Stardate 52042.8 Enoz lay still on her bed. The EMH was moving a tricorder past her head, then snapped it shut. She looked up at him, blinking with all three eyes for the first time in days. The doctor spun around when another bed began beeping incessantly. He jumped over to Bruder's console and quickly reopened his tricorder. "What the-?!" Enoz stood up and walked up behind the doctor, seeing only one orderly on duty. "Doc, what's up?" "We had to induce a coma because of all the shock her system was suffering. Between losing her arm and our removing all the alien technology, it's a wonder that she's still with us." "Some people just don't know how to die, doc." said Enoz dryly. "That's a lot of nervous activity for a coma." "I know," said the EMH. "Miss Bruder is having an allergic reaction to an overdose. We gave her a medicine designed to keep her unconscious yet stimulate growth in her nervous system. Someone gave her too much and now she's undergoing hallucinations. I'm also reading increased production of stomach acids, almost to dangerous levels. I'll have to give her medication to calm both symptoms." Enoz and the EMH both turned to the orderly, who coughed nervously. Enoz took the initiative. "Name and rank, orderly." "Acting Ensign Gene Thomas, ma'am." he stuttered nervously. "Look, I wasn't supposed to be a nurse. I had just started my second year of biochemistry at the Academy when they bumped me out to make room for real students, ones they need for the war." That line of reasoning struck a chord with Enoz, who merely dismissed him. "Looks like Etely doesn't like the Gene therapy." muttered the EMH. Enoz rolled all three of her eyes. "She's coming around." Bruder's eyes barely squinted. "You can just call me Et." The hologram glanced at her queerly. "I just need to call home, talk to my parents." she mumbled. "Ensign, your parents are deceased" said Enoz. Bruder opened her eyes and bolted upright, disoriented, still hallucinating. "Where's Philip?" she mumbled. Enoz pulled a console closer to the bed, accessing the databanks, distracting Bruder while the EMH scanned her. "Philip who?" "Philip Emerson. One l, he's a lieutenant." Enoz quickly typed the instructions into the computer for it to search for any Lieutenant Philip Emersons in the Fleet. There were three. "The first Lieutenant Philip Emerson is of Earth, assigned to ground deployment in the Jen'Taka system. Current status is Missing-In-Action. The second Lieutenant Philip Emerson is from Centauri IV, assigned to the U.S.S. Packard, which was destroyed two days ago. The third Lieutenant Philip Emerson is from Pacifica, serving as Chief Waste Extraction Officer to Starbase 654. Current status is active." Bruder put her head in her hands but only momentarily, tensing at the metallic feel of her prosthetic arm. The EMH put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm trying to clone skin, but I haven't overcome your body's biorejection yet." That didn't make Bruder feel any better. She began shrieking and shaking hysterically. Enoz slammed her down on the bed and activated the restraining fields before the doctor injected her with a sedative. "I almost forgot, Commander," said the EMH. "Your eye will be fine. It will be out of focus for a few days, but you can return to duty." Enoz nodded, smoothed her uniform and strolled out the door. She stepped into a turbolift. "Deck 1." The lift began its ascent when a sudden urge overcame her. "Halt...-where's Syxx?" "Main Engineering." "Take me there." The lift reversed direction and deposited Enoz at the end of the long room. Few personnel were on duty, most were about the ship repairing damage. Enoz gazed at Syxx from a distance. The Bolian was facing the warp core, seemingly entranced. Enoz was absorbed in utter fascination by the variations of light radiating off his shiny head as the deuterium injections pulsed down the injector rings towards their powerful demise. Shaking her head at her own romanticism, she took a step forward, not entirely sure her eyes were fine. Syxx barely turned to see her. "You okay?" he asked quietly, almost whispering. "Yeah." "Good...we should talk." "I know. What happened down there-" Syxx cut her off. "What happened down there will never change. I will not lie to you, Commander. I do have strong feelings for you, but I must resist them." Enoz, now too, turned and gazed up at the warp core. She had inwardly hoped that she and Syxx could have continued their relationship, but knew it was nearly impossible to do so. Seeing Syxx silent, she finished his thought. "Starfleet doesn't meddle in it's officers' personal lives too often, but over half the crew on this ship answer to the two of us. With a war on, Starfleet is losing more than ships and lives. We're losing faith and hope. That means that minute by minute, our subordinates depend on us more to be a constant, unchanging." "You're more right than you know, Enoz." whispered Syxx, lowering his eyes to the deck. "That research project you're doing with Lenoz and Zenoz. Even those who care nothing about it are impressed." The Oblokoni gazed at him inquisitively, and he met her look with one of humble admiration. He said, "The galaxy is on fire, and it takes all we've got just to survive. And yet, somehow, you still chase a dream and find a way to live. Even if we drive the Dominion back through that wormhole, if they change us in anyway, we'll have lost something. As long as you chase a dream, wearing our uniform, we're winning on at least one front." She suddenly understood Syxx. He was holding her at arms length because he felt professionally obligated to, but was also revealing that a connection between them still existed. Most officers treated her as if she had come from a Federation world, but it flooded all five chambers of her heart to hear Syxx flatter her as more important than a Federation member. "Maybe after the war..." she said, knowing it was a sentence that had to be started, but could not be finished. The Bolian smiled and nodded. She turned and strolled softly out of Engineering, praying to her gods that they would poison all the ketrecel-white that would ever exist, not for survival of the Alpha Quadrant, not for retribution, but so she could one more private undistracted moment with a blue skinned engineer. When she got to her quarters, she marched through the doors before she could muster the courage to face her triad, knowing if she took time to do so, she wouldn't. She only took one step in the door and stopped, her mouth gaping. "Come on in and let the doors close, En." Zenoz said from the floor. "We don't want anyone seeing us like this." growled Lenoz, also on the deck. Enoz stepped in and let the doors shut, but she didn't stray any farther. "What do you two think you're doing? A husband and mate have never done-that-without the wife around before. Never! It's not possible-" "Well, we know it's not going to result in any biological possibilities." said Lenoz, standing slowly, grabbing his uniform which had been draped carelessly over the couch. "But, hey, it's not like we did anything wrong. I mean, relations between only two members of a triad isn't forbidden. It's just never been done. Just like your little episode with Syxx down on the planet." Enoz glanced down at Zenoz, who was rolling around on what was left of the coffee table, chuckling. "What are you thinking, Zen?" "It occurred to us we were only angry with you because we were thinking like humans, because we're around them so much. But from a true Oblokoni perspective, you did nothing wrong. It had just never been done. Heck, you were only being a Starfleet Officer, boldly going where no one has gone before." Lenoz, now pulling on a boot, burst out laughing. Even Enoz had to giggle. "Your experience may even help our project, so we decided to throw another log on the fire and try something new ourselves." "You know," said Lenoz. "When those subspace ripples appeared, we had to recalibrate the warp field with a new geometry. Would you two like to see the interesting patterns that can be formed when ripples appear?" Enoz and Zenoz glanced at each other confused, but both nodded politely to Lenoz in agreement. He just smiled and grabbed Zenoz by a foot and Enoz by a hand, dragging them to the bedroom. Meanwhile, on the bridge, Mason, Ming and Beeg monitored some residual subspace eddies, discussing how to neutralize them. "Beeg," said Ming. "Could we dissipate one with an adjusted quantum torpedo?" "Possibly, Commander." the Pinx said. "Make it possible." ordered Mason, stepping down onto the command deck. "We've been having so much excitement lately, I'd like to force the space around us to become boring." "Actually, sir." interrupted Ming. "We can do it faster if I call Mr. Weis the bridge. He can help us program them more quickly." Mason thought for a moment, then nodded to Ming, who called out "Kasper Weis, report to the bridge." In his quarters, Weis jolted upright in his bed. Summoned to the bridge? What was going on? He quickly donned his usual black slacks and lucky red tunic that had been a birthday present once. The civilian dashed to the bridge. Once there, he reported to Ming, "You called, Commander?" "We need your assistance reprogramming torpedoes. Use the science station." she said, nodding to the console behind her and Beeg. Weis stepped up and began doing calculations. Moments later, they were ready for a test fire. Mason approved the launch and Beeg targeted one of the smaller eddies just inside firing range. The torpedo sped away and exploded against the ripple. The Equinox lurched to one side as a massive energy ring discharged from the impact. Beeg landed on the deck beside Weis, the Pinx yelling "You idiot! You opened it up more!" Only Mason hung onto his chair, barking out "Red Alert! Ming! Activate the deflector dish and try to neutralize the wave!" The first officer hit some buttons and a pulse lashed out from the dish. The Equinox stabilized but began resonating. "Captain!" Ming said. "The dish will close that ripple in seventeen seconds, but it's also causing power feedbacks in random systems." "Ride it out!" Mason ordered. "Engineering, compensate!" The seventeen seconds seemed to drag on like an eternity. Mason counted them silently in his head. When he reached 16, a conduit behind him on his left shrieked and exploded. Pieces of red fabric went drifting over his head. Down in Sickbay, the EMH's emitters fluttered, then went off-line. No one was there to stop the power surge in Bruder's restraining fields. A beam spiked and severed off her prosthetic arm. She lay there, still unconscious, blood pouring from her arm socket. Enoz stumbled onto the bridge, just as Ming reported all clear. The Oblokoni gazed at what little was left of her port side science station and the blood and guts of its former user splattered all over Ming and Beeg. "Chief, which one of my officers was this?" she asked, fearing she had lost another friend. "It was that civilian, Weis." shrugged the Pinx. "Oh, I only met him once I think." She turned and walked across the bridge to the other science station, muttering, "So many new faces, come and gone." She sat and began going through the data when she noticed the engineer to her left gazing at her. "Something I can do for you, crewman?" she said, not taking her eyes off her console. The crewman glanced over his shoulder, making sure Mason and Ming weren't looking. "Yes, ma'am. I've got a text message on my console from Commander Syxx. He wants to know if you're okay." Enoz held a poker face for the crewman, but smile inwardly. "Tell our dear chief engineer that all science systems are fully functional."