Stardate 52013.6 Reman was walking down the corridor toward the turbolift off of Deck 5. He had found out where Kalamarina was at and wanted to go meet her as soon as possible. A person in her station on the starship was sure to be a great asset. Reman knew that whoever controlled the deflector had much power and he wasn't going to pass up the chance to utilize some of that power for himself. The door to the turbo lift opened and he stepped inside. "Computer, Deck 23," Reman said. The computer didn't respond at first but instead the lights flickered a bit. Reman got agitated, "Stupid Starfleet computer. Only a faulty system designed by hew-mons would mess up like this. DECK 23!!!" The computer finally responded and started the turbolift toward Deck 23. Reman thought about what his first words would be to Kalamarina. "Hmmmmm, what do I know about her? When I hacked into the personnel files and looked at her file it didn't have much about her. Nothing much about her parents or past, mostly just her work history. Oh, well. It isn't much to work with but I am sure that I can persuade her to talk to me and tell me more about herself," Reman said smiling. Before Reman could think about it further a great jolt rocked the turbolift and sent him crashing into the wall. The lights in the lift began flashing and Reman yelled, "HALT!!!" The turbolift didn't respond but continued its roller coaster of a ride to Deck 23. Reman groaned and then stood up. Blood was trickling down from his forehead and down past his face. When the lift finally stopped, Reman quickly headed for the door anxious to get out of the turbo-death trap. But before Reman could take a step off of the lift, emergency forcefields pushed him back into it. Reman got to his feet again and looked out of the lift door to see what had happened. To his shock most all of Deck 23 was destroyed with a few pieces of it sticking out of the ship here and there. All Reman could see past the pieces were stars. Reman held his head, which was giving him a large headache, and slowly walked to the back of the lift. "Computer...... sickbay..." The computer did not respond and the doors to the turbolift didn't even close. Reman put his hand on a communications device but it had been destroyed in the crash. Reman had to face facts, he was stuck here until someone found him or the ship's systems had been repaired. "Well at least nothing else can go wrong," Reman said to himself. Just then the lights went out and all Reman was left with was the view of the passing stars. "Ohhh... I should have kept my mouth shut... better just shut up until help arrives," Reman said as he sat down in the turbo lift. Meanwhile in Holodeck 1, Carter was walking into the holodeck carrying a phaser. Carter stopped when he got to the center of the holodeck and said, "Computer. Run program Carter 5. Level 1." The computer responded by transforming the holodeck into a forest like area. Carter quickly began aiming his phaser around and started walking slowly through the forest. Carter stopped when heard a loud crashing noise ahead of him. He hid behind a tree and glanced out from around behind it waiting to see what was coming. Two large Jem'Hadar warriors with swords came out of the cover of the trees into the open area where Carter was waiting for them. Carter quickly jumped out and shot the first one with his phaser. The second Jem'Hadar looked at his companions remains for a moment and then started walking toward Carter with his sword raised in the air. Carter didn't waste a second and shot the other Jem'Hadar as well. "Ha ha ha. You stupid Jem'Hadar aren't that tough. Computer, this level is too easy. Level... 2." The computer responded by saying, "Confirmed. Level 10." Carter's eyes suddenly widened, "WHAT!?????!" "Safety protocols disabled." Carter got even more terrified and began running away through the trees, "COMPUTER EXIT!!!!!!" "Exercise area changed." With the computer's statement the forest area changed into a large grassy open field. Carter looked around and didn't see anything for miles. Suddenly several Jem'Hadar uncloaked and ran past Carter from four different directions, dealing him several blows as they passed and then disappeared again. Carter began shooting wildly through the air but to no avail. More Jem'Hadar uncloaked and began running up to Carter. Carter fired a barrage of shots which destroyed two of them but didn't hit the last one. He got up to Carter, punched in the gut, picked him up, and then threw him through the air. Carter hit the ground with a dull thud. Carter slowly began to stand up but before he could go any further he was hit on the back and knocked back down. Carter rolled over only to see several Jem'Hadar with their swords pointing down at him. They all thrust their swords down at the same time and Carter closed his eyes. Suddenly the ship shook and shut down the holodeck. Carter opened his eyes to see the Jem'Hadar's swords just disappearing as they were about to strike him. Carter looked around to see the familiar yellow grid of the holodeck and he breathed a sigh of relief.