Stardate 52011.4 Elea looked around the room with wide-eyed wonder. It was very impressive. Ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, while well-dressed holo-waiters served what looked to be delicious food to everyone. It was all brightly lit, and overly loud. It seemed everyone was talking at once. While the noise level was somewhat new to her, she was glad that nothing was being directed at her. She was still too overwhelmed to get out much of an intelligent answer anyway. On Elea's right sat Mr. Syxx, the Bolian Engineer. A very interesting person, he talked with much enthusiasm about the ship's new Navigational Deflector. Elea listened with half an ear, recording much of what he said for later review. Most of what he said sounded very interesting, and gave her several ideas about navigating, she'd have to try them later. Curiously enough, he wasn't paying her much attention. When she had first heard she was sitting next to the Chief of Engineering, Elea had believed he would question her to no end. Thankfully, he wasn't. On her right sat Lieutenant Commander Mull, the ships Operations officer and a Bajoran. Elea kept glancing at him, quickly and out of the corner of her eye. Why is he looking at me like that, she kept thinking, Maybe there is something on my uniform? To embarrassed to check, she figured someone would point it out. Besides, he was the only person staring at her. She glanced over again nervously, this was not good. I have to sit next to him on the bridge for hours on end, will he stare at me all that time?, she thought. She was shocked from her musings and recording by the Commander's voice, talking to her! What had she said? Elea quickly scanned back in her audio log, searching for the question. Obviously it was a question, judging by the look on her face. Uh oh, this is taking to long... I better hurry up! What if they get mad? They might not like me then! Her mind raced, just then the record pulled up. "Yes sir, I am", her voice almost oozed nervousness. Oh boy... Commander Ming smiled, "Becky, remember? I'm off duty." "Sorry, sir", Ooops, "I mean, Becky!" Ming nodded, "Don't worry about it, sweetie. You'll get the hang of things in no time." Elea nodded in reply, and almost sighed in relief when the conversation moved away from her. She noticed Lieutenant Commander Mull looking at her again. Nervously, but trying to hide it, she took a bite of the caviar. The taste was not pleasant, she struggled to hide her revulsion. Oh ick, this is horrible! She swallowed anyway. She glanced up as Mr. Syxx stood and exited the holodeck. Off to find the doctor. Not trusting the rest of her food, and not really needing it either, she decided to just watch and learn. Thankfully, Mull had stopped staring at her, and was now concentrating on not trying to look sick. Elea almost giggled, he must have tried the caviar. Suddenly the Captain's communicator beeped, interrupting him in mid sentence. Everyone at the table looked up at him. "Syxx to Mason" "Mason here" "Captain, I found Doctor L'vant. She's dead." The table hushed noticeably. The Captain looked up at some of his officers, "Understood Mr. Syxx. I'll be right down." With that, he stood and left. The XO and some security officers tagged along. Elea looked shocked, as did most of the rest of the crew at the table. Someone had just died on the ship. What had happened? One by one the others began to talk amongst themselves again. Elea looked around nervously, suddenly feeling very small. The Captain had been sitting across from her, he hadn't spoken to her much, but he seemed to calm those around him. She stood and mumbled, "Um, excuse me, I think I'm going to retire now..." Everyone had looked up at her. Great. She forced a smile and began to leave the table. "I think I'll be going too, goodnight all," Mull stood as well and started after her. Soon after they had exited the holodeck and started to the lift he caught up to her, almost jogging to keep up. While she wasn't all that tall, she certainly could walk fast if she wanted! And she wanted to now, she wanted away from all those people. It was just to much! There weren't that many people on the research station where she had been "born". "Hey, wait up!", Mull called out. Elea stopped at the lift, "Yes sir?", she blinked at him questioningly. Maybe he'd point out whatever it was that was on her uniform. Instead, he looked embarrassed, "Um, can I...", he looked around quickly, "Uh, ride the lift with you?" Elea was taken aback, odd question, "Of course sir, it holds more than one." Mull nodded and smiled slightly, "Please call me Valen, we're off duty. What's your name?" The lift arrived and the duo stepped inside. "Deck 14", Elea told the computer. "Uh, um, Deck 16", the lift began its decent. Elea looked up at Mull, since he was slightly taller, "My name is Elea, Lieutenant Junior Grade," she smiled proudly. "Whoa, not THE Lieutenant Elea? Conn officer?", he grinned broadly. Elea nodded hesitantly, "Yes sir, that's me" Mull's grin widened, "We'll be working together then! I'm the OPS officer." Elea nodded again, "I know. Lieutenant Commander Mull Valen. You transferred here from the Bradbury approximately one week ago. You're a Bajoran from the Pholen province, and are 24 standard years old. You joined Starfleet right after the Cardassian occupation ended." Mull looked surprised, "How'd you know that?" Elea shrugged slightly and smiled proudly, "I glanced at the crew roster." "And you remembered all THAT?" Her smile widened slightly, "I remember everything I read." The lift slowed to a stop on her deck, the doors sliding open with a low pneumatic hiss. "Goodnight Mr. Mull, I'll see you tomorrow on the bridge," she smiled at him as the door closed on his shocked expression. She turned and walked down the corridor a short distance to her quarters.