Stardate 52012.7 Lt. Carter was just finishing up a log entry when he got a call from Captain Mason. "Mason to Carter," said Mason. "Carter here. What's up dude," replied Carter. "Staff meeting. Report to the conference room, and don't call me dude," Mason said. "On my way, sir," said Carter. Carter turned off his computer and walked out the door. Carter made his way to the turbolift and entered the lift. "Bridge," said Carter to the computer. The lift started to make its way to the bridge. While the lift made its way Carter started to think about what he was going to say at the meeting. The lift stopped and the doors opened. Carter walked out the lift and started to make his way to the conference room. As Carter looked around the bridge, he noticed that only one security personnel was standing on the bridge instead of two like he had assigned. He also saw Lt. Elea's hands shaking as she entered the conference room. When Carter walked into the conference room he noticed Ensign White, the other security personnel that was supposed to be on the bridge, standing in a corner. Carter quickly took a seat next to Mason. At the end chair was Captain Mason, to the Captain's left was Carter, beside Carter was Lt. Commander Syxx, beside Syxx was Lt. Commander Mull, diagonally from Mull was Elea, and beside Elea or next to the Captain was Commander Ming. "Thank you all for coming. I called this meeting to discuss the possible threat that this ship is currently facing," Captain Mason said, "Lt. Carter has been investigating the murder of Doctor L'vant. Lt. Carter would you please bring all of us up to speed on your progress?" "Ok," said Carter, "We have found that the weapon was a type five disrupter. Computer records show that everyone was either at their duty station, at the dinner, or in their quarters except Doctor L'vant." "Where was L'vant?", Mason said. "Computer records didn't say," replied Carter, "I think that she was in Cargo Bay 4 because my team tried to access the records for Cargo Bay 4 and the records weren't there. Doctor L'vant wasn't anywhere else on the ship so she must've been in Cargo Bay 4. Also, when the team scanned the bay, they found a transporter signature like none we have seen," said Carter. Elea said, "When I was running navigational simulations on my computer I tried to access the security files for Cargo Bay 4 and I found..." Before Elea could finish her sentence her hands started to shake and she stopped. All of a sudden she came back to life. "Lieutenant are you all right?", Mason asked. "I am fine sir," Elea replied. "I want you and Mr. Syxx to report to Engineering so he can run a check of your systems," Mason said, "While Elea is getting repaired, Carter, I want you to continue your investigating and also try to get the security logs from Cargo Bay 4 up and running. Keep me posted on your progress. Dismissed." At that everyone got up out of their chairs and walked out. As Commander Syxx was following Elea out the door, Elea stopped and fell to the ground. Mason, Ming, Carter, and Mull all hurried over to Elea. "Pick her up and take her to engineering," said Mason. After they picked Elea up they started walking toward the turbolift. As they were exiting the conference room Mason called Engineering.