Stardate 52056.7 Captain Mason began issuing orders as soon as the officers were on the bridge. "Enoz run a scan on that explosion out side the ship. Beeg, man the weapons. Enoz, what is that out there?" "Captain it appears to be some form of dark matter. I should call Zenoz up here to help analyze the information. We are not being attacked, in fact it appears we have discovered a new element." "Back us off a little bit, but keep us within range to study it. Maintain alert status until we find out what caused the explosion. Bring a report to my ready room when you have it." said Mason. Meanwhile Reman was in his holding cell worrying because of the noise and the running around of everyone. Reman sat wondering when he would get out and why Beeg had vaporized Lyinn. Maybe it was to teach me a lesson, he thought, then he quickly tossed that thought aside. After a while, Reman relaxed a little bit and started to think about the events and why he had not been formally charged. Maybe they will let me off the hook, I can blame it on the invasion, yeah that’s it. The ship was still shaking as Mason entered the ready room, though according to the readings there was no damage to the systems or shields. As Mason sits the floor continues to lightly vibrate. Enoz and Zenoz entered. "Zenoz what are your findings?" Mason asked. "Exactly why would dark matter explode??" "Well sir this is a different form of dark matter than we've ever encountered, it's combustible. Its properties are strange. As we entered the dark matter nebula our deflector dish was repelling dust and debris as it always does when we're at warp. The heat from the debris ignited the dark matter, which is inert in normal cold space. No one could have noticed it if they had not passed through it, which is likely in a demilitarized zone. I would like to get a sample, sir so I can determine if we need to maneuver around it rather than through it." "Very well." Meanwhile Reman was wondering "What is this? The fight over already. I wonder what it was? Where is Beeg? He checks up on me a lot, but as long as he’s not here, maybe I should get out before he charges me. Why don't these panels have screws on them so I can open one and get out? Oh well I guess I will have to wait on a guard or Beeg to let me out of here?" Back on the bridge Beeg was talking to Mason about what to do with Reman, because they had him on the kidnapping and enslaving of another sentient being, along with countless charges of theft and illegal entry. "Beeg we don't know if that little thing is intelligent yet." said Mason "Begging your pardon sir but its wrong to steal a life form and forcibly coerce another to commit theft on your behalf sir. I am swift in judgment though I strive to be fair. We cannot leave him in the holding cell without being charged too long, it will go against protocol." "Well Beeg, we could let him sit in there and then put him in a holodeck thinking he is being sentenced for crime and being given over for transport to a Federation prison, or maybe another peoples prison, like Klingons." joked Mull Valen. "That’s cruel, besides, he would know it wasn't real. I think it should be recorded what he did and that he be put on probation and if he gets caught again to be pressed for his next crime to the fullest extent of the law. Though I think he should compensate everyone for what he has done thus far, sir." said Beeg. "I don't know about that Beeg he should be punished a bit more severely than that." "Ok Sir How about him losing certain privileges, maybe he should start paying rent on the shop of his. We should also consider that his reputation is going to be tarnished quite a bit. He will suffer a loss of profit due to the fact no one is going to trust him to be able to get contraband from outside of Federation." "I'll take it under advisement." said Mason. Meanwhile in holodeck one the Goulavar prisoners were being interrogated by security teams. Hopefully they could find out some worthy information. The ship was back at one hundred percent though the security department was just starting to get back in shape due to the immense strain on the ships security and being stretched because of all of the fights. Beeg had his crew dropping down to two thirds their normal duty shifts to get extra rest. Beeg was also allowing some leniency in observance of Security protocols and behavior because of the recent stress, but let it be known that this was not a new habit of his, just a little unwind time. Anyone not to his next shift on time would be charged with disorderly conduct. "Well Beeg I hear there is a new bartender on board, have you had the talk with him?" mumbled one of the more junior members of security. "No William I have not had the talk with our new bartender yet. I thought it more appropriate to wait until he is working the bar to have the talk with him though I did talk to him and show him his quarters, he seems a nice fellow. Maybe he won't need the talk." Beeg replied pensively. This was the second ship Beeg was posted on as a senior security officer. He was hoping it was the last time he was on a small ship. He thought about the chance of being on an outland outpost where it was so far out that he would get to do things his way and not the way the Federation wanted, though the only way to get an outland post was by doing things the Federation way. "Chief, Chief you all right, sir?" William asked, puzzled at his CO's behavior. "Yes I am all right, just tired, been on duty thirty seven hours with out any down time because of those prisoners, that's all." said his Commanding Officer. "William you have your orders for the day, correct? If you need me I will be in my quarters resting until my next shift." Stardate 52058.0 Taj began to wonder why a lowly Ferengi would want such obscure research as fetus research, unless-he was duped! "Oh I was duped! He must have given the data to someone else. I can not believe it, where is that Ferengi Reman? Computer locate Reman!" "Reman is in holding cell four." Taj immediately left and went to Reman's cell. "What did you do with my research?" The again unconscious Reman didn't respond and Taj went towards the forcefield. Heaton stepped in his way, but Taj shoved him aside. Heaton whipped out his phaser and stunned Taj. When Taj awoke, he was in holding cell two, with Beeg standing in front of the forcefield. "I am Beeg, Chief of Security on this ship and you are in grave trouble P.O.W. Taj. You assaulted one of my officers." "Well I for one am not guilty of anything except being conned into giving up unreleased research to a Ferengi that probably cannot make heads or tails of what he got. much less know how to use it for what it is, I should have known better than to deal with a Ferengi. Why did he want that stuff anyway?" "That's irrelevant" retorted Beeg. "All that is relevant is that you are going to remain here for a while until we find a way to keep you out of trouble. Now excuse me I need to make my rounds." Beeg left and went to Reman's holding cell. The Ferengi was now awake again. "Ok Reman where did you get that alien from?" "Why do you want to know? You killed it." "Just satisfy my curiosity, now will you or must I get ugly and remind you of what you can be charged with?" "Okay Beeg what is in it for me?" "Well for starters I may forget some of those charges, if you are up front all you may get to walk but I may remember those charges if you screw up again. How does that sound for getting something? "Well I am getting a fair trade. Mr. Clemons beamed her aboard some time ago I don't remember when but I found her and adopted her." "Computer check all transporter logs in which Clemons was involved with containing unknown life forms." said Beeg watching the logs get loaded on his PADD. "You need to remain here until its safe for you. It seems you have made quite an enemy in Taj, you hold up here and I will see how soon I can get this over with but you will not be charged right now. Just be sure not to screw up I will remember all the things you have done you twisted individual." Upon leaving the room Beeg contacted Captain Mason and Elani Borgatella "Reman claims that Mr. Clemons beamed the life form aboard. I'm checking transporter logs for stardates and coordinates so that we can hopefully find out something about the creature's origins."