Stardate 52039.0 Reman was busy unloading another several pounds of latinum. He had reached the mine late in the day and had been digging all night until the morning. After he had made it to the mine, Reman immedietely began excavating the latinum. Reman just couldn't believe what a large deposit of latinum was in the mine. Each time he scooped out some rock and dirt, there was always a bunch of latinum for him to put on a pile outside the mine. This large abundance of latinum excited Reman so much that he just kept digging until morning, when he collapsed from exhaustion. After a little bit of rest Reman looked up at his pile of latinum, which was easily seven feet high. Reman was smiling to himself when he suddenly realized he had no way of transporting his precious latinum off of the planet and back to his home. This latinum is as useless as the Federation if I can't take it off this planet. What will I do, Reman thought. He then folded his arms and began thinking about what he could do. The people he got the mine from certainly don't need any of his latinum for trade. As Reman continued to ponder his situation he heard a voice behind him, "Well Reman it seems we finally found you." Reman spun around to see Syxx and Enoz, two Starfleet officers he had seen on the ship from time to time. "What are you doing here Reman and what is this cave you are at?", asked Syxx. "Well you see I crashed on this planet and lost my shuttle to the natives. It was all I could do to survive. I just happened to find this mine which I rightfully claim as mine under Ferengi business law," Reman replied. "Reman, first of all you are under the jurisdiction of the Federation and must follow our protocols. This mine isn't yours. Second, we don't want to hear your lies," Enoz said. "What Lies? I told you exactly what happened!" "Sure, Reman. Look we don't have time to argue," said Syxx as he held up his phaser, "You are coming with us."