Stardate 52054.5 Reman sat up in his cell. He must have been stunned for at least a few hours. He didn't understand why he was in here. There was no real reason for him to be locked up. He couldn't even think of a reason. He hadn't done anything wrong recently, he had not stolen anything, not even swindled anybody. And that made Reman mad because he could have been making some profit. Now he was in this stupid cell for some stupid Federation reason. Probably had to do with racism towards Ferengi, he figured. Reman got up from his bed that had prison gray sheets on it and walked over to the mirror. He splashed some water on his face from the sink and then walked to just in front of the force field. Reman looked over at the security console and saw Heaton working on. "Hey, Heaton! What's going on why am I in here!" Reman yelled. "I have no idea. All I know is that you have to stay in there until further notice." "That makes no sense! All I did was get captured by those aliens and when I finally escaped I get put back in another cell. Now does that sound like justice to you?" Heaton just shrugged, "Search me. All I know is that I have to keep you in there until Beeg says it's okay for you to leave." Reman folded his arms disgusted and then sat down on the floor. The Ferengi council will hear of this, Reman thought. Ferengi are never treated with the respect they deserve, when all they want to do is help others by selling them merchandise and services, and make some profit in the process. Stardate 52054.8 A few hours passed and Reman paced his cell a dozen times and took a short nap. Reman awoke to the sound of a voice coming over the comm. Heaton was talking with someone and Reman immediately recognized it as Captain Mason's voice. "Just keep Reman in his cell Heaton. I don't want anything to happen like we discussed." Heaton just agreed and then switched off the comm. Just then the door of the brig flew open and Lyinn came running in. The device on her head was gone and she seemed conscious. Closely behind her was Beeg. She looked at Reman and growled. Reman took a step back and watched as Lyinn jumped at the force field and was knocked back. Before she could get up Beeg held out his phaser and vaporized her into nothing. "You are lucky I killed her Ferengi. She would have liked to seen you dead." Reman was speechless not knowing what to say considering the circumstances. "That will teach you to bite my arm you little nuisance," Beeg said as he started to walk out. "Hey what about me!" Reman said. Beeg turned around, "Oh you? You won't be getting out any time soon. So just make yourself comfortable." Reman was getting ready for a retort but Beeg had already left. Stardate 52056.7 A few more hours passed. It could have been a day or two Reman didn't notice. Suddenly he felt the ship shake violently and heard the red alert warning go off. The ship shook for about an hour and then red alert stopped and so did the shaking. Reman didn't really care, he just wanted to get out of the brig and get to his hidden latinum. Stardate 52059.9 Another day passed and finally Beeg came into the brig and turned off the force field. "You are free to go Reman." Reman jumped up and ran out of the cell. "Well it is about time. You know...." But Beeg cut him off, "I don't want to hear it Ferengi. I'm not in the best of moods. So if you don't want your ears ripped off, I recommend you shut up." Reman stopped talking and just put his nose in the air. "Well then I'll be going." But just before Reman was about to leave Beeg stopped him, "Oh by the way. I wouldn't go to your barber shop for awhile. At least until it is repaired." Reman shot a glance at Beeg, "What!? What do you mean!" "Well a lot has happened since you have been in the brig. Don't worry I'm sure you'll hear about it from someone." Reman just ignored him and ran to his barber shop. When he reached it the door was opened and the inside was torn apart. Chairs were strewn around, the mirrors were broken, other things were smashed up, and burn marks adorned the walls. Reman quickly checked on his latinum and to his surprise it was still locked away hidden in the wall. He opened the safe and saw that his latinum was still there. Reman held it tightly and said, "Well thank the Nagus there is a god."