Stardate 52052.1 Four transporter energy streams shimmered on the Goulavar ship. Their light faded, three officers could be seen: Captain Mason, Commander Ming, and Lieutenant Commander Enoz. There was one officer who couldn't be seen by any of the rest of them, Ensign Hindman. The four looked around. The Goulavar ship was dark, with a few blue lights shining in the corners. The rest of the light came from the many consoles around the room, many of them looking similar to consoles on Federation ships. There was also a holographic projection running in the center of the room that looked as if it acted as a viewscreen. The Captain noticed a figure walking toward them. When he got close enough, Mason noticed it was Antal. For the first time the Captain could see Antal's uniform. It consisted of several cloths wrapped around his body. The cloths were all different shades of blue. Mason wondered if this race just liked the color blue or if their eyes could only see that end of the color spectrum. Antal looked at the Captain, "Hello again, Captain." The Captain nodded, "Hello. Allow me to introduce my officers. This is Commander Ming, my first officer." Antal looked at Ming, "Oh, I'm very pleased to meet you, Commander." Ming smiled, "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Antal." Antal returned Ming's smile, "Just call me Antal." The Captain motioned toward Enoz, "And this is my chief science officer, Lieutenant Commander Enoz." Antal looked briefly at Enoz and said, "Hello," but seemed much more interested in Commander Ming. Ming tried not to look too uncomfortable, since this was supposed to be a diplomatic meeting. Mason said, "And there is one more officer with me. Actually, he's the one I'm here to talk to you about." The Captain motioned toward where he thought Hindman was standing. Antal glanced in that direction, then over to Ming, but quickly looked back over at Hindman. "Captain, your crewman looks almost like a Wiansani!" he said. Enoz looked over to where Antal was looking, "You can see him?" Antal shook his head, not looking away from Hindman, "Of course." It occurred to Mason that maybe the Goulavar couldn't see as many colors as humans, but might be able to see some other things they couldn't. He said, "To us he's invisible. So are the Wiansani." , Hindman said to Mason telepathically. Antal finally looked away from Hindman, "How did this happen?" Mason said, "As far as we can tell, it happened just after he was hit by the wave that you used to drive the Wiansani from our ship. If we could find out more about the weapon you used, we might be able to..." "I can't do that, Mason." Antal interrupted, "Even to someone we consider a friend, I can't give away any information on our weapons." Antal looked away, staring at one of the blue, glowing lights, "Besides, there's no way it could have done this to him. It must have been something the Wiansani did to him." Mason frowned for a moment, "Mr. Antal, my crew is at a loss to treat this man. If you could just..." "I'm sorry, Captain." Antal said, still looking away. Ming stepped forward, thinking she may have more luck, "Antal, we won't ask for any secrets about your weapons if you don't want to give any. I propose that we work together on this problem. It would go a long way toward forming a relationship, between our two peoples." Antal turned and looked at Ming, "A partnership, Commander?" "Call me Becky." Ming replied. Antal smiled, "Becky. I'll tell you what. I'll send my chief medical officer, Doctor Wallin, to your ship. He's done extensive research on the Wiansani and should be able to help." Ming said, "That would be wonderful." "Very good then," Mason said, "We'll return to our ship and await the arrival of Doctor Wallin. Have him contact us when he's ready and we'll beam him over." Antal nodded toward Hindman, "Don't worry, Ensign, our doctor will do everything he can to treat you." He then grinned triumphantly at Ming, who just tried to smile back as pleasantly as she could. The Captain signaled the Equinox for transport. ************************************************************* Stardate 52052.4 Later, on the Equinox, Mason was sitting down in his quarters. He laid back in his chair, letting his thoughts wander. Eventually his thoughts turned to that note. He had been putting it off, burying himself in his work, but he knew he had to finish it. He had to let his wife know that their second child, Chaz, had died. She wouldn't feel sad or depressed the way humans do, but he knew her too well to think she wouldn't be affected by such a loss. Captain Mason looked down at his table where his note was supposed to be, "Hmm... I need to finish that note but how can I if I can't find it. I could just write another one but if I can't find the other one then that means someone must have took it. That note is too important to me for anyone else to read it. Good thing I wrote it in that ancient Vulcan writing," Mason said as he pondered what he should do. As he was looking around, his communicator beeped, "Sickbay to Captain Mason." He ended his search and tapped his comm badge, "Mason here." The Emergency Medical Hologram was on the other end, "Captain, I just wanted to let you know that Doctor Wallin, as well as most of his medical equipment, have arrived." "Thank you, Doctor." The Captain left his quarters, on his way to sickbay to meet Doctor Wallin.