Stardate 52042.9 It was one of those sensations that come upon you in a flash, and by the time you're given time to realize what it is, it's gone. You forget about it, then months later it happens again. Only this time, Matthias wasn't forgetting about it. The suit glinted at him, almost as if it had a life of its own. He stared at it, transfixed. Since he'd awoken and found it on his couch he'd left it locked in the closet, but now, something was calling him.. something primitive and.. familiar. As he stared at the uniform a sense of deja vu washed over him. He ran a shaking hand down the silky fabric of the silver and gold uniform. Something was happening to him. He could feel the stirrings of a new.. different knowledge blooming in the back of his head, a knowledge he wasn't all too comfortable with. "Put it on," a voice taunted him. He whirled around, staring with wide eyes at the empty room. Swallowing nervously, he looked back at the uniform, drawn to it by some strong unexplainable force. "Go on.. wear it," the voice hissed. Glancing around nervously Matthias narrowed his eyes, "Who is that?" Of course there was no answer to his question. Oh great, I'm hearing voices. Next it will be pink elephants and flying lights, he thought. Chewing on his thumbnail he studied the odd uniform. "All right," he muttered, grabbing the uniform and lifting it up, "I'll put it on." It was like moving in slow motion. He put the uniform on with precise care, and when the final adornment rested upon his skin he stood before the mirror, his body stiff. He'd seen this before, this picture he made. It was so familiar. He'd done this before, worn this outfit before. But he couldn't seem to remember, he couldn't grasp the memory. It floated just on the edge of his consciousness, taunting him, playing with him. A noise.. or perhaps just an instinctual sense made him suddenly bolt from the room. Something evil was on the ship, something wrong. He stood outside his room for a long moment. He was surrounded by evil. The salty scent of sulfur filled his nostrils, the intense burning of hatred filled his heart and he was gasping for air, unable to breathe. "Going to the holodeck, Anaita?", a crewmate asked, noticing him standing there. The spell was broken. His new awareness was gone as quickly as it had come upon him, "Haiden?" "Hey? You all right?", Lieutenant Haiden questioned with a frown. Matthias rubbed his brow, "Yeah sure, just.. just going to the holodeck." "Yeah," Haiden was giving him an odd look. Sucking in his breath Matthias started down the hall, Haiden followed him, "You look kind of pale. I mean, more pale then usual," Haiden commented idly, studying Matthias with cunning eyes. It passed them. Matthias stopped and turned, staring at the busy corridor. Something had just passed them, something ethereal. He shook his head, his thoughts in a whirl. Matthias rubbed his arms, which felt extraordinarily cold, and started walking in the direction the 'thing' had gone. "Hey Matthias? What's up with you?", Haiden asked, jogging slightly to catch up with Matthias' hurried pace. "Haiden..." The thing, he could see it now... whatever it was. (It's excitement you want, is it? Then you shall have it.) Someone.. something had said that to him.. sometime. He couldn't remember when or who, but the voice rose to his mind. It was taunting and cruel, intense. "Haiden..", he tried again to explain, but what was the point? He was seeing a curious creature, much like the one that had followed him all his life. No one else could see it, obviously. If he said anything Haiden would think he was nuts. And who knew, maybe he was. Do these things follow me around or what?, Matthias wondered, stepping back and calming his heart. "Hey, Matthias, you're.." "Don't say it Haiden. I just need some sleep, that's all," Matthias said with a sigh, "I just need sleep." "Yeah." "I'll see you around Haiden." Matthias started walking away, then turned, "And Haiden, are there any of those shapeshifters left on the ship?" Haiden shrugged, "How would I know? I'm probably the least informed Lieutenant on this ship." "You and me both."