Stardate 52021.5 Ensign Bruder sat in her quarters. However, it didn't look like the normal ship quarters. Instead it looked like a 20th century street in New York City. There were no people in sight except for Etely. There was a small pizza joint with metal tables and chairs with peeling white paint outside of it. There she sat, in twentieth century clothes: long blue-jeans, a long-sleeved cream shirt underneath a short-sleeved green shirt, Dr. Martens boots and hat. The hat was pulled over her eyes in a sleeping position, and she was leaned back in one of the metal chairs with her legs stretched out. When she had been awaiting the age when she could be assigned a starship, she had experimented with a lot of various ideas when she was not working on the Enigma. One thing she had tried to do was make a portable holographic projector. However, she was not quite successful. First of all, there wasn't enough power to project people or moving objects. Second, it sometimes worked, it sometimes didn't. Actually, it usually didn't work. But today it was working, so she sat in her NYC street, not thinking of anything, not even wondering why she was confined to quarters and what exactly that time thing had done. The familiar sound of a transporter floated to Etely's ears, and she looked up to see a face she knew only from pictures. "M-mom??", she stammered, standing up and pulling off her hat. The woman looked at her, confusion in her face. "Mom, it's me, Etely!" "E-Etely? Impossible, my little Etely is only two years old." "No I'm not, Mom! It's me, Etely Boston Bruder!", Etely ran to the woman, amazed that she didn't believe her. "Okay, I guess for now I'll call you Etely. Where is this?", she looked around at the lonesome city streets. "New York City, 1999." "Are we in the holodeck?" "No, in my quarters," Etely went over and shut off the projector, and the bland quarters appeared. "Oh. What ship is this? Last thing I knew, I was on the Valiant with my husband." "Yes, with dad, that was 16 years ago! This is the U.S.S. Equinox." "But that ship doesn't exist... wait, did you say 16 years ago? You mean I traveled through time?" "Uhh, Commander, two humanoids just suddenly appeared on board," said Ensign Tony Cahmnen to Ming just before she reached the ready room. "Carter?", she said with hope. "No, sir," the next thing he said with a mixture of disbelief and confusion, "Captain.. Christopher.. Bruder and his wife.. Ani." "What?" She was now very confused, "Where are they?!" "Ani is in Ensign Bruder's quarters, and the Captain is... in the turbolift on his way here!" At that moment the doors opened and a tall, handsome man with brown hair and in an old Starfleet uniform entered the bridge. He looked around, confused, to find everyone staring at him like he was a ghost. "Yes! The time thing I fired must have brought you here!" Etely was overjoyed at the sight of her mother. Then the door to her quarters beeped. "Enter, please," she said. Counselor Dyae and Captain Mason entered the room. All of a sudden, Etely was back in the peeling NY chair and her hat was again pulled over her eyes. She jumped up and looked around frantically. "Where'd she go!", Etely exclaimed. Then she threw her hat on the floor madly and slumped back down in the chair with a frown on her face as she realized it had all been a dream. "Where'd who go?", asked Mason, looking at Dyae. Hadn't she been allowed no visitors? "Never mind," she said with disappointment in her voice, "It was just a dream." "Oh. Well, we came here to ask you a few questions and to tell you what that chronometric bomb did." "Bomb? Oh, gosh, it was a bomb? Shoot, I thought it would place me back in time!" "No, it didn't do that. It was a time bomb, and it went back in time 16 years, and blew up a ship investigating the Badlands." Tears welled up in her eyes and she excused herself and went to her bedroom. The door closed behind her and she picked up another 20th century object. A Discman. She put on the headphones and played track 10 off of her CD from the musical Les Miserables. 'There is a Castle on a Cloud I like to go there in my sleep Aren't any floors for me to sweep Not in my Castle on a Cloud There is a lady all in white Holds me and sings a lullaby She's nice to see and she's soft to touch She says, 'Cosette, I love you very much...' I know a place where no one's lost I know a place where no one cries Crying at all is not allowed Not in my Castle on a Cloud' She sat there for what seemed an eternity, just sitting on the bed, looking at the floor.