Stardate: 52011.4 After hearing the news about Doctor L'vant, Carter and three other security personnel got up and followed the Captain and the XO out the door. As they were walking down the hall, Captain tapped his communicator, "Captain to sickbay." "Sickbay here, go ahead," said a female voice. "Medical emergency team to Cargo Bay 4," said the Captain. "Aye sir," said the female voice. After the Captain had finished calling sickbay, Lt. Carter leaned to one of the security personnel and said, "When we get to the entrance of Cargo Bay 4, I want you to stand outside and let no one in except me, the XO, and the Captain. Is that understood?" Right as the young ensign agreed they entered the turbolift. "Cargo Bay 4," stated the Captain. As the lift stopped and the doors opened the security crew exited. They walked down the corridor until they reached the entrance of the Cargo Bay. The ensign took his post while the five men stood outside the door. When the door opened there was Mr. Syxx standing over the body of Doctor L’vant. As the Captain and the XO went to examine the body Carter and the other two security personnel stopped just inside the door. Carter instructed them both to stand guard at the door. After the two were at their post Carter walked over to the body. As Carter approached the body the captain turned to him. "I want the person who did this in my office in cuffs. Keep me posted on your progress.", said the captain. "In the meantime I have to go notify the next of kin about the loss of a fine officer." "Aye sir," stated Carter. After that the Captain and XO exited the Cargo Bay. As they were leaving the medical team entered. It was a team of four nurses. Two were carrying a stretcher. Carter approached the leader of the group, "I want you to do a complete autopsy to find out what killed Doctor L'vant," said Carter. "Aye sir," said the leader of the group. The four nurses put the body on the stretcher and took her back to sickbay. After the nurses left Carter walked up to one the security personnel standing by the door. "Give me three teams. One team checks all the computer records on all the activity that happened in Cargo Bay 4. The second team will check Doctor L'vant's duty station for any clues and the third team will check all activity in Doctor L'vant's quarters," said Carter, "Use as much personnel as needed. Report back to me every hour." After Carter said that he walked out the door en route to his office.