Stardate 52051.0 Elani took one last look at the station and almost sighed. She shook her head and strode purposefully toward the ship she was going to be on for a few days. "Elani!" As Elani turned she saw the human male who had been following her and trying to chat with her at every possible moment. She closed her eyes briefly and turned. "What can I do for you Lieutenant Groder?" she said coldly. "I..I just wanted to give you this gift!" he stuttered. With that the man pulled out a medium sized box and handed it to Elani. Glancing at it she quickly opened the box. A blanket made of fleece sat in it. "I know that Vulcans don't like cold temperatures so I got you a blanket" Groder stated. "Thank you lieutenant." Elani desperately wanted to end the conversation. She walked away quickly to the ship, The U.S.S Odyssey. On the Odyssey she found her quarters and settled in. Elani felt like an army of angry Klingon warriors had trampled her. She took off her uniform jacket and put it on a chair. She tried meditate but found herself too tired. She laid on her bed and closed her eyes. She let herself drift off to sleep. Elani awoke feeling a slight jolt. She sat up and looked around the room. Nothing seemed unusual. She stood and put on her jacket. The ship rocked again and she went to the window. It would be logical that there was an outside force acting upon the ship. As she looked out the window Elani's eyes widened with shock as four Jem'Hadar ships approached.