Stardate: 52043.2 Lyinn looked around. She seemed to be in a metal tunnel about twice her height. She wasn't quite sure how it happened but she seemed to now be one a starship. And that starship was under attack. One second she was on a planet seemingly about to die, and the next she was caught up in some kind of blue light. Then nothing, and then she was standing a HUGE pad of some sort. In a room with a tall man who looked like his eyes were going to pop out. He just stood there, doing nothing. So Lyinn dropped the jewelry, and headed for what might be a door. It even opened without you doing anything! ^Blue lights, an' slidin' doors, what else do these people have?^ Lyinn couldn't help but think. After trotting for a while she came across an open hole in the wall. Looking at it, it didn't seem like a door. It wasn't big enough, and it was placed off the ground. ^But whatever that was in there must be better that walking so much out in the open.^ That turned out to be some people in what looked like Starfleet uniforms. ^Well, if they be Starfleet, then I must be on a Starfleet ship. Which would explain the blue light... which must be a transporter!!!! My, my, me've heard of 'em, but to think I have now used one!!!^ It wasn't hard to pass by the personnel, they were too busy to notice anything. After walking awhile Lyinn came to a stop. ^Me must find out where I am. Which way am I going? Up, down? What? Me, best get out at the next little door (which was what she now called them), and see if I can find a map.^ Just a little jogged paces away, there was a little door. But, this one didn't go out into a big tunnel, instead it went into a big room filled with metal boxes. ^This must be a storage room. There 'as got to be a big door somewhere.^ But before Lyinn could find one, the whole room was shaking with a direct hit. Boxes where coming down everywhere. So Lyinn decided that maybe she should just hide in one of the few boxes that weren't moving, and wait out the fight. Then maybe she would talk to one of the Starfleet, maybe even the Captain. ^It could be so wonderful if I could stay. Out among the stars like a true wanderer.... well maybe if the ship would stop shaking.^