Stardate 52049.0 Beeg was sitting at a bar from the 20th century in the holodeck, having a Rob Roy, a human drink that was quite popular during the latter part of the century. Suddenly, gunfire opened up and the owner of the bar cowered beneath the bar, waiting for the shooting to stop. Beeg stood up and pulled a violin case off the floor and opened it up. Pulling out an old machine gun, he started to let the bullets fly. Then after the gun ran out of ammunition, he pulled out a pair of pistols and let loose again, killing the holographic mobsters. One rushed towards him and the Pinx picked him up and threw him, hearing him land and snap in half. Mason was in the room, also, having a battle of his own. He was trying to continue playing the piano during this fire fight. He did well, only losing tempo once or twice. Eventually there were no more people to kill. Meanwhile on the bridge, Enoz was watching the late shift making sure everything was flowing smoothly. While doing this, she was working on the last few modifications on the deflector array so that there was no way for a virus to afflict it. Suddenly, the red alert klaxon sounded on all decks but the bridge. Beeg called, "Computer, end program," but the system didn't respond. Mason barked, "Beeg, end this program. We are at red alert." "Mason, sir, I am trying to." "Hurry it up, Chief." Beeg ordered the computer to deactivate again, but this time the system replied that there was a safety protocol malfunction and the program was restarting. Mason and Beeg were now again at the start of the Mafia program. Meanwhile, Enoz answered the comm on the bridge, not knowing a red alert had sounded on every other deck. Over the comm, Zenoz asked her why she was still making modifications to the dish during a red alert. Hearing the alarm in the background, she immediately hailed Mason, Ming, and Beeg to the bridge, as the other senior officers had already come up. Ming answered, saying she was on her way, but there was no response from Mason or Beeg. "Computer," Enoz ordered, "locate Captain Mason and Chief Beeg." "Captain Mason and Chief Beeg are not on board the ship," chirped the computer. Enoz replied "What are you talking about? Aren't they on the holodeck studying twentieth century Earth history?" The computer chirped that there was insufficient information to respond to the inquiry. "Bridge to Engineering. I want a confirmation that the red alert was sounded on all decks but 1, I also want to know why the alarm went off in the first place," She cut the channel and gazed around at the officers. Ming still hadn't arrived, leaving her in charge, "I want a floor by floor search for any missing personnel and computer scans for where and what can be causing all this." Zenoz marched down a corridor, checking quarters where the civilians were required to be during a red alert. Reman wasn't in his, so he reported it to the bridge. Not trusting the computer, but using it anyway, Ming and Enoz found that Reman was in Cargo Bay 1. Enoz ordered Reman to the bridge, curious as to why he was ignoring this mysterious red alert. Reman, making one more check through the cargo bay for his missing latinum, cursed Enoz as a three-eyed hew-mon lover and ignored the comm. Lyinn cowered in the corner of the room, still hiding. Reman's frustration was really starting to get to him. The Ferengi picked up another latinumless crate and threw it in anger. Lyinn screamed and Reman howled in pain as the high pitch hurt his ears. Lyinn ran to the corner of the cargo bay. Reman could not believe his eyes as he saw a very short alien running away from him. "Commander Enoz, what was it that you wanted!? I think there is some sort of life form in the cargo bay!", he called out. "Reman, is that the cargo that Mr. Clemons beamed aboard? The plant samples?" "Yes, ma'am." "Well get out of there and report to the bridge. I need you to do something for me." Meanwhile back in the holodeck, Beeg was getting the workout of his life fighting the Capone family and defending the shorter Mason, who was also fighting. "You know Beeg," Mason said, "I may put you in for promotion after we get out of this. I should say if we get out of here." A holographic Al Capone walked in the door and called out, "Are you the freak that has killed all of my men? You, the tall lanky fellow with metal hands. Why do you protect this fellow, this Mason?" "Because he is my boss, Capone." "Well you have done well. Let's see how you will handle this change of terrain. How about a decade ago in Europe? World War One may present a better challenge for you." Beeg's eyes went red and he asked Mason if he could 'murder' the Capone hologram. Mason quickly but mildly replied, "Not yet. He's showing a greater awareness of what's happening here than a holodeck character should have. If he's responsible for locking us in and taking control of the computer, we need to find out how." "Sir," protested Beeg, "my blood is boiling, what can I do?" The scene immediately changed to a trench on the German border. "Duck!", yelled Mason, pulling the Pinx down. Artillery flew overhead as both officers noticed the dead bodies around them. "Give me a just a few minutes, Beeg," said Mason, pulling up a crate with a radio in it, "I may be able to take advantage of the fact we now have this to use. Just keep me covered while I work." "All right, Captain. Can I kill now?" "Yes you may. They're only holograms, even if this was one of the bloodiest wars in Earth's history." Beeg immediately leapt behind an artillery piece and began firing shells at the Kaiser's loyal minions. After a moment, Mason thought he had repaired the radio. Holodeck matter and signals couldn't exist outside of the deck, but he hoped the holoradio signals would be picked up by the holodeck's commpanel he was unable to reach, "Bridge! Anyone! This is Mason, do you read me?" Ming's voice came over the radio, "Captain, where are you? How are you calling us?" "I'm using a radio. Nevermind, get Beeg and I out! We are trapped in the first World War! I don't know how long we can hold out! Cut the power to the deck or blow the doors up, I don't care, just get us out!" Reman came running onto the bridge, yelling, "I know something, I know something! Clemons did not beam up latinum, he beamed up some little monster that hurt my ears. That clothed female is probably the cause of all our problems!" Ming and Enoz glanced down at their uniforms and then stared at Reman.