Stardate 52052.4 Reman was in his barbershop finishing up a customer. "Thanks Reman. You do good work. Well, I had better get back to the brig," said Lieutenant Heaton. "No problem. Nice doing business with you," Reman said as he showed Heaton to the door. When it closed, Reman pulled out a communications device and pressed a few buttons on it. After a few moments Lyinn came knocking from on the other side of the bulkhead. Reman picked up a metal rod leaning against the wall and used it to pry the bulkhead open. Lyinn walked in. The Cardassian mind control device that Reman had put on her was still on her head. She had several things in a little backpack that Reman had put on her. Reman picked her up, took off her backpack, and then put her back into her cage. Reman then hid the cage in his barbershop. "Let's see what you got for me. I hope none of the senior officers noticed you in their quarters. This little test for you will prove your usefulness to me," Reman said as he picked up the backpack and opened it. First, he pulled out a jar of waxing gel that belonged to Syxx, "Ah, yes, some Bolian waxing gel. They use this to clean their scalps. A shiny head is seen as a sign of good hygiene and attractiveness to the opposite sex. Not worth much but maybe I could use it. What else have we got here?" Reman pulled something else out. It was a picture of the bridge officer Elea without her clothes on. Reman studied it for a second, "Hmmm.. this is interesting but obviously not a real picture. I can spot a fake like this a mile away. It seems as though someone else on this ship has the same idea as I do, but being a Starfleet officer they probably shouldn't be having such thoughts about a fellow officer. I could use this picture against them. The name on this picture is... Mull Valen. I know who that is and soon he will be getting a visit from me." Reman set the picture down and took another object from the backpack. It was what appeared to be a translation table for an ancient Vulcan writing system and also a note written using the characters. Reman couldn't make heads or tails of it, but decided he could translate it later on and maybe find out some interesting things. "It is signed Captain Mason. I wonder what he needs to keep so secret as to use such an old and difficult Vulcan writing system. I'll just have to figure it out later." Reman put the note and the table on top of the picture. He then took another item from the pack and looked at it. It was a metal tin with some green and blue crushed grains contained within. It couldn't have been beetle snuff because there weren't any other Ferengi on board, thought Reman. Reman tried sniffing some but quickly blew the rancid smelling grains onto the floor. "Oh Frinx! That stuff is awful! I had better get rid of it," Reman said, tossing the tin in the replicator. The replicator turned on and eliminated the tin. Reman reached in the backpack again and pulled out another picture. It was very different from the other picture but was still interesting. On the picture were two men and two women standing together posing for the obviously real photograph. They all had white lab coats on and the caption under the picture read, "Daystrom Institute Cybernetics Division, Elea Project Development Team. Pictured from left to right, Commander Bruce Maddox, Dr. Karry Bishop, Max Flannery, and Tina Richter." Reman put it down, mumbled how worthless it was, and then went on to the last item in the backpack. Reman pulled out a PADD with deflector calculations and sensor records on it. It was marked as Chief Beeg's property. "Well, well, well. What is our great 'suspended from duty' Pinx officer up to? It looks like he took the sensor logs from when the Goulavar shot that pulse at us and tried to duplicate it using the deflector dish. Too bad I have his calculations and sensor logs. He won't be making any more modifications without this, unless he wants to buy it from me of course," Reman said quietly laughing to himself. Meanwhile in Syxx's quarters, Syxx was looking around for his waxing gel, "I could have sworn it was here," said Syxx. He then walked over to the replicator, made some more, and began applying it to his head. In Lenoz and Zenoz's quarters, Lenoz was hastily looking around under the table, in draws, and anywhere else. "Where the hell is it? I can't find the stupid little tin! This has got to be the worst," he said. Zenoz yelled from the bed, "Have you found it yet? I need it now! Not tomorrow, not next week! You don't want me to get up do you?" "No of course not, Zenoz. Just give me a break. I thought we brought the Oblokoni herbs to calm your irritability during your cycle with us but I must have misplaced them," Lenoz said. "Well find them!", Zenoz yelled as he threw a pillow at Lenoz. Lenoz ducked, shook his head, and then continued his search. Elsewhere on the ship, Captain Mason looked down at his table where his note was supposed to be. I need to finish that note, but how can I if I can't find it. I could just write another one but if I can't find the other one then that means someone must have taken it. That note is too important to me for anyone else to read it. Good thing I wrote it in that ancient Vulcan writing, Mason thought to himself as he pondered what he should do. In Beeg's quarters, his temper was starting to get the best of him again. Beeg's eyes were light orange but began to turn red. "I know I left those calculations and sensor logs in here where nobody else would find them, but where is it? I need those calculations to make the final modifications! I can't take it anymore!" Having said that Beeg had reached the peak of his control and stability. He yelled as he started throwing and overturning things, trashing his room looking for his PADD. Next, he took out his anger on his mattress, tearing it open. Then he broke the mirror in the bathroom by punching straight through it and then crushing it with his foot. He then ripped the clothes dresser out of the wall and tossed it across the room. His blood was racing and he was sweating and breathing heavily. After breaking almost everything in his room, Beeg looked over at his glass table and with one mighty swing broke it into a thousand pieces that sprayed all over the floor. With that he slumped down on the ground and growled in a low voice. Mull was disturbed as well when he went into his quarters to find something missing. He was frantic that someone might have found his picture of Elea, maybe even Elea herself. It was something Mull didn't want to get out and give him a bad reputation with the women on board. He grabbed a tricorder and began searching his room to discover it was nowhere to be found. That didn't stop him, though. Mull went down the hallway and continued his search. After a time Elea came down the hall and noticed Mull intently staring at his tricorder, searching every inch of the hallway. "Are you looking for something, Commander?", she asked. Mull was startled at the sound of her voice and dropped the tricorder, "Oh, Elea. You scared me. I was busy um... looking for something I may have lost," Mull answered back. "That's funny you should mention losing something because I lost a picture I had. Not to long ago either," Elea said. "A picture? What kind of picture," Mull said, a little paranoid. "Oh, it isn't that important. Just something I had. What are you looking for?" Mull was getting nervous and quickly picked up his tricorder, "Um... nothing really. My item probably isn't as important as your picture. I'll tell you what. Why don't you give me a description of the picture and I could find it for you," Mull said anxiously. "No, that's okay. I'm sure it will turn up when I least expect it," Elea said. Mull gave her a nervous glance, "Uh... sure. Well, talk to you later." Mull turned and walked off quickly. Elea cocked her head to one side and reviewed the visual record of what she had just seen. "He is searching for a picture. I thought I saw something about it on that tricorder he had. I wonder what he's up to?", Elea said as she continued down the hall.