Stardate: 52054.2 Colors drifted lazily in the inky darkness as Jack Hindman slept. Red, blues, yellows, and greens. Several others were there, but not as bright. Here, the Ensign was at peace, alone with his own thoughts. Then everything began to shudder, the whispy clouds of color dissipated, leaving Jack stranded in a sea of blackness. "What's wrong with him, Doctor Wallin?" The voice was distant, unrecognizable. "He's slipped into a coma. I don't know why." Jack suddenly was engulfed by a large flash of light, blinded by it. It was followed by a large explosion which shook everything in his mind. He heard garbled words as everything shook, red bolts of lightning cutting into his thoughts. That was when he heard it. It started low, but gradually grew into a deafening hiss, followed by a familiar voice. No, not an actual voice. It was a message in his mind. The creature was gone, into the darkness. At least, for the time being. Suddenly there was light, and Jack's eyes shot open. He gasped for breath and shuddered for a moment. After a few moments he caught his breath, and he looked around him. The EMH was there, and so was Wallin. "What...happened?" Jack coughed, clutching his chest. "You slipped into a coma, suddenly," the EMH said, calmly. "After we attempted to bring you back, you went into arrest. You were very lucky to have survived." "They...talked to me," Jack said, letting out a long breath. "What did they say?" Wallin spoke, arms folded across his chest. "They said that they were busy with a 'problem'. I suppose they won't be bothering us for a while, or so they said. But they'll be back. I know it." There was a moment of silence before Jack heard something in the very back of his mind. It sounded like a shrill wind blowing through an empty house. It was a silent laugh.