Stardate 52013.6 Captain Mason got up from his chair and walked to the door of his ready room. To his surprise it didn't open right away. He scratched his head through his short, red hair. The ship had undergone routine diagnostics at the starbase, this shouldn't be happening. The door finally hissed and squeezed open, but only halfway. Mason pushed it the rest of the way open and walked onto the bridge, making a note to get Mr. Syxx to take a look at that as soon as he got finished with Elea. Commander Ming stood up from the command chair, there was a worried look on her face, even moreso than when Elea collapsed in the conference room. He knew it was something he didn't want to hear before the words even came out of her mouth, "Captain, we've detected the warp trail of a Cardassian ship, we think it's under some type of cloak." The Captain was visibly upset. He looked away from Ming so she'd know it wasn't directed at her. He'd taken this assignment to get away from the war. He looked back at her, "Do they know we're out here?" The Commander nodded, "We traced their warp trail back along our path. They were at least in sensor range, they may have even been in transporter range." "And the Doctor was killed by a disruptor that's commonly used by Cardassians. Does Lieutenant Carter know?" "Yes sir, I've already told him, and we're already on a pursuit course." "Very well," Mason looked at the viewscreen. With the evidence at hand they had to follow the ship, and something told him that a fight would be inevitable. His communicator beeped, "Syxx to Captain Mason." Finally a report from Syxx, "Mason here, report Lieutenant." Syxx told the Captain about Elea's condition. Mason knew a little about cybernetics, but not enough to know of any reason Elea's systems would be shutting down the way they were, unless the R&D guys at Starfleet just screwed up. Anyway, Syxx was the expert, he decided just to leave it to him, "Very well Mr. Syxx, do what you need to to get her operational." "Sir?" "I said do what you need . ." "Bridge?" "Are you reading me, Mr. Syxx?" "...." "Commander Syxx?" Either Syxx wasn't in the habit of responding to questions from his Captain, or the com system was down. Commander Ming began talking before Mason could, "Mr. Mull, run a diagnostic on the communications.." Before she could finish the lights on the bridge began to flicker. Mull's panel was fading in and out, but he could make out the messages coming in, "Sir, there's power failure on all decks." Mason said, "All stop. Switch to backup power systems." Mull Valen stopped the ship and switched to the bridge's backup systems. The lights went completely dark for a moment then came back on. Mason turned to the first officer, "I want you to go to Engineering, Commander Ming. Find out what's happening to the ship and report back to me." "Aye, sir. I'm on my way." Mull kept his eyes fixed on his control panel, this was more than what he usually had to deal with on Ops duty. The Captain walked up, "What's our system status?" "Stand by, sir." Mull tapped a few buttons and watched the reports coming in from the various systems, "Engineering seems to have stabilized some of the systems, but it looks like communications and replicators are down. I can't even get a reading on the weapon systems." The panel beeped a few times and Mull's eyes widened, "Sir, I... I'm reading a possible breach in the primary warp core!" The Captain yelled, "Prepare to separate the saucer! Evacuate as many people from the drive section as possible!" Mull was almost unable to speak, but let out a barely audible sigh of relief when he saw what came up next on his panel, "Wait. There's.. Someone's using the deflector to stop the core breach. It's... working. We don't have to evacuate." Mason turned back toward the back of the bridge. The two security personnel were still standing at their posts. The Science, Engineering, and Tactical stations were empty. All the Science and Engineering officers on duty were aiding Lieutenant Commander Syxx, and there was no telling where Lieutenant Carter was. Out of the corner of his eye Mason noticed the telltale shimmer of someone being transported onto the bridge. At first he thought maybe it was Syxx or Commander Ming, but the half Klingon Lieutenant Kalamarina materialized instead. Mason snapped at her, "Report Lieutenant. What's happening down there?" Kalamarina just stood there with a triumphant grin on her face. A few seconds later everyone on the bridge was jolted as the whole ship was shaken. The Captain's attention turned away from Kalamarina, "What the hell? Mr. Mull, are our communications back up yet?" Mull shook his head, he made a mental note to bring up how much stress he had to go through in this situation at the next crew evaluations, "No sir, not yet." Mason wanted answers at this point, he couldn't stand being stuck on the bridge with no way to communicate with the rest of his crew, "Computer, locate Commander Ming." "Commander Ming is in Turbolift 1." "Still in the turbolift?" "Turbolift 1 is non operational. It is currently between decks 5 and 6," the familiar Starfleet computer voice said. He turned to see Kalamarina. In his frustration it had slipped his mind that she was still standing there. She looked like she was very satisfied with herself about something. Before he could ask her any questions he was interrupted by his comm signal, "Captain, can you hear me?" It was Syxx. Obviously he had gotten communications back up, but his voice wasn't coming through very clearly. Mason tapped his badge, "Go ahead Mr. Syxx." Syxx's garbled voice came in over the communicator, "There was a system overload on deck 23. Lieutenant Kalamarina was able to stop the core breach using the deflector, but doing so overloaded the systems and destroyed a good chunk of that deck." Mason assumed that the Lieutenant now on the bridge was Kalamarina, he still had yet to meet most of the crew, "What about the ship's systems, what's happening?" "We have a few theories but.." Mason interrupted, "Find out what it is, Commander. This problem has to be solved before it starts affecting life support." Syxx paused, "Aye sir." Mason turned back to Kalamarina. It seems that she saved the ship, but he decided to save the congratulations for later, there was too much else to worry about now.