Stardate 52042.9 In Sickbay, Et, while in her current state screamed in pain. Unknown to her was what was causing it. The EMH flickered quickly, as his system came back online, and trotted over to her bed. He realized that her recently added arm has been blasted off by a power surge and checked his records and knew that he could not use another prosthetic. With her immune response already out the roof, blood biorejection levels ruled out biomechanics. Her chaotic nervous system activity also ruled out fully technical implants. He then decided to just leave her with only one arm and to confine her to an extensive occupational therapy regiment on the holodeck for an indefinite time until she is fit for duty. Meanwhile, on the bridge, Beeg turned and shrugged, saying "Weis was only a human." His eyes turning blue, Ming sat wondering if she was seeing things, being this was one of only a few Pinx serving in Starfleet. Mason heard the comment and wondered if Beeg was getting impatient for the thrill of the fight. Later on after the bridge crew cleaned up after Weis blew up, Mason called Beeg into his ready room and asked if the security crew was prepared for defense if the ship was boarded. Beeg looked at Mason, his eyes turning from the icy blue to purple down to green. (Mason wondered why he did that) Beeg stated, "Sir, I believe they could use more training and I believe that the Klingon calisthenics program I have can help that." Beeg left Mason's ready room and called the computer to secure the holodeck for training exercises and to contact all security personnel to meet Beeg in front of the deck. Beeg walked to the turbo lift, and went to the holodeck and set the program while the security staff was gathering. Beeg instructed the staff that they would first start with a light calisthenics regiment and then they would move on to an intensive training program to prepare for invasion of the ship and defending the ship from a boarding party. The staff members looked at each other and muttered to each other. Beeg sneered and then barked out, "You can either take this training and be able to defend this bucket. Or you can not do this if you find someone willing to challenge me in armed bat'leth or human sword combat in the holodeck for two hours. You decide." The crewmen looked again at each other and then one, a burly looking alien that had three arms and one eye said, "I challenge you." Beeg and the rest of the security staff entered the holodeck in an ancient arena setting from Earth, probably Roman. Beeg took the mortality failsafes off-line and then asked the alien to pick weapons. He said, "Swords, fifteenth century human. You can pick which one from there." Beeg then quickly stated that he wanted a claymore for himself and quickly had a perfectly balanced holographic weapon in his hand. The alien chose a short sword for himself. Then the lights dimmed and they parried off and all the watching officers heard was Beeg growling as his eyes started to glow red and flash different colors behind. Suddenly they heard an injured whelp and saw the blue alien flying back in the air. Then Etely walked in on the fight, as the blue alien fell to the ground. "Ensign Bruder," Beeg said, "I am going to report you to Captain Mason. You are not supposed to be here." "The EMH told me I'm allergic to all available prosthetics right now, so I'm here for therapy." Beeg retorted, "I am training the security staff and was in middle of that when you opened the door. Use the other deck down the way, I had this one reserved." Etely quietly turned and moped down to the other holodeck. "Emergency, Emergency, an unidentified person is on the ship in the barber shop on deck 5," came a shrieking Ferengi voice over the intercom. Beeg ordered several of the other security crew to follow him up to Reman's barber shop. Reman was running around screaming about some guy that killed Telsa who was getting her hair cut. Beeg instructed the others to run a scan for anything that might help locate the killer. "Did anyone see this, Reman, besides you?" Beeg asked. Reman stammered "Yes, but they ran." Beeg quickly replied, "Why did they leave you?" Not seeing a response from Reman, "You will stay in custody until we get this straight and either let you go hold you accountable for a false alarm." A security team hauled Reman away while Beeg tapped his commbadge. "Enoz, can you come down to Reman’s shop and help with an investigation? Telsa has been killed..." The Pinx heard Enoz gasp. Telsa had worked in the exobiology department. "Maybe you can help us figure out why someone would kill her and where are they now." Enoz answered, "Yes, I'll come down. I am on the Bridge cleaning up the rest of the equipment that was blasted with the power surge." Beeg switched channels and ordered his department to scan the vessel for anyone suspicious and for teams to physically investigate areas not penetrated by sensors.