Stardate 52042.9 Reman was being led down the hall by two security personnel to the brig. The Ferengi was very unhappy about being taken in for something he didn't do, and that the loser security chief didn't even have evidence on. Reman looked up at one of the security officers and said, "Hey, I don't have time for this. I didn't do it I told you." The officer looked down at him and said, "Then who did? You were the only one there." "It was Jack Hindman. I remember now. I didn't recognize him at first but I am certain it was him," Reman responded. "Hindman? He is locked up in a cell. There is no way it could have been him. Nice try, Reman." "I tell you it was him! Check and see if he is there if you don't believe me." The officers stopped dragging Reman and one of them said, "Fine, I'll check. Computer. Locate Jack Hindman." "Jack Hindman is in the brig." The officer turned to Reman, "See?" "That proves nothing!", Reman yelled. The officer shrugged, walked over to a communication console, and contacted the brig, "Hey, is Jack Hindman still in his cell?" The response reverberated back, "Jack Hindman is in his cell." "Okay, are you satisfied?" "NO! I know what I saw." "Fine, we'll find out when we get to the brig." They continued on their trip to the brig. When they walked in, they saw the security officer in charge knocked out on the floor and Jack Hindman's cell empty. The officers released Reman and ran over to the downed security officer, "He's out cold, but he is still alive." One of the officers walked over to the room's communication console and found a recording device on top of it. He tapped a button on it and the recording played back, "Jack Hindman is in his cell." The security officer looked over at the other officer and said, "Hey take a look at this. Reman might have been telling the truth." Reman threw his hands up in the air and said, "Of course I was you stupid hew-mon." The other officer was examining the empty cell and found a communication badge placed on the bed. "A commbadge. It seems as though Jack Hindman escaped and tried to falsify his position. Reason enough to find him and question him about the incident in the barber shop." "Good that's great. Can I go now?", Reman asked. The officers looked at each and one said, "Considering this new evidence I will just order you to be confined to quarters. Until the investigation is done you can't go into your barber shop." Reman looked away from the security officers and said, "Fine with me," and then left the brig. Meanwhile in a Jeffries Tube somewhere on the ship, Jack Hindman was crawling down the tube, holding a tricorder, and muttering to himself, "Now that I have modified this tricorder to search out that weird creature I am sure I can find it and stop it from killing anyone else. I do feel sorry about escaping and knocking out that guard but nobody would believe me anyway. I couldn't stop that creature from killing Telsa but I will stop it from killing its next target." The tricorder suddenly beeped. Hindman stopped and said, "I think I found where that creature originated from. The creature seems to go around the ship everywhere but always goes back to this area. The signal for it is strongest here, but as it goes farther away from the area it gets weaker. I suppose it is killing the crew members for nourishment since it appeared to be eating that last officer. I just hope I am in time." Jack quickly went out through the Jeffries Tube and ended up just outside of Lieutenant Anaita's quarters. Hmm, how strange, he thought. Just as he was about to ring the door chime, the creature ran out, passing through the door with ease, and stopped in front of Jack. , the lizard like creature communicated mentally to him. "Don't try to threaten me! I know what you are doing and I know how to catch you!" Jack quickly pulled out a modified phaser and fired it at the creature who screamed in pain. The blast had blown a large hole in the creature, however the hole quickly closed up. The creature began to run down the hall with Jack in close pursuit. It passed through a turbolift, which Jack ran into. He pulled out his tricorder, checking which direction the creature was going in, "Computer, Deck 16!" The turbolift responded and took him down. As the lift was moving the signal changed and Jack yelled, "Halt!" He opened the door and ran through onto the deck the turbolift had stopped on. Up ahead he saw the creature just around the corner and he sped up his pace. As he came around the corner he saw Beeg struggling with what to him was and invisible being, but Jack saw the creature with its tongue extended around Beeg's neck, sucking a substance out of him. Jack ran up to Beeg and yelled, "Don't worry, I'll get this thing off of you!" Beeg looked over at Jack with his eyes bright red and he yelled, "Help me!" Down the hall two security officers heard the noise and ran down the corridor. Jack took out his modified phaser, put it on a low setting, and used it to cut off the creature's tongue. The creature ran down the hall and then through a wall. As the security officers came to Beeg's position, they saw Jack holding a phaser pointed at his stomach and then saw Beeg hit the floor. Beeg looked up and said, "Jack," before falling unconscious. Jack looked up at the officers and said, "Um... It wasn't me. You see this creature..", but the security officers weren't listening and instead pulled out their phasers. Jack turned and began to run but was stunned from behind by two phaser blasts. Elsewhere, Etely Bruder was walking down the hall to another holodeck when suddenly she felt a pain in her neck. She started to gag and cough. It felt as if all the fluid in her body was leaving her at an alarming rate. Suddenly, the feeling stopped and Etely weakly stumbled to the wall. She propped herself up and said, "What was that? I had better stay in my room for a while." With that she turned and walked away. The creature, who had been trying to suck at Etely's essence, was standing off to the side spitting liquid onto the floor. He looked around and saw a female officer with three eyes walking down the hall and licked his lips, He lashed out his tongue at his prey. Back in Reman's quarters, Reman was pondering what he could possibly do to make some more profit. They may be able to make me stay in my quarters but they can't stop me from making profit. I know! We are still in the Talic system. We may not be near the planet where I first got my latinum but there has got to be other planets with latinum deposits. I just need to locate it, he thought. Reman turned on his computer and asked it if there were other planets or moons in the area that could support life and possibly have mineral deposits. The computer responded by giving a list of planets in the Talic system and several moons. "Computer are there any planets or moons within transporter range?" "There is one moon within transporter range." "Great! Can you scan for any latinum deposits?" The computer proceeded and then answered back, "The moon is desecrate of life but does show some signs of latinum on the surface." Reman thought for a minute and then walked over to a communication console, "Mr. Clemons. Could I have a word with you?" "What is it this time Reman? I have plants to tend to," Mr. Clemons answered with irritation. "I believe you will find it most interesting, but I must show you my findings in person. Please come to my quarters," Reman said. "Very well," Mr. Clemons said as he ended the communication. Reman smiled and began formulating his plan. Although he was sure in his current situation he couldn't use the transporters to beam up anything, maybe someone else could. Someone like Mr. Clemons if he got the correct approval. All he had to do was convince the Arboretum Director that it was something worth beaming up, like a rare plant of the Talic system. Reman figured he could show false findings of a plant to Mr. Clemons and also let him scan using rigged scanners. The readings would come back to verify Reman's initial scan and, after Mr. Clemons got the coordinates and permission to use the transporter, he would soon have his latinum. Reman's door chimed and Reman said, "Enter." Mr. Clemons walked in, "This had better be worth it, Reman, or else you might have some dead plants on your head." "Oh I wouldn't worry much about dead things if I were you. Especially after you see this," Reman handed Mr. Clemons a PADD with scanner data on it. Mr. Clemons looked it over and a look of excitement crossed his face, "This is incredible Reman! These scans say the moon we are currently near supports a single rare plant that has filter and extraction methods to stay alive even in the harshest of conditions. Think what this could mean for millions of people. How did you find it?" Reman shrugged, "I was bored and just happened to be doing some scans, looking for nothing in particular, and happened upon this. Just think, it could make you very famous... or very rich." Mr. Clemons folded his arms, "So, I see your stake in this. Why did you bring these findings to me?" "Because I don't know anything about plants and besides you could take it through the proper channels. I'm a businessman, not a farmer." "You are probably right. Well I just need to check these scans out first to make sure we aren't on a wild goose chase," Mr. Clemons said. Reman turned on his computer, "Feel free to use my computer." Mr. Clemons thanked Reman then sat down and started to scan the moon intently. After a few minutes the results came back positive and corroborated Reman's scan. Mr. Clemons jumped up and said, "I will immediately get permission to beam this plant directly to the Arboretum. I can't wait to study it." Mr. Clemons left Reman's quarters, as Reman silently laughed to himself. "So you need access to a transporter to transport something up?" "Yes, sir, Captain Mason. I require some.. soil samples from the moon for study. As long as we are here I figured I may as well get some." Mason thought for a second and replied, "Very well. Be sure to take all the necessary precautions. Mason out." Mr. Clemons smiled and thought, "Nobody is going to take the glory away from me. I am sure he would steal the plant and give it directly to Starfleet before I could even look at it. I just need some time to study it." With that Mr. Clemons went to the transporter room to supply the coordinates and to wait for his prize. On the planet's surface, Lyinn had been looking around at her surroundings, "I cannot believe I ended up in a place like this. It breaks my heart to find I am no longer home. Oh well. I had better look around to see if anybody lives here." The place looked desolate, nobody around for miles. It looked like she was there all alone with no food, no water, just some old jewelry made of latinum, a substance that's worthless on her planet. Lyinn got up and started to walk but was suddenly stuck in a transporter beam. "What the devil!", Lyinn yelled as she disappeared.