Stardate 52037.5 "Drop out of warp." Commander Ming gave the order as the ship approached the Talic system. It was a fairly dispersed system with a very average G-type star and six planets with a little over a dozen moons altogether. Only one of the planets was M Class, "Establish an orbit around Talic 2." Lieutenant Elea responded to the order, quickly calculating the optimal altitude and speed above the planet for the most efficient orbit and entering the numbers into the navigational computer. Commander Ming reached up to tap her communicator so that she could inform the Captain that they had arrived. She stopped herself just before she tapped it when she saw the ready room doors slide open and the Captain walk out onto the bridge. Before Captain Mason was even out of the door he said, "Report." Commander Ming frowned a little, but answered quickly, "We've arrived at Talic 2 and laid in a standard orbit." The Captain, who had made his way to the command chair, looked at the Operations officer, "Mr. Mull, are we getting the same readings we were before?" Without looking up the Bajoran answered, "Yes sir, the warp signature is fainter but it's still there. According to everything we know about the inhabitants of this planet they shouldn't have that kind of technology, not even anything close." Mason watched the image of the grayish-blue planet on the viewscreen, not reacting very visibly to what Mull was saying. He said, "Can you pinpoint the source, Commander?" Mull was working away at his console the whole time, "Just about have it, sir." The console beeped three times, "Got it. Sir, it's a Federation shuttlecraft, the Pascal, our missing shuttle." Enoz had been running a life form scan, as is usual for the science officer to do when approaching a planet. She had finished the life form identification process and looked at the results. All of the humanoid population was made up of natives to this planet, except one. "Captain, I'm reading a Ferengi life sign on the planet, about 18 kilometers from the shuttlecraft." The Captain nodded, calmly taking in the information, "Lieutenant Elea, how many Ferengi were on board the ship before that shuttlecraft was reported missing?" Elea answered, "One, sir. Reman, Ferengi civilian serving as the ship's barber. He was reported missing after our encounter with the Cardassian ship." The Captain looked over at Commander Ming. Ming said, "Mr. Reman must've decided to get off the ship when we were being attacked by the Cardassians. I can't say I blame him, it was touch and go there for a while." Mason answered sharply, "It's still theft of Federation property, Commander. We'll have to arrest.." The Captain was interrupted my Mull, "Captain, somebody's accessing the transporter in Cargo Bay 3. No transports have been authorized. The computer has identified the transport subject as Chaz Mason." The Captain sat up quickly, "Beam him back up to the ship." Mull shook his head, "I can't sir. He's configured the system not to leave a transporter log." Mason turned toward the science officer, "Commander Enoz, can you locate him on the surface?" Enoz looked puzzled, "No, I've just detected a series of nanites in the sensor array, they're specifically impeding our ability to perform life form identification. We can beam people up, but without a comm signal we won't know who we're beaming up. It'll take some time to purge the nanites from the sensor array." Mason looked a little frustrated. Why would his son beam down to the planet and seemingly take measures to keep from being beamed back up, and for that matter where did he get the knowledge of Federation technology to take those measures? He wanted the security chief to begin an investigation, he tapped his comm badge, "Mason to Lopez." No response. "Mason to Ensign Lopez." Commander Ming tapped her comm badge, "Ming to Lopez, respond." Still no answer. Mason said, "Computer, locate Ensign Lopez." The computer responded, "Ensign Lopez is in Cargo Bay 3." Mason suddenly felt the problem might be worse than he thought, "Security to Cargo Bay 3. Commander Ming, Commander Enoz, you're with me. Mr. Mull, you have the bridge." Mason, Enoz, and Ming entered the cargo bay, security officer Beeg was already there. He greeted the Captain, "Captain, good to meet you. I just arrived last night. I'm Chief Beeg." The Captain nodded, "I've read your record, you got a very good recommendation from your last commander," he turned his attention back to the problem at hand, "What have you found out here so far?" Beeg led them to one side of the cargo bay, near the transporter, "I found Ensign Lopez, he's dead." Lopez was lying on the ground, his body torn open in the middle, small robotic implants were placed sporadically over it. Enoz leaned down over the body, "These look Borg, Captain." This puzzle was getting stranger by the minute, "Borg? Chief, have security initiate a search for any Borg activity on the ship. Let's make sure we don't have any stowaways." While they were talking, Commander Ming had ventured toward one of the cargo containers, where she thought she heard some breathing, behind it she found Ensign Bruder lying unconscious, with a strange marking on her forehead, "Captain! There's someone else here, Ensign Bruder." Mason, Beeg, and Enoz all turned their attention toward her. Enoz said, "Is she alive?" Ming nodded, "Yes, but it looks like she's hurt." Mason called for the transporter room to beam Etely directly to sickbay. There was no telling how long she'd by lying back there. He was still baffled by the whole thing. This was at least conceivably possible for a half Vulcan to do, but not something he'd have ever expected from his son. In any case, Chaz was most certainly dangerous and had to be dealt with. "Commander Ming, take an away team to the surface. Chief Beeg will be the acting chief of security, so I want you to take him with you. Find Chaz and bring him back to the ship." Ming shook her head, "Understood. Should we look for Mr. Reman as well?" The Captain thought for a moment, "Yes, but Chaz is your priority. I'll stay on board just in case there are any signs of Borg activity found." The shuttlecraft Pascal lay on the surface of Talic 2. It was irreparably damaged, a trail visible behind it where it had skidded during the crash. Several feet away, six figures materialized in a blue shimmer of light. Commander Ming had brought Enoz and Syxx with her on the away mission. She had been on several away missions with both of them before, and knew she could trust them. Syxx had his usual objections, but as usual she was able to charm him into agreeing. She had also brought Chief Beeg as ordered, and two other security officers, Lieutenant Calea and Ensign White. Enoz and Syxx immediately opened their tricorders and began scanning the area. The rest of them looked around. Enoz turned and pointed toward the East, "I'm detecting a heavy concentration of humanoids this direction." Ming turned and looked, at least the terrain here wasn't that rough, "Then that's where we'll start looking." They started walking through the grassy field. Syxx picked up something on his tricorder, and almost laughed, "I'm picking up heavy concentrations of latinum, that would explain why Reman's here." Lieutenant Calea said, "But Chaz Mason's a Federation citizen, he wouldn't be interested in latinum." Chief Beeg said, "What are we going to do when we find Mason or Reman, so that the ship can lock onto them." Enoz answered, "We have two comm badges set with specific signatures for each of them. We just have to tag them with it and notify the ship to beam them up." Ming continued, "That is if we can find them. I'm hoping there's a town ahead where we can get some clues." On the Equinox, the scan for Borg life forms had come up negative. Captain Mason was on the bridge. He was used to this part of it, when you've sent an away team down and can do nothing but wait for them to complete their mission. He got a communication, at first thinking it might be them. It was one of the nurses in sickbay, "Sir, Ensign Bruder has regained consciousness, but I think you should come down here." Mason said, "Why? What's the problem." The nurse hesitated, "Well, she's acting, um, strangely."