U.S.S. Equinox - Rejected Character Signups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Rainer Sulley (Age) 528 (looks 30) (Rank) LTC (Position) Chief Security Officer (Race) An engineered 'human' (Ht) 8ft (Wt) 422 (Eyes) silver (no pupil) (Hair) silver (History) Rainer Sulley was taken (from earth in about the 19th century) by an rebel offshoot of the Preservers. They took him and infused him with unbreakable/bendable metal bones. At command he can make giant silver wings shoot from his back, each feather is a deadly blade that can easily slice through a ships hull. He was able to escape the Evil Preservers in the 22nd century and spent his time wandering the galaxy. He lived on Omicron Theta for a while, and was a secret survivor--he was friends with Noonien Soong before the attack. He joined Starfleet right after the attack. He has great knowledge about almost any type of technology because of his age. Part of his genetic advancement was an I.Q. upgrade to about 1000, as well as near immortality, and an energy blast from his eyes. (Personality) Rainer is very serious, and a bit moody. His eyes are cold looking, and his voice is so commanding he doesn't really need to yell. He doesn't make friends very easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Criz Lyns (Age) 13 (Rank) ENS (Position) Security Officer (Race) Bajoran (Ht) Err........ (Wt) Err........ (Eyes) Blue (Hair) Blond (History) Not much. Graduated from Academy. First "real" mission. Good marksman with Phasers. (Personality) Calm, placid. Thinks carefully before taking action. Loyal and brave! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Hunter Lee (Age) 15 Earth Standard Years (Rank) CIV (Position) stowaway (Race) Human (Ht) 5'9" (Wt) 165lbs. (Eyes) Brownish-green (Hair) Straight and black waist-length worn braided. (History) Hunter was born and raised on Earth in a seemingly average middle-class household. Shortly after her fifteenth birthday she discovered that her parents had a rather shady background and owed a lot of money to the wrong people. One day a man came to their home, introducing himself to Hunter as "Ferris." He turned out to be a hired killer. Within fifteen minutes Hunter's parents had been vaporized and she was running from the house with nothing but her clothes, a few credits from a hidden cache in her bedroom, and a strange iron box she found when she opened a window to escape the asassin. The box, perfectly smooth, obviously old and marked only with a meaningless pattern of dots, seems to be the root of the whole problem Ferris is trailing Hunter, obviously intending to acquire it at any cost. Hunter was able to book passage on a small light-cruiser and has been planet-hopping ever since, trying to escape from Ferris. On the last trip her money ran out, and she stowed away on the EQUINOX, which had stopped to resupply. (Personality) Hunter is not at all used to traveling she had never left Earth before her parents' murder. She is fairly shy by nature, but very observant (she doesn't talk much, but she'll notice things no one else does). She loves to study and read, especially about cultures different from her own. She won't get angry very often, but it's fairly unnerving when she does. She had a lot of qualms about stowing away and had planned to leave the ship as soon as she thought it was safe, but Hunter has found she loves the Equinox and is fascinated by its crew, so she remains stowed away in the cargo bay, sneaking out occasionally to get food from the synthesizer, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Deijon (Age) 20 (Rank) LTC (Position) gards the shipment (Race) black (Ht) 6 feet (Wt) 253 (Eyes) brown (Hair) black (History) all his parntens have died and he is alone so him and a frend going the ship to make money. and he is good wih guns (Personality) he is nice but mean if you act dumb .. and like ot play sport' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Chief Engineer (Age) 32 (Rank) LT (Position) Assistant Chief Engineer (Race) Human (Ht) 5'9'' (Wt) 146 lbs. (Eyes) Green (Hair) Brown (History) Chief's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Engineer, named him Chief knowing that that somewhat limited his job choice to being a Chief Engineer (since that's his name). He studied his whole life to be an Engineer, and entered the academy as soon as he could. He graduated as an Engineering student and served on the U.S.S. Macintosh. The Chief Engineer there didn't like him because he always got confused for the Chief Engineer even though he was just a reg Engineering officer. He finally transferred to the Equinox where he got a position as Assistant Chief Engineer. He hopes one day to be Chief Engineer Chief Engineer instead of Assistant Chief Engineer Chief Engineer so that his name can finally make sense. And he's invisible. (Personality) He is extremely driven to be a Chief Engineer, and has even contemplated killing Syxx. His work takes priority, so he has very few friends. He's pretty good at Parrises Squares. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Kang son of matlh (Age) 25 (Rank) LT (Position) Science Officer (Race) Klingon (Ht) 6'4 (Wt) 258 lbs (Eyes) brown (Hair) black (History) Kang was raised on the Klingon homeworld but his father after the signing of the treaty with the Federation believed it would be the honorable thing to have one of his sons serve their new allies. He sent his youngest son Kang to the starfleet academy. He has a natural talent for the Sciences and while he is an excellent warrior it is second only to his mind. While at the Academy he met Cynthia Calea and they became friends. He spent two years on a Science Ship until the war with the Dominion began and he was posted to the front lines. After a bloody battle he and the only other two survivors were reassigned away from battle. (Personality) Like most Klingons he believes deeply in honor and loyalty. He is very quiet around his fellow officers until he gains their friendship and trust. There is nothing he respects more than a fellow warrior. With his friends he is very casual and outspoken, loud and boistrious. Likes to tell tales about past glories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Romeo Montigue (Age) 22 (Rank) LTC (Position) helps the commander (Race) white (Ht) 6''10' (Wt) 112 (Eyes) blue (Hair) black (History) he just started back up (Personality) he's funny and smart , very. he's cute too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Par (Age) 20 (Rank) LT (Position) security (Race) Human (Ht) 6'3" (Wt) 210 (Eyes) brown (Hair) black ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) James S Goody (Age) 32 (Rank) CMD (Position) Captin (Race) Borg (Ht) 6' 6'' (6 foot 6 inches) (Wt) 20 kg (Eyes) Blue (Hair) Bald (History) Was assmilated when he was 12 years of age but has turned away from evil making a small group of GOOD borg. A bit like seven of nine but with the nanoprobes still active. (Personality) Kind and friendly but harsh when he is neded to be harsh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) James S Goody (Age) 12 (Rank) CMD (Position) Second In Command (Race) Half Human Half Vulcan (Ht) 3' 5'' (Wt) 13 kg (Eyes) Blue (Hair) Black (History) James is the son of Spok. He was born on Earth. Spok did not mean to be his father but he had a small affair with a woman the last time he came to Earth and still doesn't know he is born. James has grown up living with his mother in england with out a father to help him. He has grown to learn how to protect himself. He loves to read and ha read every different Sherlock Holmes Story Written. When Data was on earth James befriended him at an instant. He has designed his own ship and some weapons . He calls his ship the U.S.S Hope. He has also buil his own shuttle which he calls Baby Hopeful. He has also made peace with a race of super beings. (Personality) James is kind yet subversive he is good at masking his feelings behind a mask that is nearly impenitrable. He is calm in bad situations and can think rationally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) James S Goody (Age) 54 (Rank) LTC (Position) Security (Race) Glarkian (Ht) 5' 6'' (Wt) 264lbs (Eyes) left = Green/right=Blue (Hair) Black (History) This character has had a troubled life (before joining starfleet). As a child he was tacken prisoner by the romulans and has spent 20 years of his life on a romulan detention camp. His mother was tacken with him but was killed after 4 days in the camp. After leaveing the camp he enlisted at the accademy at the age of 30. His first deep space mission was on a defiant class starship called the U.S.S Highlander. From there he went back to earth for 2 years then helped to defend DS9 from the Cardassian attacks. Since then he has been on Earth and has progressed up the ranks. (Personality) This character is quite arrogant but has a weak point for children. He has a short temper, and powerful bite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Mathew Jamesson (Age) 10232 (Rank) CIV (Position) Bar Owner (Race) Q (Ht) 3' 1" (Wt) 12lbs (Eyes) Purple (Hair) Lime Green (History) Found in a status chamber at the age of 32. He has been in there for 10200 years. (Personality) Arrogant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) garak (Age) 24 (Rank) LTC (Position) wj (Race) black (Ht) 6"10 (Wt) 143 (Eyes) brown (Hair) black ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Myrkle (Age) 21 (Rank) ENS (Position) Bridge Security (Race) Human (Ht) 6' 4'' (Wt) 128lbs (Eyes) Blue (Hair) Brown (History) He was born in San Fran Sisko to an unknown mother. He was left on the doorstep of someone's house. The owner of the house woke up in the morning to a baby crying. He took the baby in and cared for it as though it was his own child. He told the child that he was not his biological parent when the child was 18. The child then ran away and joined starfleet at the age of 19 when he thought that was the only way to survive. (Personality) He is quite understanding and makes up bad jokes at the rong time. But he can be serious when it is really needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Myrymeen Lahl (Age) 36 (Rank) LTC (Position) Engineering (Race) Human (Ht) 6'' (Wt) 200lbs (Eyes) Green (Hair) Black (History) Myrymeen was born on Earth in Cornwall England. Her parents were quite rich bt they didn't care about there child. To release themselves from the painstaking time of raising the child they gave the child to the owner of a university. She grew up there learning a bit and making friends. Her best friend in the university was Matthew. They went everywhere together. Matthew was the son of one of the cooks. Myrymeen (before she joined the accademy) was a simple person. It took her 18 years to get to the rank she is now and is happy. (Personality) Myrymeen is kind but has a short temper she can fight like a Klingon an think like a Vulcan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Lieutnant Race (Age) 24 (Rank) LT (Position) Secon In Camando of the Gun Ships (Race) Humman (Ht) 6'2 (Wt) 130 (Eyes) green (Hair) brown (History) He was the son of an engerny and his mom worked in sickbay. There were both killed by wired,unexsplanibol exadent. It runed his life and he acts like a basterd. Dose not care much for people but well save them. (Personality) He is a men person but has a good hert in him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Bob Kelley (Age) 20 (Rank) LT (Position) Chief Medical Officer (Race) Human (Ht) 6'7" (Wt) 80 lbs. (Eyes) light blue (Hair) black (History) He was born on the moon colony in July 3rd 2079. He went to Starfleet Academy on Earth learning about viruses and cures and surgical methods. Served on the Mars colony in 2098 and got a medal of valor for saving a commanding officer from a deadly virus. (Personality) He plays poker, the violin and has a sense of humor. He's also a romantic with the ladies and single. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) no real name: known as Luminous (Age) unknown (Rank) CIV (Position) miscellenous jobs (Race) omnipotent (Ht) 5'11 (Wt) unknown (Eyes) swirling silver (Hair) gold (History) Not much is known about Luminous. She was expelled from the Q Continuum for "having to much concern for lesser, sentient races". She arrived on the Equinox, since it was the closest ship to where she was. Luminous had lost some of her supernatural abilities, such as being able to travel anywhere with a snap. However, she still has all the knowledge of an average omnipotent being. (Personality) Luminous is still attemping to adjust to a sentient life. She hasn't had time to develop an in-depth personality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Eldan (Age) elder (Rank) CMD (Position) Driving the ship (Race) Zalecan (Ht) 6' 5" (Wt) 120 (Eyes) green (Hair) black (History) she is really hyper at times and has the weapon star mace sometimes. (Personality) She is very intelligent and knows when people are in danger! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) Kurandun (Age) 2,000 (Rank) LT (Position) Chief Engineer (Race) Founder (Ht) 6'' (Wt) 270 lbs (Eyes) green (Hair) black (History) Kurandun was one of the 100 baby changelings sent out by the Founders. He was discovered about 500 years ago on Undaru Prime. He quickly learned to take almost any shape or form. He has assumed hundreds of identities. He was once arrested and imprisoned on Rura Penthe as a female named Martia at the same time Captain Kirk was sent there on murder charges. Sometime after the incident, Kurandun gained an interest in starfleet and joined disguised as a Vulcan. He served for many years before faking his own death and rejoining as his "son." His loyalty to StarFleet was put to the test as he fight in the Dominion war against his own people. (Personality) Unlike most changelings, He is very trustful and open-minded about humanoids. He has had a number of friends over the years of many races. When younger he loved uses his abilities to commit crimes, but learned to have respect for law and people's rights as he grew older. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) lex summerfield (Age) 17 (Rank) LTC (Position) fhighting pepole (Race) humen (Ht) 6ft (Wt) 9 stonen (Eyes) green (Hair) black (History) hes left collage and has been ifored that somewer on the ship is a is a fhigt club and a man is houlding the titliel he must trien on the ship and do his job at the same time. (Personality) as strong as lion and a hart of a lion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) MHN-3 (Age) 1 (Rank) LTC (Position) Medizinisches Holografisches Notfallprogramm (3. Entwicklungsstufe) (Race) Holografisches Notfallprogramm (selbstgesteuert) (Ht) 178 (Wt) 75 (Eyes) blau-grau (Hair) braun (History) Entwickelt auf der U.S.S. Prometeus von MHN-2, unter der kurzweiligen Unterstützung von MHN-1. Sämtliche medizinischen Daten aus dem Alpha- sowie die bisher bekannten aus dem Delta-Quadranten sind verfügbar. Auf Grund des schlechten Patientenumgangs der beiden Vorgänger wurde eine kräftige Portion Humor und Schlagfertigkeit hinzugefügt. (Personality) Indienststellung auf der U.S.S. Hippokrates (Medizinisches Forschungsschiff der Pasteur-Klasse). Seither wechselnde Dienste auf Frontschiffen der Galaxy-Klasse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------