Stardate 52009.2 Elea sat in the passenger area of the small warp shuttle bringing crew and supplies to the U.S.S. Equinox from Earth. The small cabin was quiet and the lighting subdued, the others having settled down to rest after the first three hours of the trip. Elea herself had tried to sleep, but she was just too excited, and nervous. So she had instead taken to looking out the small porthole, watching the streaks of stars seen from warp space slide by. She had remained so for several hours, her only movement being her slow breathing and the occasional blinking of her mismatched eyes. Without warning, the engine pitch changed. Elea glanced around the cabin, brushing a stray strand of her red hair behind an ear. None of the others had noticed it apparently. She looked back out the window as the stars returned to pinpricks. The shuttle banked slightly and Deep Space 3 came into view. Visible at one of the upper docking pylons was the Equinox, her new home. The lights in the cabin returned to their normal luminance. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching DS3, please prepare for docking", the Captain's voice came over the loudspeaker, waking a few of the passengers. Elea straightened in her chair. The other passengers had begun waking, some were gathering their things together. Elea glanced down at the small fleet-issue pack that rested on the floor between her feet. The shuttle banked between the docking pylons and nosed over, flipping itself relative to its previous orientation. The small ship nosed into the docking bay on the station, and came to a stop with a light bump. The Captain's voice again came from the recessed speakers, "Thank you for flying with us, and enjoy your stay on Deep Space 3." Elea stood and tugged her uniform, it had become wrinkled over the 6 hour flight. Satisfied that she looked presentable, she picked up her pack and joined the others as they waited to exit. Finally she managed to squeeze her way through the small hatch, and stepped down onto the station's deck. The others weren't wasting any time, they quickly were making there way out of the shuttlebay. Elea sighed and brushed a strand of hair back over her ear, it promptly fell forward again. She squared her shoulders, trying to look more certain and confident than she actually felt. With a determined look on her face, she marched out of the shuttlebay, and into the halls of DS3. Following the directions she had memorized earlier she started toward the Equinox's docking port, and her home for the foreseeable future.