Stardate 52011.0 Reman looked around in Cargo Bay 4. He wondered what was keeping his contact. Reman thought, I better not be here for nothing. I have probably already lost some profit by not attending that dinner and I don't think Lopez will get enough business information for me to work with. Oh well, this deal is worth it if that stupid contact would show up. Reman walked around the Cargo Bay a bit looking around it to see if there was anything he could "borrow" from it. All the cargo in this bay had obviously been most of the crew's because there wasn't really anything much there: a few black metal crates, the transporter pad, and a levitation pad. Reman was just about to give up when he noticed a shimmering blue light behind one of the large crates. It started out small and dim at first and then began to grow. Suddenly it flashed brightly and then was gone. Reman was taken a little aback and decided to check it out. He walked around the crate and then said, "You're finally here. I thought you said you were prompt. The whole deal might be spoiled if we waste too much time." A large Cardassian stood up and said, "Dand always keeps his appointments, Ferengi. I just had to be extra careful that no one spotted my ship on sensors." "Hm.. I thought you had some stolen technology to cloak your ship beyond most sensors," Reman said. "Yes but the item you have is very important to me and I don't want to take the chance of losing it. Besides, this new technology I just got is in the experimental stages," Dand said. "What technology would that be?," Reman asked. "Think you can make a profit off of it huh? Well if you must know it is an advanced transporter that can go through shields and be virtually undetected by sensors," Dand said. He is obviously proud of the power he holds and isn't too shy about boasting, Reman thought, Maybe I can get him to tell me some more of his secrets..... "Well how interesting. How does this marvelous technology work?" Reman said with a slight smile. "Well you see it narrows the energy beam extremely thin and it fluctuates until it can pass through any barriers. It also puts out an initial dampening field before and after transport to avoid sensors. I am just working out the bugs right now," Dand said. "Well maybe you should let me look at it. I am somewhat familiar with the mechanics of such devices," Reman said. Dand started to get impatient and Reman could tell he wanted to get the item and leave fast. "Enough of your talk. Do you have it or not?" "Yes, yes of course. Here it is." Reman then walked over to one of the crates in the bay and pulled out a small black box. Reman then walked back over to the Cardassian and started to give the box to him, but when Dand was about to take it Reman pulled it away and said, "Wait. First do you have what I want?" "Hah. Didn't think you would let me get away with it." Dand then took out a communicator and pressed a button on it. The same blue shimmer started to appear in front of Reman and then just as before flashed brightly and then dissipated. In its place was a silver box with Starfleet markings on it. Reman walked quickly over to it and opened the top. Reman looked up and smiled, "All these computer programs are real right?" "Of course. You have there Starfleet programs for all sorts of holodeck programs, various foods, drinks, and a few other interesting ones I stole. I don't see what you think you are going to do with them though." "Ah that is why you steal for people like me. You wouldn't know what to take except war toys. You just don't see the profit in this." Reman then handed the box over to Dand and just as Dand was about to signal for his transport out of the cargo bay... "What's going on in here?!!" A tall woman with blonde hair walked into the bay and was looking at the Cardassian with growing interest, "I thought I would see where you were Reman and ask if you wanted to go to the dinner together but then I find you here dealing stolen Starfleet programs with a Cardassian." It was doctor L'vant. Reman remembered her from when he went to get a "physical" at sick bay. She had caught his eye and Reman figured he might be able to get some oo-mox later if he played his cards right. It didn't matter to him that she was a Betazoid because they couldn't read Ferengi's minds, but right now she was the last person he wanted to see. Dand didn't wait to ascertain the situation, he immediately pulled his disrupter out and fired a clean shot hitting Dr. L'vant in the head. "Didn't see that one coming. I had better get out of here. See you later Reman. Heh, heh," Dand said as he transported back to his ship. Reman looked around quickly trying to figure out what to do. He then quickly grabbed the silver box and ran back to his barber shop, trying to figure out an alibi as he ran.