Stardate 52033.1 Lieutenant Kyra Draven stood in the conference room of the U.S.S. Equinox, looking out at the stars that surrounded the ship. It had been three months since the death of her father at the hands of the Jem'Hadar and six months since leaving the Enterprise. It all now seemed like a distant memory. She had made a few friends on that ship, but now, despite hearing all the thoughts and feeling all the emotions of everyone on this ship, Kyra felt more alone than ever. Everything seemed totally new to her. However, she had taken a brief tour of the ship and had met one or two of the crew, who seemed nice enough. Somehow, Kyra couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't meant to be there. Her life as she had known it had ended on Betazed with the death of her father. Since that moment Kyra had wanted to fight the Dominion with everything she could, but Starfleet had other plans for her. Two days after the death of her father, she and her family escaped Betazed and traveled back to Earth to give their account of the invasion of their planet. Kyra had wanted to join the fight to free her people and everyone in the Federation, but her mother had persuaded her to stay on Earth. It hadn't been an easy time for Kyra since graduating from the Academy. She had lost everyone who was ever important to her. Both men had been a big part of her life for so long. Leaving the Enterprise had been a painful decision to make and an even bigger one to put into practice. Kyra had wanted to go back to the Enterprise, but in reality, she felt that she couldn't go back to her old life. There were just too many painful memories there. That part of her life was gone. Now, she had a new assignment and a new life. Her mother had sent her belongings, which had arrived only an hour ago. Kyra had yet to meet her new Captain. She knew from her friend on the Enterprise, Nichola Watkins, that Captain Picard had given her a glowing recommendation. As yet, there had been no contact from Data. He hadn't even bothered to contact her after the death of her father. It had been six months since they had last seen each other and Kyra desperately wanted to talk to him about what had happened. Kyra didn't foresee the two of them seeing each other, at least, not in this life time. She believed strongly that whatever happens to you in this life time will happen to you in another. Kyra looked up as the doors to the conference room opened behind her. "Lieutenant Draven?" The woman asked. Kyra studied her carefully. There was something strange about her. Her emotions were deeply troubled. Kyra had felt the same feeling before, when she had first met Data on the Farragut. He had always wanted to be human and Kyra could feel it. "You must be Lieutenant Elea." Kyra said. The young woman nodded slowly, "How did you know. I thought that empaths couldn't read.." "I seem to have gotten around that problem. Besides, I recognized you from your Starfleet records. You're a Cyberdroid." "Yes, is that a problem for you?" Kyra shook her head, "Of course not, I..." The young Lieutenant moved closer towards her. For the first time, Kyra got a closer look at her. "You're a Soong type android?" Kyra asked. "That's correct. Do you know of us?" Kyra didn't want to say anything. She didn't want the rest of the crew to know her business. "You could say that. I was assigned to the Enterprise for nearly a year." "So you know Commander Data?" Elea asked. "Yes.. I did." But she didn't anymore. She had thought he might have contacted her when hearing about her fathers death, but there had been no response from him at all. To Kyra, that made him seem further away from her. "Was there something I could do for you Lieutenant?" "A few of us are going for dinner, I thought you might want to join us?" There was a long pause before Kyra said anything, "I don't think so. I have things to do." She said abruptly. "Very well." Kyra heard the doors close behind her again. Everything seemed to be leaving her behind these days. Data, her family and her father. There didn't seem any way to get her out of her depression she had been in over the last few months. Nothing seemed to have worked. But, maybe a new assignment was exactly what she needed. She couldn't spend the rest of her life mourning the loss of her father and the loss of her relationship with Data. Something had to give, and perhaps she had just stumbled across the right thing. Lieutenant Elea and Ensign Bruder sat in the recreation lounge talking about the new Exobiologist. Elea felt that she had been a little bit snobbish with her, no doubt because of her Betazoid background. By now, most people on the ship had some information about her. It wasn't that hard to realize that she didn't really want to be there. When Elea had entered the conference room, she had only wanted to try and make Kyra's adjustment a little more comfortable, but she hadn't got the response she was looking for. "Is anyone sitting here?" a voice asked. The two women looked up, seeing Lieutenant Draven, now dressed in her uniform standing above them. "Of course not, please join us." "Thank you." Kyra sat between them. "Welcome to the Equinox." Elea said. Kyra nodded in appreciation. She had known that Elea had only tried to be friendly. But Kyra had sent her away with a flea in her ear. That wasn't the kind of impression she had wanted to give her new crewmates and hopefully, her new friends. Kyra just wanted to get along with them. There were going to be some painful times ahead for her as she would no doubt finally come to terms with the loss of her father. Who knew what the future held for her now. After a while, she might find herself enjoying her new job. However, her ties with the Enterprise weren't severed for ever, Kyra still had one or two friends left on board. She was sure that it wouldn't be before long that Data would contact her again, just to say hello.