Stardate 52039.5 It was his day off. "Why? Of all days!!!" he thought with irritation as he slumped onto the couch and stared moodily at his door. "Something exciting is going on... I can feel it... And here I am, stuck in my quarters!" Running a hand through his hair he jumped to his feet and started pacing. "Gawd... why me? Why is it always me who misses all the fun?!" "Perhaps because you are the only one stupid enough to skip your days off, thus inciting the Captain's worry and ire." A familiar voice purred huskily from behind him. He whirled around and glared at the one who'd spoken. "I don't need a day off! I don't need to rest!" he said shortly, "All I need is to work and... and to live!" "You are breathing are you not? Your heart is beating within that spindly form of yours." "Hey! What are you doing here? I'm not over tired, I'm not sick and I haven't been drinking! What are you doing here?!" he glared at the creature he'd come to think of as his imaginary friend. As a child the creature had started visiting him. Normally it would come during the evening, when all the lights were out and he was trembling under the covers because the dark frightened him so terribly. The creature would comfort him and hold him until he would fall asleep. And if in the night he awoke, the creature would still be there. Then later, the creature would come to him when he was ill, as he so often was. Always the creature had a warm voice and it never became irritated or angry with him as others sometimes would when he was too slow or frail. The creature had no face and no discernable features. It was just a black bending of light that hovered inches from the ground. It's shape was indefinable. But even though it's appearance was rather daunting Matthias had never been afraid of it. Not even as a timid child had he feared it. He had never told anyone of the creature's visits. He'd always been afraid they would think he was crazy. And perhaps he was. After all, how many people claimed a shadow talked to them and held them when they were frightened? "I am here... because I am here." the creature murmured, it's shape shifting ever so slightly as it moved closer to him. "Oh yeah! Like THAT makes a whole load of sense." Matthias shook his hand, dismissing the creature. He continued his agitated pacing, "I just bet, that the ship is being taken over by shape shifters or something and I'm stuck here! I'm a security officer! I should be out there protecting the crew! That's it! I can't stand this anymore! I'm outta' here." The creature watched with amusement as Matthias marched towards the door. "You have orders to remain in your quarters." he reminded the agitated young man. Matthias whirled around and marched back to the couch, where he threw himself down and chewed his bottom lip. "Not necessarily. He just said: And be sure you actually use your day off Lt. Anaita. If I see you working I shall have to punish you." He had already skipped almost two weeks worth of days off. No one had noticed really and certainly none of the crew complained when he offered to trade shifts so that he was constantly working. He just couldn't stand the idea of stopping. He had to keep moving, keep his body and mind active. He had to be in the action... What action? He hadn't seen much action at his station. Actually, since he'd been assigned to the U.S.S. Equinox he, personally, had not seen any action. He had heard of a few incidents happening, but he'd never been there when they happened. Leg jerking nervously Matthias started chewing on his fingernails. "How many more hours till this day is over?" he wondered aloud. "Why don't you engage in some... entertaining pursuit in the holodec?" the creature suggested helpfully. "Yeah. Right." Matthias snorted. "Like playing is any fun. I want to do something real. Something... something I can feel and taste in my bones!" He jumped to his feet, "Don't you understand!? I'm tired of letting life pass me by! That's why I joined Starfleet, because I thought if I did I'd finally be involved in something exciting and real!" The creature sighed, "Adventure is not all that it's cut out to be." "How would you know?!" The creature chuckled, "Dear boy, dear, sweet child. I have lived more than you could ever dream." "Yeah... and who exactly are you?" He knew as soon as he asked the question the creature would leave, so he wasn't surprised when the curious bending of light disappeared and the creature's presence along with it. It was a question he'd asked a million times over and a question he had not yet received an answer for. Chewing on his lower lip he walked to the window and stared out at the stars. "All I want... All I ever wanted was a little excitement..." "It's excitement you want is it? Then you shall have it." "Who said that?!" Matthias whirled around swiftly and raised his arms defensively. But the room was empty. "Feel me-" "WHAT?!" Matthias jerked, staring with huge eyes around the empty room. He rushed to his bed chamber but found it empty. Who had spoken? There was no one around. "Computer-" "Taste me-" "-Did you just say something?" Matthias demanded, his heart leaping as a strange sensation filled his mouth. Shivers were running up and down his spine. "See me-" "No sir." The computer responded. The room burst into brilliant colors. Red, gold, blue, mahogany. Their neon lights causing Matthias to cry out and fling an arm across his eyes. "Breathe me-" "Stop it!" Matthias cried, moving backwards and tripping. "Be me." The room, or was it his mind? exploded into confusion and suddenly he was being torn apart. Red hot fire rippled up and down his body. A salty, almost sulphuric taste filled his mouth. Needles penetrated and punctured his lungs. He opened his mouth to cry out, but the only sound he heard was the rushing, and thudding in his ears. A merciful blackness, and then he drifted into oblivion. He awoke to laughter. With a soft moan he forced his eyes open. "-It was the most amusing thing I have ever seen in my life. Oh Matthias. I wish you could have been here to see it. You would have simply died." a female voice giggled from a distance. He blinked in confusion and sat up. He tensed, expecting pain, but there was none. "Anyway, I'd better be running. Mother wants me to help her with the chickens. Daddy and Mom send their love. So do I. Take Care of yourself Matt-" The small screen atop his desk was playing a video letter his sister must have sent him. He could see her face clearly from his place on the floor across the room. "We would hate to see anything happen to you." she blew him a kiss, "Bye now." the screen went blank. How long have I been out? he wondered as he stumbled across the room. His legs felt like rubber. "Computer... what time is it?" The computer responded easily with the time and date. "W-what?" he stuttered with disbelief. His knees gave out and he sank to the floor. "My god... I've slept for that long...." He had, in fact, skipped an entire day. Slept for almost twenty four hours. And he couldn't even remember going to sleep. "Sweet mary... I guess I did need a vacation..." he muttered running a hand through his hair. His eyes drifted across the room and focused on the couch. A frown marred his brow, "What on earth?..." he murmured, rising and walking over to the couch. A uniform, of silver and gold lay on the couch. Carefully folded and arranged. With a shaking hand he reached out and ran a finger across the soft cloth. "How did this get here?" he wondered aloud, a curious fear settling over his being.