Stardate 52048.9 Ensign Cahmnen sat down on the table in Sickbay. The EMH walked over to him and asked what was wrong. "Got injured in the Holodeck," was the reply. "Well, there's this amazing thing called Safety Protocols, Ensign." "Hey, what's she in for?", The Ensign nodded his head towards a young Ensign laying on another table, clearly unconscious. "That's Ensign Etely Bruder, who.." "Ensign Bruder? I'd never seen her before. People are talking about her. They blame her for the problems on the ship. So it is true she got her arm blown off on the planet?" "Yes, Ensign. Then we had a synthetic arm placed on her, but it got ripped off, too. Now it looks as though there's so much damage she might not ever get another arm, and her health has taken a turn for the worse in the last 24 hours. She's on all kinds of machines and life support, maybe even massive brain damage because of the Borg implants. It's a wonder she's even alive." "Yikes.." Suddenly the computer console by Bruder started beeping. The EMH rushed to the console to see the problem. The Ensign followed, "What is it? Anything I can do?" "No, I'm afraid not, Ensign," the EMH turned to him, "The computer has detected traces of Borg nanoprobes still in her brain." Ensign Cahmnen walked into the Equilibrium and joined his friends at a table. He sat down and said, "Hey guys, I was just in Sickbay and there was Ensign Bruder, the one that got her arm blown off." "Yikes," replied one of his buddies. "Yeah, and then the computer started beeping and the Doctor said there were still traces of Borg technology in her brain," the rest of them were stunned, "I think that's just creepy, myself. I don't want any trace of the Borg on this ship, that's just too scary.." As he was talking, the doors of the Equilibrium opened and Borg drones came marching in two by two, their red beams flashing everywhere. Cahmnen jumped up and started firing. Captain Mason glared at Ensign Cahmnen through the force field in the Brig. "What is the explanation of this, Ensign? Firing at the Equilibrium doors, random officers and civilians, and even attacking one of the security guards? It's a good thing your phaser was on its lowest setting or else you'd have murder on your hands. Why did you do this?" "I swear, Captain. I saw Borg marching through those doors, and that guard I attacked looked just like a Borg trying to assimilate me." "Ensign, don't you think if there were any Borg on the ship, the computer would detect it and we'd be on red alert?" "You never know, Captain, with that Ensign Bruder on board.." "What about Ensign Bruder?" "You know, she's got that Borg machinery in her." "The EMH told me a week ago it was all gone." "That's not true. I was in the Sickbay and the computer beeped, and when he went over to it, he said that the computer detected Borg technology still in her brain that hadn't been there before." "What?" "I swear, that actually happened." Ensign Bruder suddenly sat up in her bed. Her head was killing her. There was this noise like a swarm going through her mind, and off in the distance a computer was beeping. She looked around and found she was in Sickbay, but everything was blurry and moving. She concentrated on the noise in her head. She realized it was millions of monotone voices talking, all the same thing over and over again. It was in a language foreign to her. Wait, no, she recognized this language. It was one she had learned her first year at the Academy and promptly forgot. She struggled to decipher it. It was becoming familiar... yes, she had it! The voices were saying two phrases over and over again: "We are Borg. You will be assimilated. We are Borg. You will be assimilated. We are Borg. You will be assimilated..." On and on it went. And then it was in front of her, the ugliest creature she had ever seen. She could smell it, a god-awful smell. Then she recognized it. It was what she smelled when the life was being sucked out of her in the corridor! She said to it in her mind, "What do you want from me?" It replied, "You are different than the others. I cannot get into your mind." "I repeat, what do you want from me?" "If you cannot be tortured in the mind like the others there is only one other alternative." "Oh?" "Immediate death." Then everything blacked out and she fell upon the bed as the EMH injected a sedative into her. She had sat up in her bed and stared straight ahead with a glazed look over her eyes for too long. He didn't like that. Maybe whatever was making the rest of the ship cuckoo had gotten to her too. He had just gotten permission from the Captain to send her to Earth on a runabout, since there was better technology there and a better chance of her surviving. The officer on duty tapped his badge and said, "Transporter Room 1, one to beam directly into Docking Bay 3." It didn't take long for the Captain to agree with the EMH. After all, it would mean that finally she couldn't cause any more trouble on his ship. Plus, if she died on his ship some might say he let her die since he didn't like her, and he didn't want that happening, now did he? So, Ensign Etely Bruder was sent off to Earth where they had more advanced medicine and technology, and where she might have a chance to live. Captain Mason smiled to himself as he watched the runabout leave the bay. He finally got rid of her.