Stardate: 52051.4 Ensign Hindman had seen some sort of wave pass through the others, yet it had hit him as if it were a wall. Now the creatures were talking to him again. But from where? Jack's head throbbed as he staggered through the corridors. No one seemed to notice him as he passed by. Just what was going on? Jack collapsed as he neared the turbolift and nobody even stopped to help him up. It took all of his strength to pull himself up and to stumble into the lift. "Sickbay," he uttered. The computer did not respond with a loud beep as it had usually done. "Sickbay," Jack said again, louder. The computer still did not respond. Then an Ensign entered the lift, taking no notice of Hindman. "Sickbay," the Ensign ordered. The familiar beep sounded and the lift began to move. Jack stepped forward. "Hey, this thing wasn't working before," he said. The Ensign said nothing. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Jack yelled. The ensign gave no response. Jack grabbed the Ensign's shoulder. As he did this, the Ensign turned around and stared at Jack. No, not at him, through him. Then the Ensign turned back around, wondering if he had imagined a hand on his shoulder. The turbolift stopped and the Ensign stepped out, as did Jack. What was going on? Jack had first had his troubles when he had blacked out. Then he had had his first encounter with the aliens. After that, the aliens attacked the ship, twice. And not too long before, they had talked to him. Now no one could see or hear him. What had the alien said? Soon you will be with us? Or was it one of us? Jack was in sickbay now, but he felt fine. Now how was he going to get out of here? His communicator was useless and he had to wait for someone to use the turbolift. But how had the aliens used the lifts if the computer would not respond to their voices? "Maybe I'm going about this wrong," Jack muttered to himself. Then he remembered. The aliens had communicated telepathically. Now he was invisible like them and no one could hear him, so... It was quiet on the bridge when the doors slid open and no one seemed to enter. Captain Mason looked to the doors as they closed. "Well, that was odd," he said. . Had Mason heard that? Mason stared for a moment before he got out of his chair and moved into the briefing room. After the doors had closed behind him he asked, "Who's there?" "What happened to you?" "Do you have any idea how to become visible?" For a brief moment Ensign Hindman's image flickered in front of Mason. "A little bit, but not much. We have to get you help. The problem is where to get it." Mason thought for a moment before something popped into his head. He looked to where Jack stood and said "I think I may know someone who can help." Jack uttered a sigh of relief. Mason just hoped that the Goulavar would be able to help them in this situation.