Stardate 52039.3 The soldiers ran through the bazaar after Lyinn with increasing speed. They thought that when you were only 16 inches tall, you had no chance. Lyinn knew that this was not true. There are advantages to being small enough to fit under practically anything. So she ran under the tables, and behind the booths. It was the only way to lose the ever famous Mar'kin soldiers. Lyinn had to lose the soldiers. If she didn't, what happened to the others would happen to her. She would be sent to some far off planet or moon where she might never see another person again. She could hear the Cryni alarm sounding off somewhere. It seemed far away, but she knew that it might be because of all the material hanging off the table she was hiding under. Sometimes she wished that she could travel the stars, like in the stories some of the giant ones told. Sometimes she also wished she was as big as all of them. She wasn't foolish enough to think the second could happen, but maybe the first... Lyinn peeked out from under the booth. It seems that she has lost the Mar'kin, for now. So, she got out and started to wander around. She had learned when she was much younger that you can't be afraid of the Mar'kin. Careful, yes, but not afraid. Never be afraid. You wouldn't have a life, if you were. Lyinn had spent most of her life wandering around the bazaar. With its many types of people, food, goods, and smells, it was always an interesting place to be. Like many of her kind, Lyinn was good at making and carrying maps around in her head, so she had no trouble getting around. Before her people had left their planet for wandering, they had lived in tunnels. No outsiders know what name her people have given themselves, and thanks to the Mar'kin there weren't very many of them left anyway. Those who were left liked the name Cryni, which was given to them by Mar'kin. But then, the Mar'kin have given them many things, most of which, they didn't even know of. By now Lyinn had reached the food area. She had to be extra careful here. This place was crawling with soldiers. But even as she had this thought she was being noticed. And in so, while she was deciding what she wanted to eat, a soldier was coming over to her.. Salad or that bready-like looking thing.. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted up off the ground. She started to struggle, even though she knew it was too late, as she saw a hand spraying something into her face. And then, darkness. Lyinn opened her eyes to find herself staring at huge open sky. She just stared at it. Back on Mar'kin there was never a sky so empty, never.