hindman clamped a hand on McOwen's shoulder. "So, is everything fine?" Hindman asked. McOwen turned to look at him. "Oh, hi, Jack," he said. "Are you feeling okay?" Hindman rubbed his eyes and said, "Yeah. I'm fine." Jack turned to walk away when McOwen called back to him. "Oh wait, Jack. There have been some problems," the ensign said. Hindman turned to face him. "What's wrong?" he asked. McOwen turned to face Hindman. "Well, a few consoles have been losing power and dying and we can't figure out why," he said. Hindman rubbed his eyes again. "Is there something wrong?" McOwen asked. Jack looked up. "No, I'm fine," he said. That was when he saw it. Just a blur at first and then a shape, a figure. It was by the turbo-lift door. The creature stood on all fours and it looked very lizard-like. Everything seemed to fade out of Hindman's mind. Only this thing remained. He heard McOwen's faint voice. "Are you alright?" it asked. Jack wasn't listening. He advanced toward the creature's position. It seemed to have spotted him because it looked right into his eyes. The door to the turbo-lift opened and it ducked inside. Hindman rushed in after it. It was just the two of them in the lift. He stared at it and it stared right back. No one else had seen it except for him. Then, it spoke to him. Not out of a mouth but out of it's mind. "Yes," Hindman replied. He came forward, toward the creature. It raised it's pointed tail and hissed. The creature slowly moved toward the door. The lift stopped and the creature darted out. Hindman chased it through a corridor. People dodged the ensign as he raced through the halls. Then Hindman saw an officer with a phaser at his hip. The ensign grabbed it and chased after the creature again. He fired at the creature that was just ahead of him. The phaser shots blasted monitors in the hallways, throwing sparks. The creature rushed around a corner and Hindman tripped. The phaser went off and hit someone in the leg. Hindman did not notice this. Something drove him toward the creature, he didn't know what. All he knew was that it was dangerous. That was when three officers tackled him. Jack hit the floor, the phaser spinning out of his hand. He broke free and grabbed the phaser again. He only ran a couple of feet when the three officers tackled him again, for good. Jack went limp and dropped the phaser. The officers dragged Hindman out of the turbo-lift and into the brig. Lieutienant Heaton stared as the officers dragged Jack toward one of the cells. "What happened?" Heaton asked. "He starting going crazy! He was shooting at everything," one of the officers said. Hindman saw Kyra Draven in one of the cells. The officers pushed Jack into a cell and Heaton activated the force field. Ensign Hindman was trapped. "There was a creature! I saw it!" he yelled as the officers left. He collapsed on the floor, exhausted. It would be coming for him. Somehow he knew that it would be coming. And he would be waiting.