Stardate 52039.5 Ju'el walked to the outside of the workshop, which just looked like an old shed from the outside. She went up to what looked like an old twentieth century breaker box and opened it. Anyone else would have seen ten old, dusty switches covered with spiderwebs. Ju'el, however, saw an invisible grid with controls to the shop. Only her, her Master, and her fellow workers would have been able to view it or touch it. She had received her Master's orders and hit a button on the grid. The away team had just pulled Calea away from Jarrod when the lights shut off and then returned. They looked around. Nothing looked different. A few pulled out their tricorders, but they didn't work. Beeg looked at his phaser, the only one that worked, and fired it, but it was again not working. Then the shop's door opened and Ju'el walked in. She walked around the group, examining the people. Mason stepped forward and said, "Ensign Bruder!" Ju'el ignored him. She walked over to Ja'ka, who was called Jarrod when he was a human. She picked him up and stepped over to another wall. It slid open revealing a small opening just big enough for one person. She put Ja'ka in and the wall slid back into place. The away team had been afraid to move before, but now Captain Mason started to walk towards Ju'el. He hit an invisible wall and flinched. A force field. The away team was trapped inside a force field. Ju'el smirked and asked her Master what to do next. Elea entered her quarters, she had just gotten off her shift. She wasn't there for long. The away team had been trapped inside the force field one minute, and then they were in a room just barely big enough to hold them all. The walls were of white stone and none of the team's instruments worked. No one could figure out what to do. Little did they know they had not moved, but rather the force field had become not so invisible. The alien didn't want them to see him bring down Elea. He would have started working on her right away, but he had other matters to attend to on the ship. Ju'el was once again in charge on the planet, being the first perfect one. She retrieved Ja'ka from the resurrection machine. He stood up, good as ever. He was, in fact, just a machine. Well, not all machine, but the important parts were machine, like the immune system, reflexes, and parts of the brain. But, Ja'ka was still human, and he was still Lieutenant Alex Jarrod of the U.S.S. Equinox. Ju'el, too, was still Ensign Etely Bruder, and something about the alien's program failed. He left the memories and thoughts of the original person in his soldiers' minds to better equip them to fight, but he didn't realize that the human part would dominate over the machine. It took a while to happen, but it did happen. Ju'el was walking towards Elea to prep her for surgery, when all of a sudden she stopped. Bruder looked down and saw her crewmate. She turned around and looked at Jarrod, who had helped with her med exam when she first came on the ship. She hit him in the forehead with the base of her wrist, right where she knew the deactivate button was. He slumped over. She removed Elea from the table and placed Jarrod on it, and began setting in motion the things that would cause his mind to take over Ja'ka. She found an invisible grid and removed the force field. The crew members looked around in shock. Then Bruder hit another button, deactivating the dampening field, causing the team's equipment to turn on. "Go back to the ship, and take Elea. Now, while you still can!", she ordered them. Mason would have none of this, "Ensign Bruder, I don't trust you anymore, you little traitorous villain!" With that he grabbed Beeg's phaser and shot, but Bruder had activated a shield around herself. "If you won't go back I'll do it myself!" She hit another button on the grid and the team found themselves on the Bridge. All on duty were shocked, hadn't the Captain been right there in his chair? All of a sudden he had disappeared and then this group appeared seconds later. The alien had been sitting on the Bridge working out his plan for that little nuisance in the brig. All of a sudden he could feel something wasn't right. He was back on the planet, standing in front of Bruder and Jarrod. They both had his highly powered weapons aimed at him. His own soldiers rebelling! How had this happened? Why had his perfect soldiers not been perfect!? The alien, who still looked like Captain Mason, scowled at his former soldiers, "You're programmed to follow my orders!" The two still kept their weapons aimed at him. He yelled, "You both know it's a mistake to kill me. Another Changeling from the Dominion is here looking for me. He'll kill both of you whether I'm dead or not. At least I can protect you from him." Etely heard a sound from outside. It was somebody walking up to the workshop. The alien smiled, "You see, Ju'el, he's coming already. Don't think you can beat him on your own." Etely frowned when he called her Ju'el, her name was Etely Bruder. She knew in the back of her mind that he was probably right about the other Changeling and was scared, but didn't show it. She said to Jarrod, "Stay here and keep and eye on him. I'll be right back." With that Etely walked outside. Jarrod hit his comm badge, "Captain, we have the Changeling who first impersonated then killed your son, then next impersonated you to run the ship, meanwhile kidnapping Elea, Ensign Bruder and myself to turn us into his personal pawns, and planning on doing the same with the whole planet. We have him right here. We're awaiting your orders, Captain." Etely cautiously stepped out of the door, looking around for the other Changeling. She noticed movement in front of her and raised her weapon. Before she could fire though, a high powered blast from a phaser rifle hit her, blowing her firing arm off. She fell to the ground and saw the Equinox's engineer, Syxx, run up to her, blood pouring out of her right arm socket.