Stardate 52054.6 Once Mason left, Enoz reentered the quarters of Etalom'Ori Taj. "You have some nerve." "Oh, like murder is beneath you." snapped Taj. "What-?!" Enoz stopped. "Etalom'Ori Taj?" The Etalom nodded. Enoz said, "There were Ori on the raid, that day at the dam. One was Etalom’Ori Majelle. Your parent?" "He’s told me all about that day." Taj said. "I know you weren’t the one that planted the bomb, or set it off, but you did design the bioneural decay fiber trigger." "For the bomb that burst open the dam at Lake Klovice and drowned the Fuqua clan chief and his family." muttered Enoz. "Look, Taj, no one here knows about that incident, the Federation doesn’t either." "They won’t from me." Taj said. "I know how long you were imprisoned, and how many you’ve many we all lost." "You’re not old enough to remember the true Troubles." Enoz said, defensive about her age. "Very true." Taj admitted. "But in my travels, I’ve seen peaceful civilized systems fall into chaos, so I like to think I can gaze around Wardyssia’s worlds and imagine what happened before my time. I just wanted us to understand one another. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to review whatever logs and news your computer has. I was on my way to a conference when the ship I was a passenger on was seized. I’d like to see if anyone else made the breakthrough I was to report." Enoz turned to go out the door, but stopped when Taj added "If you do decide to rid yourselves of some Jem’Hadar, let me know." Enoz headed for the Arboretum. She sat by herself on a bench reading a PADD. Mr. Clemons smiled at her but left, sensing her need for privacy. She would have had it, but Syxx walked up. "What did Taj want?" he asked. "The chance to murder some Jem’Hadar." "I’m surprised you’re not still with him talking about Wardyssia." "He missed some convention, wanted to find out if anyone else had made the 'breakthrough' he had." "Which was?" Syxx asked. "I don’t know. Why?" "I checked his bio. He’s a molecular biologist." Syxx said, tapping his commbadge. "Computer, access files on P.O.W. Etalom’Ori Taj. What was the topic of the lecture he was scheduled to present?" After a moment, he had his answer. "The lecture scheduled was entitled 'Genetic Combination of Fetal Tissue'." Syxx stared at Enoz. "I know you’re tired and busy, but do you mind if I look into this?" he said. "Any possible solution to our double pregnancy dilemma is worthy of investigation." "Syxx, it hasn’t been that long that we’ve known. The issue does need dealt with, but there’s no need to be impatient. Oblokoni reproduction is my triad’s specialty. I’m sure we’ll be able to come up with something from the ship’s database. If not, we’ll of course consult our own broader research." "You should read his bio, this guy’s apparently quite good at what he does, and this maybe our only chance to get something not in the databases. It may wind up being utterly futile, but I think we should take every opportunity available because biological clocks are ticking. It won’t be long before the child Lenoz is carrying needs to be transferred." "Syxx, the chances of one individual research paper unknown to us solving our problems compared to the thousands of known papers-" "I know, I know, it’ll probably be a waste of time, but I’m an engineer. I’m used to at least trying to solve problems as quickly as I can. At least let me do it to satisfy my urge to do something about it." "Well," she sighed, "if you put it that way, maybe you understand my resistance to your trying." "Huh?" "Zenoz and Lenoz. Don’t tell them about this. They’re still in initial shock about all this. I don’t want them to think we’re moving without them. According to Oblokoni tradition, all decisions in the time of the male’s pregnancy are the mates, Lenoz’s. They’re letting me make calls as well, since I’m pregnant as well. Go ahead, see what you can do." "Thanks!" Syxx immediately bolted for Taj’s quarters. He almost stepped into the quarters before chiming. "Enter!" yelled a miserable Taj. Syxx slid in quickly. "Mr. Taj, I’d like your help on something." "Do I have a choice?" "Yes." "Then forget it. After my experiences I don’t trust anyone wearing a uniform except Enoz. In times of war, civilians only trust other civilians. Leave." Syxx turned and stepped out. Enoz probably wouldn’t do it. He was lucky she had okayed this at all. A civilian, that’s what he needed. Quickly brainstorming, he dashed towards the Bridge. In the turbolift, he bit his lip, thinking hard. The Bolian stormed onto the Bridge and went straight to the Pinx security officer. "Beeg! I need your help and you get to have some fun doing it!" Stardate 52054.8 A little over an hour and a half later, Syxx paced up and down the corridor outside Reman’s cell room. He really hoped this would work. Mason and Ming might object to this, but he wasn’t going to tell anyone about this yet. The doors slid open and Beeg stepped out. "Did it work?" Syxx asked. Beeg nodded. "Your adaptation to the local EMH projector was accurate enough. Reman thinks the creature is dead. He’s unconscious again." "Great!" Syxx chuckled, stepping into the holding cell room. He nodded at Heaton, saying "Phaser!" Heaton tossed him one. Syxx set it for heavy stun and aimed it for just above Reman’s head. "Drop the forcefield!" The field dropped and Syxx fired, rousing Reman. "What’s the big Frinxin deal?! Wha-what time is it?" "Doesn’t matter." said Syxx. "Word around here is you murdered the life form we’ve been studying.." "No! No! I get blamed for everything! I didn’t do it! Beeg did!" Reman screamed. "He’s a tactical officer. We need as many as those as we can get in the middle of a war. You’re the perfect scapegoat." Syxx was banking on Reman being so delirious that the Ferengi wouldn’t recognize the obvious bluff. He didn’t. "What am I going to do?" "You could stay in here and take the heat, or you can conduct a negotiation for me and I’ll get you off the hook." "Ah! You’re here to trade." Reman smiled. He was seriously delirious and probably wouldn’t remember this, but he was still Ferengi. "You want a temporary use of me, and I get a permanent benefit. I will be ripping you off, so I accept!" "Fine, fine, let’s go." On the way to Taj’s quarters, Syxx explained what he wanted to happen. "The gentleman in there wants the chance to murder some Jem’Hadar. Offer him the chance to do so in exchange for the ‘breakthrough formulas’ he hasn’t made public yet." "This can’t be true, though." said Reman. "Starfleet wouldn’t allow that." "There’s a holographic recreation in holodeck seven. He’s not to know. I’ll meet you when he’s finished." "Consider it done!" Quietly, Syxx backed away. Moments later, Taj and Reman came out chatting amicably. Syxx followed them out of sight but just within earshot to the holodeck. The pair went in and stayed for nearly an hour. Taj was laughing hysterically when they came out, saying "I’ll get to work on those files!" When he was gone, Syxx approached Reman. "I told Taj he was only allowed to ‘murder’ three Jem’Hadar, but he committed holocide on seven of them. Just for that, I made him agree to include all of his sources in his file. Just for that, I want to be taken to my quarters." "Fine." Reman smiled and followed Syxx to the Ferengi’s quarters. He bounced happily into them. "I gave you my word I’d return you to your quarters, but the truth is, you’ve been had. Syxx to Heaton, beam Reman back into his cell." The Ferengi dematerialized immediately. Stardate 52056.7 Early the next morning, Syxx was satisfied that Taj had completed the files he wanted. He downloaded them to a PADD and went towards the Bridge, expecting Enoz to be covering her normal shift. She was. He stepped down in front of Ming’s seat where she was, saying nothing. She silently glided into the conference room with him on her tail. "What did you find out?" she asked. "First off, I’d like to say that Reman was very helpful in getting this. The Etalom doesn’t know we have it. You may want to consider letting the herb thing go in compensation." "That depends on the value of your information." Syxx handed her the PADD and she scanned through it quickly, very used to reading research papers. "Interesting." Both turned around when they heard the doors slide open. It was Captain Mason. Realizing it was almost time for the morning briefing, they quickly took their seats, to Mason’s right. Enoz sat two chairs down, and Syxx the third. Enoz thought back to the days when Winston was in command, when the chairs were first come first served. When Mason had first taken command, the senior officers had arranged a little ‘joke’ for the first briefing. It was decided that the officers would sit in order of command chain, Ming, Enoz then Syxx on one side and Mull, Carter and L’vant on the other. It was also decided that Mull should sit opposite the windows in the hopes that the starlight would reflect on his earpiece and distract Mason. The plan had backfired, Mason never found the precision funny, nor the earpiece distracting. He had just gone about business as usual, and they wound up sitting in the same seating pattern. Ming, Enoz and Syxx always to Mason’s right. Mull was still first to the Captain’s left, but nowadays, Beeg sat next, as Carter was deceased. L’vant’s old seat was now used by Elea. Mason cleared his throat, interrupting Enoz’s flashback. He nodded at Ming’s empty chair. "She won’t be joining us just yet." Enoz immediately moved up one chair, as did Syxx. Mull came strolling in and assessed the situation, then settled into Syxx’s usual chair. Elea walked in, blinked twice, then sat in Beeg’s usual spot. Although two minutes early, the Pinx was the last to arrive. He stared hard, since everyone was at a different chair except Mason. "I don’t get it." Beeg said, exasperated. Chuckles filled the room, although Enoz noticed Mason was grinning before the Pinx had said anything. Mason had gotten the joke all along and had never let on. "Guess the jokes on us." she mumbled. Mason heard her and nodded. Exceptional command technique, she thought, I’ll have to keep that one in mind when I get my own ship-no! She tapped herself on the side of her head, focusing. No, no ambition in Starfleet, must save Oblokoni. "Let’s get started." Mason said. "Enoz, any change in overall ships status overnight?" "No, sir." "Very well, department reports then." Mason said. "Science first, then go around as usual." "Scanners at 93% operation and climbing as repairs are finished. I expect 97% by the end of the shift and 100% tomorrow morning after some late night adjustments and tweaking. This new space is actually fun for my stellar cartographers." Enoz nodded to Syxx. "Engines are fine, power reserves fully restored just some minor maintenance that’s been neglected since we’ve been so busy. Mull?" "That Wiansani ship is still sitting on the edge of our sensor range, tailing us. Sensors are quiet otherwise. Beeg?" "I’m reducing the length of my department’s shifts. Recent boardings, combat and now extensive guard duty over P.O.W.s is wearing out my officers. We still have no contingencies for the Jem’Hadar when they awake tomorrow. Tactical systems are undergoing a diagnostic as we speak. I’m still not sure what to do about Reman-" "I won’t be pressing the herb matter, nor will Zenoz or Lenoz." interjected Enoz. Beeg was about to reply when the ship suddenly shook violently and the red alert klaxon sounded. As the six officers bolted for the bridge, Enoz remarked "Bad time to attack us! Everyone’s already up here!"