Stardate 52016.0 Reman had been out of sick bay, after having been treated by the Emergency Medical Hologram, for a while and was in his barber shop thinking. Why did they have to make the doctor look so ugly, thought Reman, It could have been a perfectly normal unclothed female. Oh well, Starfleet and their stupid regulations. I can see getting used to living among these hew-mons is going to take some time. Reman then decided to look through the computer files to see why the ship was having so many problems and after looking at the computer files and using a little common sense, he realized that his virus was causing most of the destruction on the ship. Hmmmm... I paid too much for that computer virus. It wasn't supposed to do this much damage, just allow me to get away with a few business deals, Reman thought. He continued to look around at some of the systems and find out what other damage his virus had done using a few tricks to get past the security lockouts, not that the encryption codes or passwords made by the Chief of Security were that hard to get past anyway. A few systems like the replicators, life support, the shuttle bay, and sensors didn't seem to be damaged much... Wait a minute. Reman stopped at the sensor logs because a few had caught his eye. The sensors had detected a Cardassian ship and the Equinox changed course to follow it. As the logs went on and the Equinox got closer, the configuration of the ship matched that of Dand's ship. Oh no.. those stupid hew-mons! Dand probably detected the Equinox following him and thought I had given him away! That means he is going to change course and try to kill ME! Well.. and the ship.. but who cares about the ship! To think someone wants to kill an honest business man like me! Maybe he didn't change course. I mean, the Equinox did stop. Let me see. Reman continued searching through the logs looking for anything to indicate that the Cardassian ship had changed to an intercept course with the Equinox. Everything looked okay so far until... "Oh frinx!!" After a time the Cardassian ship had stopped for an hour or two and then began coming back toward the Equinox extremely fast! Reman jumped up out of his chair and looked around frantically for somewhere to hide. "Okay, calm down Reman. You can figure a way out of this. All I need to do is to get out of here on a shuttlecraft and let these losers deal with Dand. He'll never find me and by the time he's done tearing the Equinox apart, I'll be gone." Reman, having his plan mapped out in his head, got up, grabbed a large bag containing his latinum, and took off down the corridor to the turbolift, intending on going to Shuttle Bay 1. He got into the turbolift and said, "Computer, Deck 19!" The computer responded and took Reman down. Reman was surprised it worked this time. He figured that maybe the hew-mons weren't so dumb after all and had found a way to purge the virus. Well it didn't matter to him. After solving the virus problem they were just going to have to deal with Dand and Reman wasn't going to stay around and find out how that went. He stepped out and briskly walked to the shuttle bay. After getting inside, he quickly worked the computer, opened up the bay doors, and then got into the shuttle. Reman hoped that internal sensors had not been fully repaired yet so that they couldn't sense him getting away with one of Starfleet's shuttles. Reman told the computer to take the shuttle out and the computer responded. Reman used the sensors to look for a good place to hide and found a nearby M Class planet. He set a course and began heading for the planet. After an hour or two he was almost at the planet. "Computer. Land on this planet at a spot that is far from any life signs." The computer didn't respond but continued heading for the planet. "Computer! Respond!" The computer didn't. Instead the lights started flashing and the shuttle shook a little. Oh no, thought Reman, the virus must have infected the shuttle anyway! Reman quickly input a code to abort the virus and destroy it, but to no avail. Reman was again at the mercy of another stupid piece of Starfleet equipment. The shuttle fell faster and faster towards the planet's surface. Reman was screaming at almost the top of his lungs. After clearing the atmosphere the shuttle continued to fall until it suddenly crashed into the ground, throwing Reman to the floor, and then the shuttle began skidding across the ground for a mile or two. After coming to a stop, Reman pulled himself to his feet. Lucky to be alive, he grabbed his bag of latinum, and stepped out of the shuttle to look around. *************************** Stardate: 52015.0 On Dand's ship a few of the officers on board were examining the Borg scout ship, trying to salvage any useful pieces of technology. Unbeknownst to them, one Borg had escaped. The Borg who used to be Carter but now had the designation "Six of Six" had teleported off the Borg scout ship to a nearby crew quarters a few decks up. The Borg collective had told Six of Six to find an unarmed, single person to assimilate and then they would both double their efforts and quickly have the whole ship assimilated without much futile resistance. Six of Six quickly grabbed the Cardassian asleep in his bed and inserted Borg assimilation tubules into his neck which proceeded to transform him into a Borg. Six of Six had tapped into a nearby access panel in the room and fed more energy into his nanoprobes so that they could work more quickly and assimilate his victims faster. It only took a few minutes and the new Borg was ready to assimilate more so that soon the ship would be a part of the Collective. Six of Six and the new drone continued assimilating everyone on the ship in this manner until everybody on the ship except the bridge crew had been assimilated. Dand was on the bridge and was wondering why there had been a few energy fluctuations on the ship and why some of his officers had not reported in. That new device that he had received from Reman was supposed to give his ship even more energy than normal, so why didn't it work? A few days ago he had made the transaction with that annoying Ferengi. So why was the box just now starting to act up? His sensors beeped, the Equinox was following him, no time to worry about other things now. That stupid Ferengi probably gave him away. He would have to hurry up now because he didn't want to get in a fight with a ship that was much stronger than his. But wait.. Dand looked at his scans of the Equinox, and its weapons and shields were both off-line. This was Dand's lucky day. He could try out some of those other new weapons he had stolen from a Dominion ship the other day and kill Reman at the same time. He loaded one of the weapons into the weapon hold, and set a course for the Equinox. Meanwhile, Six of Six and the rest of the Borg drones had been assimilating the ship and its systems into the Collective. The Borg had been doing this for the whole time and all that was left to do was to get on the bridge and finish the job. After a time Dand had made it back to the Equinox and ordered tactical to fire his new Dominion weapon at the ship. The effect was better than Dand thought. "Ha ha ha!", Dand watched as the warp core flew out of the ship and then exploded. "Now they are totally defenseless! They can't fight, defend, or even escape! Ha ha ha ha! Now, to try out my next little gadget." Suddenly, before Dand could order his next weapon to fire, several Borg transported onto the bridge next to each officer. The Borg then quickly injected each of the people on board with nanoprobes which then proceeded to assimilate the men. "What the hell? I thought you were all dead!" Six of Six had transported next to Dand and said, "We are Borg. Resistance is futile." Dand grabbed Six of Six and threw him to the ground and said, "Computer, Dand program 5!" Six of Six tried to get up and grab Dand, but the computer had already transported him to another part of the ship. As soon as Dand materialized in another room, he quickly jumped to a nearby computer console in his secondary command station hidden on the ship. "If I can't have this ship then no one can," Dand said as he proceeded to initiate a command.