Stardate: 52054.2 Reman looked up and all around at the room he was in. He had been taken and put into a Goulavar prison cell. The floor was solid with no cracks, bolts, or anything else, just a solid sheet of metal. The walls, ceiling, and everything else was made up of a blue energy field that was obviously lethal because Reman attempted to throw a piece of latinum past the energy bars but it was quickly melted. He could see no guards around and no way out. Reman had assumed that Ming had been taken somewhere else, probably Antal's quarters. There was nothing he could do but wait. Soon Reman felt the ship shake a little bit. It caused the energy field surrounding him to fluctuate. But the duration wasn't long enough to escape. If only it would last a little longer, Reman thought. Just then his wish was granted and the energy field shut off for a minute and Reman took the chance and jumped out. He just barely made it and the field turned back on. "Hmm..I wonder what's going on. I should probably try to find Ming and then get off this ship....but I'm sure she will be really happy here. Anyway she couldn't give good oo-mox if her life depended on it," Reman said as he made his way to the door. It opened and Reman looked down the hall. He saw nobody to the left but when he looked to the right he saw two Jem’Hadar soldiers and two Goulavar. Reman quickly backed into the room. "What's going on here? Has this ship been captured by the Jem’Hadar? I'd better get out of here before anything else bad happens." Reman sprinted across the room and went through another door that was located at the other side of the room. Just as he was leaving, the soldiers that were walking down the other hall entered. They noticed Reman leaving through the other door and yelled at him. "Hey! Where do you think you are going?!" Reman didn't stop to explain but instead ran down the hall and right in front of more Jem’Hadar soldiers. He turned and ran the other way past the door he had just come out of. The soldiers in the brig came out and joined the others chasing Reman down the hallway. Reman quickly ducked into a room off to the side and found himself up to his lobes in even more trouble. The room he had entered was some kind of large meeting hall. There were at least 40 chairs surrounding a large central table in the room. At the head of the table was Antal and he was shaking the hand of a Dominion Vorta. In each chair was either a Jem’Hadar or a Goulavar. Reman started to back away and wished for a quick death when suddenly he felt a transporter beam grab onto him. When he remateralized, he was back on the Equinox but not alone. A few Jem’Hadar and Goulavar had come with him. Back on the bridge the readings were coming back to Enoz just who they had transported, "Goulavar and Jem’Hadar? What's going on here?" Enoz hit the console in frustration and then Elea called to her. "Our readings appear to have been wrong on that other ship. Our sensors were probably thrown off by the nebula but now that we are further away the other ship is registering as a Dominion vessel." Enoz looked up and said, "Well hurry up and transport all our uninvited guests back to their ships, or out into space I don't care. Just get them off!" Elea tapped some buttons on her console, "It seems we can't. The readings are scattered all over the ship and we just can't get a lock on them for some reason." Suddenly, Mull said, "Commander! We have another ship on sensors!" "What is it, Borg?" Enoz said. "NO! It's a Wiansani ship! They seem to be attacking the Goulavar ship and not us!" "At least something’s going our way! We'll get out of this yet!" Enoz said.