Stardate 52038.8 Lieutenant Draven sat at her position in Exobiology. For the last ten minutes, she had been experiencing a strange sensation. She couldn't explain it. It was as though someone had been walking on her grave, a deep feeling of evil and fear. It was overwhelming. Kyra shook her head, hoping to blow the fear away, but nothing worked. She continued to look at the PADD in front of her. Her eyes began to blur as a mental image came into her mind, that of her Captain. He was in danger. Since discovering that her empathic abilities were different to that of other Betazoids, Kyra had been keen to put her abilities to the test. "Lieutenant Draven to Captain Mason." The 'Captain' looked up quickly and scowled. He had been interrupted in putting his plan into action. "Yes, Lieutenant?", he answered, gruffly. "Is everything all right, Captain? I thought I could sense something on the bridge." "Everything is fine. Go back to your duties, Lieutenant." Kyra shook her head, "Yes sir." That didn't sound like the Captain Mason she had known for the last few months. He always welcomed the impromptu call from his officers, but this time he had been strange with her. Kyra didn't have to be in the same room as someone to realize that something was wrong. She put her PADD down and left her office. Heading towards the bridge, she began to realize that there was definitely a presence on this ship, an entity of evil that wanted to destroy the ship and everyone on board. The Lieutenant stepped out of the turbolift and on to the bridge. The bridge crew looked surprised to see her. She made her way over towards Captain Mason's ready room. Kyra reached out and pressed the comm panel, and waited. "Come in!", a voice shouted from inside. Lieutenant Draven entered the room, unsure about what was going to face her. Captain Mason sat in front of her, staring at her. He didn't look at all pleased to see her. "Yes," he desperately search the other Captain's mind to find her name, "Lieutenant Draven." "You sounded strange. I thought that you might..." Then she stopped in mid-sentence, looking at her Captain. But he wasn't her Captain. He was different. The presence she had been feeling had been from him. He was the one she sensed the evil from. At first it was faint, but now as she came face to face with it, she was scared. She had never been scared of her abilities before, but this time, she wished that she hadn't come up here. "You're not Captain Mason. Who are you?", Kyra asked. He said nothing and stood in front of her. 'Mason' reached out from underneath the table and fired a phaser at her. The blast propelled her against the ready room door. She fell to the ground, only stunned, and stayed down. He moved across the room, placing another phaser in her hand. "Mason to the bridge, I need a security team in my ready room." In an instant, Lieutenant Heaton came into the room. "Take Lieutenant Draven to sickbay, then to the brig. She tried to kill me." "Yes, sir. Are you all right?" "I'm fine. Just take care of her." Heaton and another security officer picked Kyra up and dragged her out of the room. Mason sat back in his chair, pleased with himself. But, it wouldn't be before long that Lieutenant Heaton would question Lieutenant Draven and ask her about the attack on their 'Captain'.