Stardate 52038.5 The Captain was alone in his Ready Room contemplating the current situation, wondering whether he needed comforting by Ensign White, and whether Ensign Bruder was actually gone for good. He hoped so. He picked up the PADD from his desk stating the current ship report. This was all very stressful. He turned around in his chair and looked at the fish tank in the wall behind his desk. He had never cared for those stupid things, he hated swimming or anything in the ocean. That is, anything in the ocean that wasn't extinct on Earth yet. He re-thought that. Everything, he decided, past and present in the ocean he hated. It was all because of that freak accident vacationing on Vulcan when he was a kid. He didn't want to think about that, so he swiveled back around, only to see Ensign Bruder. He almost jumped out of his chair. How had she gotten there? Why didn't the ship tell him when she was detected on board like he told the computer to after she disappeared? And he had excellent hearing, why didn't he hear her? Ensign Bruder was different, Mason noticed. An overwhelming presence of evil. The thing that offset it all were the eyes, fixed firmly on him, not blinking. The biggest thing about them was the color. Normally Bruder's eyes were hazel, a dull green. Now they were a bright, almost fluorescent green. And then they did this weird sideways movement, almost mechanical looking. Creepy, to say the least. He couldn't stand it any longer. If looks could kill, he would have just died a painful death that seemed like it took forever. His hand shot to his comm badge and he yelled, "Security!", or he was meaning to. Nothing came out. He was mute! And then, he was on the planet, in the alien's workshop, with Etely still standing in front of him. He looked around and saw the alien, now in his original form since Chaz had died. The real Chaz was nowhere to be seen. However, Mason didn't know who this alien was, or that he had been the one firing on the Equinox, appearing as his son. All Mason knew was that he didn't like the feeling in his stomach. Lieutenant Alex Jarrod, who had been working the night shift in Sickbay with the EMH, pushed the doorbell to the ready room. The doors opened at the Captain's affirmation. Mason stopped looking at the fish and turned to the officer standing in his doorway. "Sir, I've got some disturbing news. We found a body in space approximately 27 minutes ago. We didn't want to tell you until we had examined it to tell the status," he paused, "Sir, it's your son. He's dead, as of five hours ago. Cause of death by exposure to open space. We thoroughly examined him, and the only thing out of place was a strange mark on his forehead. The EMH thinks it was where something was inserted. The portion of the brain it would lead to was the memory and personality traits. Sir, we think someone may have imitated your son, like a shapeshifter, or put some sort of machine in and that was what was causing him to act strangely." Mason continued to listen, seeming strangely unaffected. "Oh, and one other thing that stood out was a tiny chemical signature right at the mark. We don't have any ideas on it so far, but the Doctor is examining it as we speak. Here's the full autopsy report," Jarrod handed a PADD to the Captain, "I.. I'm sorry sir." "It's all right Lieutenant. Dismissed." As the ready room doors shut behind the Lieutenant, Mason smiled to himself. The chemical signature was untraceable, and it allowed the alien to extract a single DNA from the skin to change his body form to that DNA. The mark was not from something inserted, but from a surgical tool copying the brain memories. The humans were somewhat close, but they'd never figure it all out. They were just as far as he knew they would get. He smiled even bigger to himself, thinking of the mark which was also on the real Captain's head, slumped over unconscious in his workshop. Then, he visualized the Lieutenant again, he looked very fit and strong. He might make an ideal soldier. The alien had him beamed to the planet. It would have been a piece of cake to do it even if he wasn't Captain of the ship now. He threw his head back and laughed. On the planet, Ju'el, no longer called Ensign Bruder, left her post at the Master's command. She had been dutifully standing at her post since the Master repaired the damage to her, which didn't take nearly as long as expected due to the new Borg technology he had acquired. A new soldier took Ju'el's place keeping guard of the workshop. Consulting Bruder's memories, Ju'el learned this man had been on the Equinox. A Lieutenant, as the imperfect mind seemed to think, and Jarrod used to be his name. But the Master surely gave him a new, more perfect name. In fact, her new name, Ju'el, in the Master's language meant "The First Perfect One." Yes, it was a privilege to receive her name. She now heard the Master's voice again. It told her to seek out and destroy the Equinox's away team on the planet. Yes, she would obey her master, die for her master.