Stardate 52062.8 Reman was running from his quarters with two large boxes of latinum strapped to his back. He was having a very hard time of it too because it was, after all, almost all of the latinum he owned. Some of it was in a bank but he liked to keep a lot of it with him. This made it very difficult to run but Reman was determined to take it with him not matter what, even though the saucer section was about to explode and everybody had been told to abandon it right away. An Ensign running past Reman stopped and noticed him carrying his large load. "What are you doing Reman?" Reman looked up and noticed a regular customer of his from the barber shop, "Oh, it's you Ensign Rand O'Malley. Where have you been keeping yourself?" "Well I have been stationed in Engineering for the past few weeks. Never mind that though, why are you carrying those boxes? We need to get out of here fast!" "I understand that Rand but I just can't abandon my latinum. It's all I got!" "Well isn't you life more important? Leave it!" "Listen Rand, telling a Ferengi to leave behind his latinum is like telling you to leave behind your child. You wouldn't want to leave your child behind would you?" Ensign O'Malley scratched his head, "No but.....-" "Fine! Then help me carry it!" And before Rand could say anything else, Reman gave him one of his boxes and ran ahead. Rand just followed behind with the box clutched tightly under his arm. A few hours later Reman was sitting on a bed and staring at two other beds across from his. Temporary quarters had been arranged for the crew and Reman had been put in with two other civilians. One was a helper to Mr. Clemons named Ms. Selmon. The other was a bartender named Sasha. Reman had hated his stay because Ms. Selmon was as stale as Mr. Clemons himself and this Sasha person was really annoying. "I suppose all bartenders are annoying if they aren't behind a bar giving you drinks so that you can't tell the difference of what they are really like," Reman thought. He laid back down on his bed and stared at the ceiling, hoping that soon they would reach a space port so that the ship could get repaired. Then Reman would get back his barber shop and it would be back to business as usual. He had lost all of his possessions except his latinum. That was probably all that really mattered anyway. "If there is one thing this situation has taught me it is that Rule of Acquisition number 102: 'Nature decays, but latinum is forever,' could never be truer," Reman thought to himself. And then he drifted off into sleep.